Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Non-Oddworld Gaming

: In all, which is the better game system of the three.
The Wii 6 28.57%
Xbox 360 14 66.67%
Play Station 3 (the PS3) 1 4.76%
: 21.

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01-18-2007, 05:21 AM
Taytay's Avatar
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Wii Vs. Ps3 Vs. Xbox 360

Excuse me, if this already has been done. I am trying to attach a poll to this, so post which one, that in all is the better system. Post your opinions. Yeah, magazines did it, people talk about it, let's see what we all have to say about it.

Xbox 360, though I know the least about it, it seems Xbox 360, has nothing new to offer, though I don't know much about it. Those of you may show me wrong, it just didn't seem like there was any big advances.

The Ps3, yeah it has a blue-ray DVD. It can go on the internet, it can blow up Antarctica, and you can make chicken and weanies on it's hard drive...but I thought we were talking gaming consoles? Let alone...600 Bucks! Damn, all it's new features don't even really seem have much to do with games!

The Wii! Oh Magical Wii. You can actually do something new! You jump around, you swing at stuff. You get into it! I mean seriously, what could be more fun, and what we've seen of it is only the beginning! Haha! They even made me wanna play bowling and fishing just because you can swing stuff and let it go, and it's just so fun! My gosh, the Wii wins by so far! It is so good, the only one I have actually played, the only one I seriously looked forward to.

For me, the Wii is the better console of the three.

Also, please tell me if there is anything new the Xbox 360, is offering, it would have been second after the Wii in my favorites I like xbox a lot so don't thing I am trying to dog the xbox, because I still love it.
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01-18-2007, 05:29 AM
Spirrow's Avatar
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The PS3. Of course everybody else's response is likely to be the Xbox 360.

And this belongs in Off-Topic gaming, my man.
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01-18-2007, 05:32 AM
Taytay's Avatar
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Oh, did I put this in the wrong section?
I am sorry.

Why the Ps3? The only neat things about it that I have heard, are things like it can blow up Antarctica and it can fry your dinner, and it has expensive dvd, I am just curious to what it can do, I don't mean to be attacking you or anything.

Off topic: Ill spell check it later, sorry! I really have to go.
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01-18-2007, 07:24 AM
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The Wii by far, it's controller is so advanced and hi-tech in gaming. I don't see any specialness of the PS3 and 360, in my opinion!
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01-18-2007, 07:50 AM
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360 ftw. Wii is a gimmick and PS3 has no good games as far as i can see.
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01-18-2007, 12:42 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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I voted 360. Although, I also like the Wii .

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01-18-2007, 01:25 PM
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360 FTW. It has a great online system, in which you can download games, game demos, TV shows, and rent movies. The interface is nice, it has the best games thus far. The graphics can compete with the PS3 and for $200 more dollars you can get an HD-DVD player.

PS3, has maybe 2 good games coming out for it and has nothing new in gaming.

Wii is a gimmick, straight up. All you loosers will whine when the Wii looses momentum in 1-3 years.
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01-18-2007, 01:42 PM
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Wii60. I like both...but 360 gets my vote.

PS3=overhyped crock of crap.
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01-18-2007, 01:46 PM
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I like the Wii and all, but 369 has my vote as of right now.

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01-19-2007, 01:34 AM
Reptile's Avatar
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360 is defo king of 2007, it has a great line up of games. Gears Of War pretty much destroyed everything else out there, and lots others like Turok, Half Life Episode Two and Halo 3.

Ps3 had crap games and still will.

Wii is awesome too!
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01-19-2007, 06:12 AM
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He didn't ask for the best system, he asked for the better system.
Which is why I voted for Wii.
It's second to the 360
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01-19-2007, 06:29 AM
aaj111's Avatar
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The Wii and 360 are going to have all the compition this generation... But in my opinion.

360 > Wii > Not Playing Anything at All > Ps3

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01-19-2007, 07:55 AM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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I did a school compare/contrast essay on this recently...I side with the 360.
Yeah, the controller in the Wii is...interesting, but the rest of it is kind of at a loss to the rest. And the PS3, apart from the extra little attachments and stuff, really doesn't have anything that the 360 doesn't.
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01-19-2007, 03:12 PM
Bonedust's Avatar
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This website has the list of consoles sold.


PS3 online play sucks.
1. It doesn't have comparable service to X-Box live.
2. There are no good games which limits you online posibilities.
3. You cant invite friends to play your game.
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01-20-2007, 09:09 AM
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With that list, every option is time-biased. New console haven't had as much time to sell things, unlike the 360, which has been out for a year. If I remember correctly.

