I really doubt they'd re-release MO for the Wii, but it would use the controller perfectly, but the gamespeak might be pretty impossible unless Nintendo made another extension controller.
Jordan, remember what you said in the thread of Hand Of Odd? A microphone piece thing, or whatever you called it, that would be amazing!
YAY that idea!
Also, AE and AO are amazing, I would not choose a remake. But if they did, you could play it in
2D version, or pick 3D, that would be neat.
But I'd rather see them make a whole new game over a remake.
I want them to stick with PC or Xbox...because I have them, maybe the Wii in the future (at least not until I get it! haha)
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian

I love my girlfriend, Amy more than alot.
I love my family.
I love my music