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06-26-2006, 09:37 AM
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OOC: Sorry about that, I didn't know. I edited the post.

IC: JB stirred in his sleep, a constant noghtmare had been haunting him for days, in this dream people bullied him about his eyes, and once, he'd been killed by a Big bro. He sat up quickly, panting like crazy.
06-27-2006, 04:51 AM
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Nails stood at the production lines for a bit. He was struck by how quiet the factory was, it probably never stopped in it's prime. As it was, though, there was no-one around and probably no-one working. So, went his train of thought, what's the point of me staying here? There's no point if there's no-one to supervise.
At that point Armpit walked in from the grinders. Nails decided then that it was time to find a place to tuck in. He went into the passages, followed by Armpit.


Duagen was able to read Dionysia's lips and understand the general message she was trying to get across. As she left the office, he hesitated. There was something not right about her - she didn't act consistantly. The way she ignored the slig in the room earlier was very unusual for a slave. Being loud and energetic in the presence of a native and guards and the Sound Waverer likewise didn't mesh. And then walking out into the hallway- with an attitude like the one she had before towards sligs, who knew what could be out there? Either she was very thick, or she wasn't what she seemed.
He decided not to act conspicuously with this suspicion, and walked out of the office anyway, with the intent of shaking both Gappiqu and Dionysia as soon as the chance presented itself.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

06-27-2006, 05:01 AM
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While Gappiqu was slightly altering his slingdhot on the pistol, he heard two pair of foot steps exit some sort of door. He couldn't tell if it was just him, or it really was that native and Dionysia. Just in case, he jumped up and slid to the corrider.

Once he saw the native, he aimed at the native. Carefully pulling the trigger, Gappiqu saw what just happened. The bullet he shot went stairght into the native's chest. But he wasn't quite sure if the native was in pain. He hoped so.

Gappiqu shouted to Dionysia, "Now Dionysia, please take him down! I'll stomp him as well!" Gappiqu thought about that sentence. He then just shook off the weirdness it was to say that, but he thought she got the point.

06-27-2006, 07:35 AM
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This post appeared a little while ago in the profile thread (i only just worked out how to move it ). Well anyway, it might not mean much to most people, but for those older members or those who have read back, it may be pleasing.

With several of the characters going to bed now, it might help if people can start working in that direction. Obviously people still busy can keep up with the plot, but it can get annoying for those in bed if other people are still RPing, as it means they can't post for some time.

Dionysia saw Gappiqu leap out and shoot at the mud. She couldn't make out all of what he said (though that may not have been a bad thing) but she heard the words "Take him down!"
Getting the jist, she leapt at the native, trying to tackle him to the ground.


Jim tried to ignore Bonty's comment. Despite all the fear that staying meant, escaping seemed a whole lot worse to him.

He closed his eyes tightly as he heard the slig in the room (JB) stir and begin breathing noisily. He tried not to make a sound.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

06-27-2006, 09:28 AM
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JB realised he was being loud, so he lay down and looked up at the dark ceiling, it had a glass window on it and he glimpsed the bright moon, which had a Mudokon paw imprinted on its face. He spotted the other moon, which was smaller, and had a replica of a gabbit foot on it. JB closed his eyes, and tried to get back to sleep...
06-28-2006, 02:15 AM
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ooc: Slaveless, Splat's map indicates an elevator entrance to the lab.
As is Slap's mouth not stitched up? Coz he can talk.

ic: The elevator doors swung open, and Wash found himself face to face with an Intern. Ah. Crap. If there's an intern here, then there's probably Vykkers too. Linc was not going to like this, if he ever woke up.
The Intern, clearly pissed at Wash's arrival, proceeded to pull Linc into the room and man(?)-handle him out the door, he dropped his urine cloth. Wash barely had time to explain Linc's situation, he never even mentioned his being deaf when the door was slammed shut.


