I watched quite a few films while I was on vacation. I just didn't get a chance to type 'em up on here, so I will do so now

The Bourne Identity - A
very good movie, in my opinion. Not only was it action-packed (very much to my liking

), but it had a very good story as well, which made it a very interesting and equally thrilling film.
The Bourne Supremecy - Good as well, although I preferred the first one.
A Short Film About Killing - This one was a Polish film that I thought was pretty good. It followed a damaged man, a taxi driver, and a lawyer, and as the movie progressed, it showed how their paths eventually crossed. I thought it was pretty darn good, since it showed how a murderer is not born a murderer, but shaped into one.
Forrest Gump - I
really loved this film. I've watched it before, but not entirely. The first time I watched it in its entirety was in Poland. It kinda depressed me though, towards the end, since I felt very bad for Forrest when he lost Jenny. It nearly made me cry, actually, which is odd since very few movies have had that type of impact on me. All in all, it was really good.
Platoon - I've heard good things about this film, but saw it for the first time while I was on vacation. In my opinion, it was fantastic, since it showed the Vietnam War for what it really was: horrific.
Lost In Translation - Another fantastic film, although it also depressed me, since it made me think about my girlfriend, and how far away from her I was at the time.
I think that's about all. I also watched a little bit of Munich, but I didn't get far enough into it to form an opinion about it
