Yes, more games. Just not yet.
*sob* i have learned so much from these games... will the movie do the same? Or will it just be a movie that's good.. but souless... This is the first time i've ever doubted lorne..
Lorne makes very clear, in the middle to end of this interview, that he still believes games and films, and all entertainment, can be rich, fulfilling, and informative. When I met Lorne and Sherry, they weren’t any less devoted to the environment, human rights, civil liberties, and the kind of ‘hi‐tech’ shamanism the Oddworld games were/are.
They're not making an oddorld movie first, but making one that's more likely to interest the general public, and help give them more of a head start than starting straight with Oddworld movies, which would be more obscur to some and perhaps be a bit too risky as a first movie.
Absolutely. Starting with a fresh IP will mean audiences aren’t alienated by Oddworld, and gives Lorne directorial experience that will hopefully make executives feel comfortable enough giving him full creative control of an Oddworld film.