Let's hope Lord Clutcher doesn't return,
You know the strange thing is, I was going to suggest Buttcher Clutcher Crutcher or Dusan Losin'. Let's hope one of them
or even that guy called Idol return instead of them not returning.
OT: Sort of like Glowi's idea (it was mine first), I thought about signing onto Clutchy's forum as a shy, innocent little
boy or girl claiming to have gotten reference of a good forum from
the Oddworld forums. And then when Clutchy thinks his forum
is back to a peak peacefulness, I'll rage up like a chainsaw and create
a massive spamfest for my amusement with such threads as: "How
big is your mama's a**". Maybe, I'll even tell him that it's me, Spirrow,
from the Oddworld Forums. And then he'll complain to Alcar about
spamming up his forum and that I should be banned from this forum
of at least recieve a warning. But why would give a damn about Clutchy's
problems? He say to Clutchy: "Your the Administrator to your forum
and you need to learn to be a man and take care of it."
I also thought about password hacking into Clutchy's account
since I'm pretty good about that once I know about a person's
profile and how they think.
And then when I'm in his account I'll change the password and sign
after my work is done. Then I'd invite every single "Clutcher Hater"
(Spirrow, Rich, Used, you Jordan, Miss Glowi, Mutual Friend, Havoc,
and if contact is still available, even Dusan) on this forum so
we can start a mass spamfest on that forum. And when Clutchy
find out the at he can't use his account no more because I
changed the password, just watch him simmer in rage. And his
moderators couldn't do anything either (at least not when
their powers are taken away).
Hmmm, I just thought it would be funny to have a select circle
of genuine "Clutchy Haters" actually become moderators on that
forum to provoke the spamfest...and his rage.