Honestly, i think Lorne Lanning is a really clever and modern man. He is not lead by money premirely but by quality. He planns forwards with great care, as i understand from many of his interviews. I trust Lanning somehow and think he made the right choice. I wish hed be my father

pff just kidding.
Of course, id be much happier if i saw an Abe movie, and i think u guys too, but lets not forget that this movie is not only made for us OW fans. It is intended to catch a larger audience.
If an Abe movie would simply boom in to the cinemas like Finding Nemo, Toy Story or Shrek did the world would soon forget about it because it is so hard to simply accept such new concepts as suited creatures walking on their hands or sadistic tentacle mouthed monsters with robotic legs at once. Dont forget that the majoprity of people out there have not heard about OW ever. I myself, personally didnt fall in love with OW in two seconds. It took me some months i think. With a little dressing an OW movie has much greater chances to survive longer.
Im looking forward to Citizen Siege but id say more precisely, im looking forwards to the OW movies through Citizen Siege.