i hate what is happening on Abe's Oddysee, i am currently in the Scrab place where it has those seperate doors and that main door with the final challange before getting the Scrab Scar, and when i have done about 2 of them, abe comes out of the door and it freezes and the screen fuzzes up and i cant continue...I am actualy thinking of getting a new Abe's Oddysee because it could be the disc. any thaughts??
New and improved SoulStorm Brew...Twice the flavour...Twice the bones...Twice the price!
If it's your playstation, you could use one of those lense cleaning programs.
It basically a CD with a number of soft brushes on the bottom which
they clean your laser lense.
Should look like this on the bottom:
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?
I've got a problem with munchs odysee i got a scratch on the disk when my sister dropped it and i cant watch the final movie or that movie that comes on when i first put it in the xbox. Do you think I should try scatch remover or just buy another one. [It's preety cheap only AU$29.95 to buy it new.]