I love many things. Minnesota sports, salami, kittens when they aren't sneaking in to my room and pissing everywhere, a good game of Magic or Hackmaster or HERO, a good book, politics, heavy metal. But it is a lot easier for me to hate things, and rants come quicker and better to me than raves. For instance, I support Ned Lamont's bid for the Democratic primary in Connecticut. However, if I were to start a thread about the primary, which I believe to be one of the most important primaries in years, and easily the most important in my lifetime I wouldn't write about Lamont being solid gold, I'd scream out a 5 paragraph rant about how Lieberman is a treacherous douchbag.
On topic, just because some things are more stupid than others doesn't excuse the slighter stupidity. Not putting the seat up before you piss is stupidwhile pissing on an electric fence is suicidally retarded but they're both stupid.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.