Hehe, meeting people IRL who you've known online first is a weird experiance. . . It's almost like you're not meeting each other for the first time, even though you are, because you already know each other. . . If that made sense.
Anyway, I've already met Alector and TheBlueScrab (ex-OWF member from 5 years ago). . . I never left Alector's side for the 2 and half weeks I was with her, except for a few times. . . But they were for more then 20 minutes. Heh. And the first time I met TheBlueScrab was at her wedding. . . Which was a little odd, but hey, it was fun.
It'd be cool to meet all the forum regulars, especailly those who were there since 2001/2002, but notebly I'd like to meet the following members or ex-members one day, but 'cause I've known them for a while through MSN and such: