Wow, all those things I missed when I wasn't here - Kind of makes me wish I came back sooner, or stayed here when I decided to come back in 2004. :P
Anyway, I remember the good ol' days of 2001/02, and even though I didn't really contribute much to threads back then, I did watch and read them. Most people here these days wouldn't remember these threads, but I'ma gonna submit the following ancient classics. . . *goes back in time* OMG! Nostalgia!:
The Bonzia Kitten Topic - Maybe a reminder of how gullable, and how different as people we were back then, but then it turned into a debate about animal creulty, and about whether humans are animals. Let the fireworks fly. :P Fun to re-read (lol, I was stupid back then - Heck, I'm still stupid now, but jeeze. . .), I'd forgotten about what went on in this topic.
OWF Reaction to September 11th - "OMG, this might turn into a WAR!" Hehe, if only we knew back then what we do now. . . Damned Bush.
3. When
Oddworld Forums upgraded to V-Bulletin - Meh, probably not important, but it's a landmark in OWF's history. Not sure why me and many others didn't take it well though.
Vegatarianisim Topic - More flaming.

But overall, a good debate.
5. And lastly, perphaps one of the saddest moments in OWF history,
when the forum split in 2002, and
the conclusion. Sorry if I pick any 4-year old scabs open with this, shit happens after all, and no-one's upset over this anymore. :P (rofl, someone lied blatantly:"- Dark Hood posted 'ere for the last time ever ~ 8/19/02 01.22am GMT")
Next time me and Alector are together, I plan to go back through the majority of old forum topics with her - Let's see what we dig up, hmm? :P There were plenty more classics if I remember correctly, we just need to find them again. :P