Okay, since Godless' topic faded away, I've decided to re-make one, instead of dredging the other one up.
Anyways, just post your request and i'll do my best to get it done asap.
Please note that, contrary to some people's (and other sentient life's) beliefs, I am indeed human and can only do so much, especially with the time-eater called High School going on. So if you do not recieve your request in a day or two, try not to be too disappointed. I'll be making them with the first-come, first-serve system.
Before the requests, please abide your requests by the below template. Optional means you do not have to include that in the template. If you're not sure about something, just tell me to put whatever I think would be good. This template will apply to signatures, avatars, or just general pictures you need. I'll make anything needed.
Type of Picture:
Obvious, really. What do you want? A general picture, or an avatar, or a banner? This will keep me frommaking you guys an avatar when you want a banner.
Main Text:
What main title do you want on the banner? This is usually your username, but it could be something else.
Subtext (Optional):
What do you want under the title? This is usually a phrase, or witty quote.
What font do you want the main text and subtext in? Both can be different fonts. Include the color if you want. Also, please give me a link to where I can download the font if you don't think i'll have it.
What picture do you want to be with the banner? You can tell me a combination of pictures, also. It would really, really help your banner's make-speed if you included a link to the pictures.
Do you want an underlining theme to the banner? Like tech, organic, or biohazard? Theme mostly means the overall feel of a picture. Like, if you say, grunge, that pretty much means for it to be overall dirty.
Here's where you post anything that can't be put into any of the other parts. Maybe you want a picture to be slightly blurred, or maybe you want a border. Anything you think should be included goes here.
And also, please post if the picture is going to be a signature, avatar, or just plain picture.
If you post a requet without a template, it will be ignored, and the banner/avatar/picture will not be made. No exceptions. You might get told to post it in the template by me, if you're lucky.
Now, if you guys think 'You don't need to force us to use this template, you nazi'. you're wrong. I have seen picture threads like this (one of my own, as well) degrade into idiots just saying 'Make me a Vincent Valentine sig plz ty' for pages on end, totally paralyzing the system.
Well, that's pretty much all of it. If you want anything done privately, don't be shy to PM me! Or, if you want to talk about it in real time, just IM in MSN instant messanger. My handle is
xxmitsurxx@hotmail.com, and I'm on most of the time! Thanks guys!
Oh, and anyone who wants to help me out, just email, or pm, or im me. Any help would be appreciated!
And for anyone who doesn't know how to upload their signatures, I suggest using
this site for uploading it. Then, you take the URL of the image, go to edit signature in your control panel, hit the picture of the little mountain, and then paste the URL into the box.
On the matter of having other people apply for helping out, if you want to apply, either pm or email me with at least 3 samples of your work. This'll keep people who don't know a thing from giving requesters low-quality pictures when they could have gotten better.