Hey, celebrities. Look, if you drink and party hard, maybe do a little X, maybe do a little nose candy, maybe shoot a little smack and rock the ganj and have to check into rehab to recoup could you please,
please cut the bullshit? We know it isn't a "busy schedule" or "relax time" or "stress" or "heat exhaustion". Recently Lindsey Lohan has been pulling this crap.
Check out this link to see that guy who directed the Young Guns movies and is directing he current movie, James G Robinson, absolutely call her on this dangerous, dishonest, and unprofessional crap.
For the record I think she's a skinny beeyotch who's too busy riding the dragon to act decently, in life and on film. Irony of ironies she's living in the Belushi suite. Look, I don't believe in fate or destiny. I don't believe in juju or shaking bones or good luck charms. But baby, thats just tempting some mystical force to wreck you.