What the title says. List some websites that you like. Ideally, categorize them and list why you like them, as to make this thread more than a big disorganised phone book.
Mine are:
Political and Religious
Jihad Watch (jihadwatch.org): Excellent and detailed blog, with a fine, frank discussion of world events.
Little Green Footballs (littlegreenfootballs.com): Another great blog, with no tolerance for PC BS.
Holy See (vatican.va): Good resource on Roman Catholicism. Beautifully decorated, with many interesting articles and pieces of information about the largest religious organisation in the world.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (
www.memri.org): Fantastic resource for those wanting to know more about how some Middle Easterners see the world.
idleworm (
www.idleworm.com): Hilarious political satire, flash animation, and more.
Chuck Norris Facts (chucknorrisfacts.com): Already posted a thread about this, so I'll skip it.