I found it funny more Wiis sold than PS3's.

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01-20-2007, 10:26 AM
moxco's Avatar
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Sorry to change the subject a bit.
But how did The Xbox360 get its name? When i first heard of "360' i thought it was going to be a circle, or is it called 360 because its a revelosion for gamming?
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01-20-2007, 05:42 PM
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Because they didn't want to call it the Xbox 2 because that would imply that it's not as good as the PS3. So now it's 357 increments better!

Silliness aside, it's probably because it just sounds like a cool number, having associations with a full circle and whatnot.
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01-20-2007, 09:23 PM
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In it's begginings I think it meant 'Gaming all around you' or something gimmicky like that.

360 ftw. Wii is a gimmick and PS3 has no good games as far as i can see.
Truetrue. Even though I only use the 360 to play cds these days.

Wii = wankmotron, and PS3 = expensive wankmotron... and 360 = wankmotron that came out first.

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01-21-2007, 02:56 PM
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xbox 360:P because of the games for it. PS3 is really no different. Wii is still dodgy. There too much effort in the game especially when I played zelda. ka ka ka , i almost broke the controller in frustration. I dont have a wii, played it at a friends house.
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01-21-2007, 03:12 PM
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I am not happy with any of them right now. My Xbox 360â„¢ got the stupid 3 red lights and I need to send it in for free to get it fixed by what they say is a factory in Texas, but I hear it is in Mexico.

The Ps3 just has really bad games out right now that I don't like. Hell I can't even get my hands on the damn thing.

The Wii is fun at first but it is still bringing games that really is not what I like to

I will have a better answer for this question later this year.

For now I voted for Xbox 360....*sigh*

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01-21-2007, 06:18 PM
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Munhchman, do you know why your 360 gave you the red lights? I've found mine does it everytime I turn it on without it plugged into the TV. It works fine the rest of the time, just saying.
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01-21-2007, 10:38 PM
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What's bugging me is all these Wii activity games, like they just brought out Monkey ball and Rayman raving rabbids, I know it's to show the features of the Wii, but isn't that what Wii sports is all about? I don't mind Wario Ware, there has to be a Wario Ware for all Nintendo consoles. I prefer the adventure games, like Zelda, and Mario Galaxy.
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01-22-2007, 01:56 AM
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That's like saying "The DS would be better if it weren't for all those games that use the touch screen". A console needs a range of games and there's more than enough room for games of any depth that use the technology well.
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01-22-2007, 09:56 AM
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I mean, when there is no story to a Wii puzzle game. Puzzle games usually don't have much of a story, I like an in-depth, detailed story line, in my opinion, but I guess the Wii puzzle games are kinda fun, but I'm waiting for action and adventure, which I know will come, seeing as these activities show the features of the Wii, and everybody'll know by the middle of the year...
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01-22-2007, 11:04 AM
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Playstation 3 is a lot of talking the talk but not walking the walk. I have not seen any games worth the label 'Next Gen Game' on the PS3 while the 360 has at least 2.
As for the Wii, the new controller is a nice touch and all, if it wouldn't have been for a lot of people getting injured by it (including my girlfriend grr!) and the graphics you expect to see in a next gen console are simply not present.

360 gets my vote.
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01-22-2007, 11:04 AM
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Well... Crossword-puzzles don't have a story either. That's why they're called PUZZLES.

Also: 360 for me. I just love it
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01-22-2007, 07:07 PM
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Sorry to change the subject a bit.
But how did The Xbox360 get its name? When i first heard of "360' i thought it was going to be a circle, or is it called 360 because its a revelosion for gamming?

they said because it covered more than gaming...so it covered the whole spectrum of entertainment...that's why it's 360

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01-23-2007, 12:18 AM
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Besides new, better games hows the ps3 any differnet to the ps2?
360 all the way!
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01-23-2007, 05:45 AM
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they said because it covered more than gaming...so it covered the whole spectrum of entertainment...that's why it's 360
It's also to keep up with the Playstation 3... If they would have called it Xbox 2 then it would have a marketing disadvantage over the PS3 because of it's name. Don't ask me why, people apparently judge consoles by their name these days.
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01-23-2007, 08:17 AM
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That's one of the things that annoyed me about the PS3, what a boring name, PS One was fine, but then PS2, then PS3, how boring... -_-
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