Whoa, it's Ghost (Hi Ghost). And he first posted when I couldn't spell, in the desert.
(Can I try it now?)
All was going well. But we knew there had to be more of us out there... (we're screwed...) and we were gonna find them...
We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulliten. Rumour Kontrol reports Abe, the terrorist mastermind behind the destruction of Rupture Farms, is
also responsible for the Soul Storm Brewery depression (I HATE THAT ABE GUY!) This message brought to you by...
Munch's Oddysee
Coming 2000
(And don't even think about runnin' it under your measly 'thirdy two bit' system)
*Insert AE concept art here*
EDIT: oh yeah, welcome back, Ghost. Long time no see. How goes stuff?
You saw something in the mist? One of your many sightings of ghosts on Oddworld (haha, I remember your banner!)