That's what I think. If we even see her at all. I figured that it would begin with Abe hatching, maybe someone commenting on his weird blue color, and then him being sent off with the other workers.
As for the discussion on Sam, since she resembles a termite, I would think that the mudokons would resemble them as a species as well. So the mudokons we've come into contact with are essentially genderless, since they are sterile anyway. They are just the workers. Maybe something else is done with the "soldiers" and "breeders", or maybe hormones are injected into Sam so that she only lays workers. As for producing another female (I think all of the workers look like human males), she can either lay an egg with a female in it, or she can lay a normal egg and it would just get some sort of special treatment to make it female (think bees).
As for special powers, I think that the queen would need possession power most of all, since she is immobile. Kind of like the Almighty Raisin and the ratz, I think that she would use the power of possession to move around and see the world, since she is physically incapable in her own body.