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09-30-2006, 09:50 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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Dead Adios amigos! Gracias por nada!

Just joking, I love you guys.

Like the mighty Max the Mug before me, I leave for university... tomorrow. Off to a life of poverty, parties, intense study and looking on bemused as my mates destroy themselves with alchohol.

I'm going to the University of Southampton, home of the National Oceanography Center in Southampon (NOCS) to study Marine Biology with Oceanography. So in 3 years I'll be able to back up my posts of scientific jargon with a Bachelor of Science Diploma, so there

I may not be able to post for a few days while I get settled in, so I guess I'll see you on the other side...

Oh, and if any of you guys attend SU by an amazing coincidence, gimme a heads-up, will ya?
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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09-30-2006, 10:12 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
Fish out of Water
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Sweet mosesmonkeys! Another marine biology kid! I'm about 3/4 of a month into my studies.. Arg. It's getting muy stressful, but hey, I get to do things like sit on a boat and watch dolphins for a three hours of class sometimes.

I wish you the best of luck and whatnot. Hee, in a few years we can pop in random conversations on here, discussing the cephalization of platyhelminthes or the multiple functions of choanocytes and archeocytes in poriferans. Or which is better: Taxonomy or Cladistic Analysis? Ooh, controversy.

(Marine Invertebrates Bio. Woo.)
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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09-30-2006, 10:41 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Sweet swiss cheese! College?! Sounds like our little members are growing up. *Gets a hankie and sobs while BM goes off on the boat*

But man, marine biology? Such a speific topic! And an interesting one too! Be sure to tell me all about it a year from now. I was always the kind of guy to enjoy animal biology as well. That's why I now so much about animals' sexuality. But anyway, have a nice time in college. There, you shall begin a new life; learn what you will be doing for the next few years, have adult resposibilities, and prehaps see the person you are destined to be with for the rest of your life. All exciting things are ahead of you so... Don't spend so much time here!

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09-30-2006, 11:05 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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MARINE BIOLOGY!? Wow thats the subject I wanna be on when I go to college (thats like..5 years from now O_o). Well have fun in college. Working, parties, and whatnot .
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09-30-2006, 11:57 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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Aah, I was contemplating going to Southampton. But I didn't. Hurrah!

Good luck with it.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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09-30-2006, 01:24 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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Aah, I was contemplating going to Southampton. But I didn't. Hurrah!
Looks like I dodged a bullet there. Very out of character.

Good luck with it.
Thankyou very much. all of you.

(I haven't gone yet, btw)
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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09-30-2006, 01:37 PM
Steef Head's Avatar
Steef Head
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Steef Head  (10)

good luck BM! Hope you enjoy marine biology!
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10-01-2006, 09:35 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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Well you'll all be vaguely interested to know that I got to Southampton in one piece, and I haven't been robbed yet. Got set up here sooner than I thought.

God, I'm terrified.

Well, here goes nothing...
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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10-01-2006, 10:49 AM
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Ah, good luck, BM. I don’t know if you’re staying in halls or not, but be sure to befriend your hallmates. Two weeks into my semester I went to my neighbour’s room and he asked me what block I was living in.

Also, don’t play your music loud, and close the windows and turn the lights off in the common rooms when you’ve done with them.

/me throws darts at photos of his neighbours.

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10-01-2006, 01:14 PM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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Well, good luck with that, Dude! (But don't try to drown your future sorrows with alcohol. It doesn't work. )
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-03-2006, 03:46 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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I encountered a guy also called Bullet Magnet, which is confusing enough as it is. He is is the same flat. The other guys are cool too, though they planned on getting everyone from the halls over last night (all 1800 of them) and opened the windows and turned up the music so they could find their way.

And one guy who we never see...
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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10-03-2006, 06:53 AM
Spirrow's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Really, the last I checked there was only one of you.

Well have fun at your university studying hard so you get your diploma, don't fail and let it all be a waste of money. Stay away from from drugs and don't drown yourself in tears and brewskis. (Agreeing with Creepy Doc.)

Have fun and work hard while I relax a few more years.
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?

Last edited by Spirrow; 10-05-2006 at 04:19 PM..
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10-04-2006, 03:27 PM
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Dear Bullet Magnet I,

Get freshers’ flu! It’s the greatest! I’ve managed to skip lectures for the last two days, only leaving my room for food and toilet. Ha. Um. Yeah. The greatest.

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10-04-2006, 04:22 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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That could be the most bizzare advice I have ever had. Heard of the freshers 15? The number of pounds you put on when no one is telling you what to eat.

I haven't actually been hungry. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything for 26 hours...


Got any messages for Bullet Magnet II?
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10-04-2006, 06:26 PM
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Eh, I lost weight when I went to university overseas and didn't have my mum cooking for me.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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10-05-2006, 10:25 AM
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How bizarre. For the first week or so, everyone was saying how little they felt like eating. In fact just today I had to discard half my dinner. Partly because I wasn’t hungry, partly because it was a mushroom and tomato–based meal.

I don’t know Bullet Magnet II to say anything to him. Hmmm. Tell him I love him.

And one guy who we never see...
I think I’m the equivalent of that person.

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10-05-2006, 10:40 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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Except that, while one of the other guys is only seen at night, having dinner with friends in our kitchen, this guy is never seen, period (if you'll excuse my shameless use if the American word).

And yeah, I'm sitting here now, wondering when I will eat, and although I'm starting to be hungry, I still don't feel like eating. It seems I'll only eat when:

a) The food is free and on display, and
b) At breakfast, which is the only routine that has survived the transition.

I've somehow found myself signing up for paintball tomorrow... I have no old clothes... damn.

Bullet Magnet II says he'll be thinking of you.
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