He did see quite a few other patients in there, so the intern was obviously busy. Wash just ope that he had the sense to treat Linc right now, as he as critical. I hope I did the right thing, bringing him here, he thought. Interns and Vykkers- they're butchers!.
"Well, this is Rupture Farms, the biggest butchers on Oddworld," he said to himself. "What elsde was I going to do, just leave him to die?"
Wash suddenly bent double and coughed. He was not well either, but from the looks of things, that intern had enough to deal with. And the gas! Was it even poisonous? Wash didn't know. A red glow arrived. In the corner of his eye, Wash saw a security orb. It was back. He then remembered that he was completely naked. The beeping of the orb sounded almost like suppressed giggling.
"Get out of here, you fat sack of slog-vomit!" he yelled, and the orb whizzed away. Wash slid to the floor against the door, exhausted. Again. But then-
"Fat sack of slog-vomit!" He repeated. "Fat sack of slog-vomit! Ching chong doh sain hat shing!" Wash's hearing was coming back! It was still very faint, and the ringing drowned most of it out, but the melodie of his voice was audible. With renewed strength, Wash rose, and assigned himself a new mission: find some clothes.
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06-28-2006, 03:06 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Well, it could be a bit tricky trying to wrap this up... lets see what we can do...
Slaveless, when you say the bullet went into Duagen, do you mean it just hit him, or did it actualy go into him? I don't mind either way, but it would be good to know for continuality if Duagen has a bullet in him or not.
If I recall properly, Slap (Edit: Whoops! Sorry) talks using a computer and typing things into said computer, with a dispay for words. I'm not sure about the elevator thing - I was tempted to use it but I was under the impression that it was hidden. Anyone know what it is?
And hey - I did wonder why the therad had been pushed down by one post. It is indeed good news.)


Walking out of the office, Duagen saw Gappiqu out of the corner of his eye. He once again raised his spoocebow, but Gappiqu was faster, and fired his weapon first.
The bullet made Duagen stagger back. What with the single-shot capability of Gappiqu's weapon, he would probably have been able to shoot him back. However, Dionysia took that moment to tackle him, which he probably could have taken also if he hadn't just been shot. As it was, he found himself being taken down and then sustained a nasty bump to the head, rendering him unconcious.


Nails reached (with some difficulty) the R&R room. He was able to see that a fair few of the beds were taken, but was able to find an empty one near the entrance (Probably a good preferance, 'cause I'm gonna assume that all the corners are already taken. ). He got into the bed and, with the skill of a trained professional, was asleep and snoring within minutes. Armpit lay down by the bed and likewise went to sleep.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

Last edited by Seargentbig; 06-29-2006 at 12:28 AM..
06-28-2006, 03:08 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Ah, I didn't see that on the map. Also, Slap uses a laptop to speak. I thought I said that he typed this and that.

Also Jordan Boi, I don think that there is a glass ceiling above the R+R. There is a floor above it. Plus, I always thought that Munch's moon was bigger. Also, I was always interested in Carrot. What happened to him?

Also Splat, maybe there needs to be a little more time. Slap and Dek are very busy, so it might be some time before they are done.

Seargentbig, I'm sorry if it didn't make sense, but the bullet just hit him and stuck there.

IC: Gappiqu saw the native was at least down on the floor. Now he could something to him. He quickly dashed towards him and saw that he was already unconscoius. Now he had to do something else.

Gappiqu decided that if he was to get up, he could use his Spooce bow. So he grabbed the native's bow, placed it on the floor and crushed it with his foot. Next, he couldn't decide what to do with an actual native. Maybe he should report this to an authority. So he said to Dionysia, "We did good. Now we need to tell Arnie about this. You stay here with him, while I go to his office. Thanks for be tolerant with me."

He gave her a hug, and then rushed down the stairs. Gappiqu contined sprinting across the corriders, until he got to the excutive office. He knocked on the door, quite loudly and yelled, "Sir, I have something very important to say, concerning the health of your factory!!"

