Yay! I get to be Boris!
ESPN Okay, okay, I know a lot of people complain about ESPN. But they still enjoy a lot of it and they still watch it. I think it is universally terrible and I don't watch it. This goes for all brands of ESPN, but primarily brands 1 and 2. I not only do I complain about ESPN I condemn it as dumbing down sports and I refuse to watch it
1: They treat good people like crap and give the terrible people shows.
The Round Mound of Rebound, Barkley, gets stuck with dicks like Stephen A. Smith and Bill "Greatest Douchebag in all the Land" Walton. Ron Jaws Jaworski, an all time great defensive football player(Hall of Fame lock in my opinion) and one of the smartest men going in hardcore football analysis(schemes, coverage, call prediction and critique) gets relegated to talking about football at nearly midnight. It blows my mind that these two people don't have shows. Whats equally mindblowing is how pieces of crap like Smith, Scott, Rome, and Mariatti either have their own shows or show constantly in commercials or shows as guests.
2: It doesn't show sports
ESPN used to show rugby and hockey. What did it replace those manliest of sports with? Spelling bees, scrabble tourneys, bowling, poker, and believe it or not, darts and dominoes. DOMINOES! Hey, if I can do it halfway buzzed fairly decently it ain't a sport. Anything where you could play in a bar or drink while playing and still play well isn't a friggin' sport.
3: It creates the news rather than reporting it. They foment trades, ask people controversial questions on purpose to make them look like garbage and create a story(T.O.), overly pimp crap matchups to try to generate ratings and don't show the best matches(Instead of the Detroit/Dallas hockey game we bring you the Grizzlies/Spurs meaningless regular season game. Instead of showing you a decent team with a shot at the Super Bowl we now give you the Titans/Cardinals match). Things like that piss me off.
R.I.P. H.S.T.
I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.