Wii Vs. Ps3 Vs. Xbox 360
Excuse me, if this already has been done. I am trying to attach a poll to this, so post which one, that in all is the better system. Post your opinions. Yeah, magazines did it, people talk about it, let's see what we all have to say about it.
Xbox 360, though I know the least about it, it seems Xbox 360, has nothing new to offer, though I don't know much about it. Those of you may show me wrong, it just didn't seem like there was any big advances.
The Ps3, yeah it has a blue-ray DVD. It can go on the internet, it can blow up Antarctica, and you can make chicken and weanies on it's hard drive...but I thought we were talking gaming consoles? Let alone...600 Bucks! Damn, all it's new features don't even really seem have much to do with games!
The Wii! Oh Magical Wii. You can actually do something new! You jump around, you swing at stuff. You get into it! I mean seriously, what could be more fun, and what we've seen of it is only the beginning! Haha! They even made me wanna play bowling and fishing just because you can swing stuff and let it go, and it's just so fun! My gosh, the Wii wins by so far! It is so good, the only one I have actually played, the only one I seriously looked forward to.
For me, the Wii is the better console of the three.
Also, please tell me if there is anything new the Xbox 360, is offering, it would have been second after the Wii in my favorites I like xbox a lot so don't thing I am trying to dog the xbox, because I still love it.
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