Last edited by Slaveless; 06-28-2006 at 03:20 AM..
06-28-2006, 08:16 AM
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OOC: It was sort of a glass window I meant, but if there isn't one, I'm sorry! Erm... I didn't like Carrot, I thought it would be cool to be a Slig for a change lol! Oh yeah, and in MO I think Munch's moon is a little smaller than Abe's, I could be wrong though!
06-28-2006, 08:37 AM
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ooc: Don't worry Jordan, you'll get used to it eventually. You could try with 2 characters, it'll give you something to do while JB is asleep
Searge, Slaveless, I didn't mean for everyone to magically finish what they're doing. You could assume Slap and Dek continue working through the night, it'd remove the problem of posting all the operations, just say the next morning Gore's characters have been shipped off to hospital, Linc is stable or whatever and the gas has had time to filter out or something.
Just talking about winding down so we don't end up with a situation where three of us are RPing and everyone else is going crazy.

Oh, and Slaveless, Arnie is currently in the Executive R+R, in bed. That's probably a good thing as Dripik is on holiday and won't be posting.
Something totally unexpected by me is happening to Dionysia. That's waht I love about RPs, you never know what'll happen and your characters seem to develop almost on their own.

Dionysia had been about to boast gleefully, until Gappiqu wrapped his arms around her. She froze from surprise,, and then he was gone off, looking for the boss. She recovered quickly, sat down next to the unconscious mud and tried to get her head straight.
"What's wrong with me?" She growled to herself. He was a slig, like any other. She'd always kept her distance since the disaster between her and Stivik, but now here she was; she felt like she'd almost fallen into his arms, and it was not a feeling she wanted to encourage. It wasn't what she was and she knew what would come of letting her emotions out. She squeezed her eyes closed.
When she opened them she stood up, nudged the unconscious mudokon in the side with her foot and sighed, looking up and down the corridor. She paced a little and then slumped down against the wall again. She glanced at the mudokon. "You're great company, aren't you?"


Anni ran blindly. She tripped over and landed on her face, before springing up quickly. She looked around, breathing hard. She couldn't see the factory anymore. Squashing her panic, she sat down quickly and curled up in a crack in the rocky ground of the stockyards. Her life as a slave meant she was used to roughing it. She closed her eyes and listened to the beating of her heart. Exhaustion slowly overcame her, and she fell into a deep sleep.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 06-29-2006 at 12:06 PM..
06-28-2006, 11:01 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Hm, perhaps I should do that with Slap. He could bring that up to Dek.
Also, that's what I love about RPGs too. You never expect what will happen. Like Molt's arm incident. Or the time where Bonty meets Jim. This all seems like that every character here is having some sort of changes they that would never have without a RPG.

IC: Gappiqu waited a while for Arnie to responde. But after he didn't, he said nervousily, "Si-sir?" He peaked in and looked for his boss. No one was there. Gappiqu at first thought he was kidnapped. But after a little check around the corriders, he saw that there wasn't a whole lot of people there anymore. So he supposed they were all asleep. Gappiqu decided to return to Dionysia, for he knew what happens when you wake a Glukkon earlier than it needs to. The native would just have to wait.

Gappiqu remembered the hug he gave Dionysia. Maybe that was a little too unnecessary. Suddenly, his head went into agruing about Dionysia. The Slig side of him knew that Mudokons and Sligs were completely different speices. A relationship with another race would make one seem entirely seperate from a Slig pack. Skillya would probably kill him if she ever knew.

But the Gappiqu side of him looked at Dionysia as almost another Slig. She was everything a Slig would look for. Agressive. Intolerant. Lazy. She was perfect. And better yet, she didn't yell at him when he hugged her. But he still didn't know if she felt the same way about him.

Once he returned to Dionysia, he said in almost a low voice, "Well, Arnie is asleep, and from my experience, waking a Glukkon earlier than he needs to is a bad way to start off the first day of work. So if we should keep an eye on this guy for tonight." He sat down on the other side of the native and continued, "Unless you have anymore suggestions." He looked at Dionysia, but he saw something wrong with her eyes. She seemed confused or almost lonely. He said in a quiet voice, "Are you OK?"

06-28-2006, 08:29 PM
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Ok, I think I'm about ready to try and get back into this, but would someone mind giving me a quick summary of the major events that have happened lately? (Even if it's just via PM)
I've read some of what happened, but I've missed heaps as well.
So... I'll be back soon!

