In AO I only remember one instance of a Slig shooting another possessed one. Other than that, only if they see the said Slig get possessed.
In AE, they DO, however, respond in the same way to another Slig talking to it, if it can't see them eg. they're a level up.
AO's funnier..."Freeze" "*laughs*" *shoots* "*laughs*"
What seemed odd is when Slogs out of spawners attack their Slig masters, when otherwise they obey them.
I wonder what would happen if when you were the Slig, you ran and the Slogs continued their pursuit.
It's not "bullet-proof abe". I don't think so, anyway. He's also invincible to all other forms of attack, even Scrabs, and will only die from infinite cliffs and from too high onto his feet. If you land on your back from even many screens high, though, Abe won't die, even thought it'll make the "splat" sound. He'll just be angry as he gets up :P
You can even mess around in electric walls or the toxic gtas when you screw up the Dripik or similar areas.
As for possession of's from Soulstorm brew, made from the bones and tears of living Mudokons. Also, like most creatures, some sort of bacteria in the gut may...there's a few possibilities.
It's surprising that the noxious, visible gas is not noticed in any way be Sligs. Maybe they can't smell like Mudokons do...