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01-08-2007, 10:47 AM
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THE Halo Thread

This is THE Halo Thread; any other Halo Threads created will be closed immediately.

So discuss all things Halo-esque~!!

Previous threads now closed:

- Rexy

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01-08-2007, 10:49 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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Betcha can't stick it...

I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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01-08-2007, 01:38 PM
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Heheh. Halo FTW.
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01-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Kamille's Avatar
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I need a weapon!
Macross forever.

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01-08-2007, 10:51 PM
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Why is halo so goddamn popular again? It's a fun game yea but it's not THAT big of a deal! -_-
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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01-08-2007, 11:12 PM
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Cause Havoc, Halo 3 is being made and peeps made this video with Halo 3 in it a we're all like ZOMG Halo 3 FTW and then all the haters are like Pa-shaw, its just the same old thing and the Halo lovers are like ZOMG Halo 3 FTW, asnd the Haters are like Pa-shaw its the same old thing, and then the Halo lovers are like ZOMG....

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01-09-2007, 12:13 AM
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Yea well whatever but I mean Pa-shaw, Halo 2 was launched on f*cking Times Square while there was nothing special about it =/.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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01-09-2007, 04:56 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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Whatever you think about Halo, this is now the official thread. So no mpre new Halo threads please .

Ooh, an actual discussion about Halo! Well... Sort of...
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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01-09-2007, 11:44 AM
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A discussion that was absolutely forbidden in the last thread! Nice one.

Halo is only fun when with friends and on some kind of drug.

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01-09-2007, 03:54 PM
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Halo is only fun when with friends and on some kind of drug.
And Super Munch is suitable as both.
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01-11-2007, 02:50 AM
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Why is halo so goddamn popular again? It's a fun game yea but it's not THAT big of a deal! -_-
Quoted for truth
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01-11-2007, 10:59 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Why's it popular? It's an intruging question, and one that you could go on about for a while. But I reckon that in general, it's because everything in it is quite well done. There's faults, to be sure, but the multiplayer, the gameplay, the story, the AI, the graphics, they're all good. And you could point out problems with all of them, but they're few and far between, which may be why you could name most of them. It's not the best thing ever, but it's up there for games.
Anyway, it's the best FPS in my shelf. Mind you, that includes games like Black, which isn't too good except for graphics, and Pariah. Don't get Pariah.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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01-13-2007, 05:38 PM
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It does what it does well. A quality standard that few reach. But the biggest factor is its enjoyability. It's fun to play, so it is popular.
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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01-13-2007, 06:08 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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I don't think it's all WOOHOO awesome... But I love it. I think they are going to ruin it with Halo 3. Especially with the brute armor...

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01-13-2007, 06:19 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Ok... so, what's so bad about the brute armour in Halo 3? I haven't seed that vidoc or whatever they called it, but I reckon I've seen it anyway.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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01-13-2007, 06:46 PM
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Its' Kickarse. Tough full body armour, the leaders have shiny Red or Gold armour.
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01-13-2007, 07:50 PM
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For refrence, all Halo videos (RECENT AND OF INTEREST):

Halo 3 Ad On ESPN

Halo 3 Brute Vid Doc

Halo Wars

Anymore I forgot to put, let me know.


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01-15-2007, 09:05 AM
Fez's Avatar
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I swear I made a "The" Halo thread years ago. Shoulda digged it up! YEAH!

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01-15-2007, 09:14 AM
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Halo is fun, if you dont have Xbox Live then Halo 2 is kinda lame. The online play is hella fun..........but GoW is better. :P

I'm looking foward to Halo Wars and Halo 3, but the graphics for Halo 3 have some tough competition with Unreal engine 3 out.
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01-15-2007, 05:13 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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I think the last "The" Halo Thread before mine (Grrr...) was closed anyway, which is why I made it. So, there you go.
And Halo 2 without X-Box live is not lame - ever heard of split screen? although I agree that there's a large portion of the game lost without X-Box live, as I would know...
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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01-15-2007, 07:09 PM
aaj111's Avatar
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GoW looks retarded, and Half Life 2 (Which I rented) Is lame. So there. But Halo isn't all that woohoo like many people say...

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01-15-2007, 07:48 PM
Bonedust's Avatar
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Although I agree that there's a large portion of the game lost without X-Box live, as I would know...
Most of the people i play with wont even play campagine mode but X-box live will probably give gamer points if its completed on certian difficulities.

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01-15-2007, 11:32 PM
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GoW looks retarded, and Half Life 2 (Which I rented) Is lame. So there. But Halo isn't all that woohoo like many people say...


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01-15-2007, 11:47 PM
Mojo's Avatar
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GoW looks retarded, and Half Life 2 (Which I rented) Is lame. So there. But Halo isn't all that woohoo like many people say...
Have you even played the game?

What games do YOU think look good then? Lemmings?
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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01-16-2007, 01:38 AM
Psyke's Avatar
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Halo is fun, if you dont have Xbox Live then Halo 2 is kinda lame. The online play is hella fun..........but GoW is better. :P

I'm looking foward to Halo Wars and Halo 3, but the graphics for Halo 3 have some tough competition with Unreal engine 3 out.
gameplay wise half life ---------> halo

visual wise half life still beats halo. you just need a nice system setup like mine to play it at its best.

i dunno it geuss its the whole "halo crowd" that irks me.
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01-16-2007, 06:52 AM
aaj111's Avatar
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Ok... so, what's so bad about the brute armour in Halo 3? I haven't seed that vidoc or whatever they called it, but I reckon I've seen it anyway.


IGN has pictures of the ET Whatever Brute Movie.

I just think Half Life 2 is slow paced, at least so far where I am at. Some of the puzzles are great, and all... and I love how you can pick up things and move them. But it just doesn't seem to action-y. The Xbox Version is too laggy as well. But some things like awesome weapons and etc make up for it...

It isn't a Halo. Thats for sure.

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01-16-2007, 06:20 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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gameplay wise half life ---------> halo
Jesus, isn't that like saying which of your children you love more?
Seriously, though, you could go on for ages about which of the two games has the better gameplay and by the end of it no-one would have changed their mind. But I reckon Halo has better music.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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01-16-2007, 06:36 PM
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GoW owns both Halo and Half Life 1/2, so there I resolved an argument. :P

Whom ever says GoW is retarded, they themselves ARE retarded. Really.

I'll be picking up Half Life 2 on the 360 since it comes with loads of extras.=)
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01-16-2007, 11:26 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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GoW owns both Halo and Half Life 1/2, so there I resolved an argument. :P

Whom ever says GoW is retarded, they themselves ARE retarded. Really.

I'll be picking up Half Life 2 on the 360 since it comes with loads of extras.=)
Oh, I dunno - I've heard that GoW was kind of "same old" - no real innovations. I haven't played the game, mind, but still, neither have I heard of any new features. A good game, I could believe, but not one of the Greats it was hyped as.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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01-17-2007, 07:46 AM
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Halo 2 didn't live up to the hype, GoW surpasses the hype. Not innovative?! THis is the first time I've seen a chainsaw gun! Kidding aside, its one of the best, if not the best shooters out there. There is a feeling of war, and the cut scenes are deeper than you think. My one complaint is that Carmine died early! Damnit, he was the best ally!
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