07-02-2006, 03:55 AM
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Wash was crouched in front of a locker, playing with an open panel. He had just liberated two wires from their original positions and was timidly touching them together, flinching at the sparks they made. The locker door swung open.
"Yeah! I've still got it!" He looked inside. "All right, jackpot!" Wash pulled out a clean loincloth and held it to the light. "I don't know whose this is or who they are, but I need it more than-" He spun around. "Oh, bloody hell."
It was that pervy security orb again.
"I don't know what is wrong with you, but you seem to have taken a shine to me that I don't like."
The orb slowly advanced on him. Wash started to back away, actually scared now. "Okay orb dude, back off. Stay back. Hell hell hell hell! Gorrammit man, what do you want?" He slipped the loincloth on, and suddenly felt much braver now that he wasn't naked. He ran forwards, grabbed the orb's lens and leap-slogged over it. He darted around the corner, narrowly missing a ruby-red lightning beam that crackled in the air.
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Last edited by Bullet Magnet; 07-02-2006 at 03:57 AM..
07-04-2006, 05:37 AM
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Otto opened his eyes as he heard someone shouting near the office, but then he heard Slig footsteps, trailing away. "T'was a wise move... Waking us up for nothing..." he thought. He glanced over his shoulder at Arnie, who was still sleeping in the chair. "Okay, so it's just me who can't sleep." He put his head back on the bed and tried to fall asleep.


Rick looked at Kix. "Sure, I could use some help. I'm planning to turn this place into a workshop of sorts, I have a few ideas. RG can help us too, if he's not against it. #7?" he asked, while looking at him.

#7 Slig was checking his rifle, when he heard this. He looked up. "Uh, I'm not sure... We have a lot of other things to do. Sure, we fixed the grinders, but something always happens here."

"True that." said Rick. "But maybe at night, like now. You can't work all day." said Rick, seeing that #7 Slig is thinking fast. "And it might be even profitable..." he said.

"You can't have enough Moolah..." said #7 Slig, looking around in the room. "Well, maybe I'll help, but only if necessary."

07-04-2006, 08:17 AM
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ooc: Gretin has asked for the dreaded summary! Just this once, and only cus not much has happened apart from a few major things: T-nex has left OWF, and I've taken Anni, while Slaveless has taken Kix. Most people spent the day fixing the grinders, Dek and Slap (Slaveless's intern) have been very busy all day. Anni has faced Arnie over trying to kill Stivi, but he's let her off, and decided to let her make a garden for groing spices to try and make her less inclined to escape. Stivik has been called off by his boss and has (reluctantly) left Rupture Farms. Now people are generally heading off to bed.

Gappiqu might feel lucky if he knew more about Dion. Skillya would kill him for getting close to her, she'd kill Dionysia for existing.

"I'm fine." Dionysia's answer was blunt. She'd closed herself up again and hoped to do a better job than last time. "We'd probably be better for not leaving this mud in the middle of the corridor though. If we could tie it up and shove it into a cupboard or something for the night I'd be happier." She stood up and looked around. Spotting a door up the corridor, she went over to it and looked inside. It led to a small, dark room where old bits of robots and other electrical stuff was stored. "This looks good. Shove him into their and I'll look in the office for some rope."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-05-2006, 01:54 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Hmmm... This'll be a little tricky to fit into the timeline, but since I never moved Sefon away from the bathrooms, or Groll or Frod away from the grinding area, I guess I'll just work with them from there.


Sefon, walking slowly towards Dek's lab to report that they'd been unable to find Dionysia, swayed as a huge noise came from the floor above. (Post #783)
He staggered for a bit, wishing for once that his hearing wasn't normally so good. Eventually recovering, he ran for the nearby stairs and rushed up them, turning to see a slig he didn't recognize (Gappiqu) talking quietly to the black mudokon he'd been sent to look for, and an unconscious native mudokon on the ground.
Then he heard what Dionysia said, and walking closer to them said, "Hey, what's going on here?"


Frod had left the grinding area with everyone else and was now on his way to the R+R room. He stepped in softly, looking around, and promptly selected a bed. Unslinging his bag from his shoulder and laying it down on his bed, he hopped in and was soon asleep...


Groll had also left the grinding area straight away, but he didn't feel like sleeping yet. He made his way out to the stockyards and started wandering casually around. He walked for some time, then suddenly thought he heard something...
He stopped and looked around, instinctively raising his rifle. Was one of the animals free? He listened carefully, no, it sounded more like slow breathing, as if someone was asleep nearby.
He started walking slowly around, pointing his rifle here and there. Why would someone be sleeping out here? The only reasons he could think of were that it was an intruder or someone up to mischeif or possibly trying to escape.
Then he saw her... The mudokon, Anni, curled up asleep on the ground.
He walked slowly towards her and stopped about a metre away, looking down at her and pondering what to do...

07-06-2006, 12:36 PM
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Dionysia shot the mud (sefon) an annoyed look, and in a somewhat superior tone of voice, asked, "Shouldn't you be in bed, Mud? We found this native breaking in and manged to knock it out. But Arnie's gone to sleep, so we've got to make sure it doesn't do any damage until tomorrow, when we can tell the boss." She glanced at the mud appraisingly. As you're here you might as well make yourself useful and help Gappiqu get it in that room."

Turning away, Dionysia entered the security office and looked around. After a quick search she found a role of tough-looking wire which she desided would do.

ooc: If we can wrap this up now guys, we can then jump to 'tomorrow' and get things going again. It also seems like a good time to be starting W@RF 6.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-06-2006, 01:30 PM
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OOC: Ugh. If only it was that simple.

IC: Gappiqu seriousily thought that Dionysia had something going on with her for a while, but he had to trust her. He also listened to what she had to say. He was going to ask what the rope was for, but she started barking at a Mudokon just over a question. Gappiqu said nothing at first.

He realized what had just happened. Dionysia, all day, had been shouting at people, if they didn't think her way. After thinkling about that, he whispered to Dionysia, "I really love how you can make yourself seem powerful. That would make even Molt make him be reasonble."

Gappiqu picked up the native and said to Sefon, "You heard her. Find the key for that door, so we can stuff him in there." He still wondered what the rope was for, but he still went over to the door that Dionysia was talking about.

07-07-2006, 12:55 AM
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ooc: The door's already open, Slaveless. Dionysia opened it eariel to see what was in there. I was thinking it was perhaps the cupboard where Rick discovered RG in W@RF 3. Sorry for confusion. Also, sorry If I'm taking control over this bit of the RPG, but this will be getting very boring for everyone who has put their characters to bed so I wanted to hurry through this bit.

If we just get Duagen into the room, tied up and then sit our characters down outside to guard, we can switch to the next day.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 07-07-2006 at 03:27 AM..
07-07-2006, 01:21 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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Dionysia: "Shouldn't you be in bed, Mud?"

"Shouldn't you?" Sefon fired back, "and actually I was looking for you, but..." he looked at the native mudokon, "...I suppose that can wait."
"What did you say he was doing?" he asked, as he walked up to Gappiqu and lifted up Duagen's feet, leaving Gappiqu presumably holding him under the shoulders so they could carry him into the room...


Groll stood, staring at Anni, for a while, feeling very tempted to simply blast her with his rifle; his hate against mudokons was burning furiously, and who would know out here?
But, he told himself, someone would found out sooner or later, and he knew the boss around here wasn't likely to just not care... And with his distinctive rifle, it wouldn't be hard for him to be caught out.
So he decided to stay out here for the night, and hopefully watch what she did when she awakened in the morning; if this mud had any crazy escape plans he'd be there to stop it!
He searched briefly for a hiding place, then finding a suitable area where he could watch but (hopefully!) not be seen, he settled down for the night...

Last edited by Gretin; 07-07-2006 at 01:24 AM..
07-07-2006, 01:55 AM
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OOC: As a correction and fun fact, Rick found RG-49 in a Storage Room (the Armory for future reference, I guess). http://www.oddworldforums.net/showpo...&postcount=685

I've been thinking the same about v.6. Everyone should return to R+R, or at least, fall asleep where they are at the moment. Then I'll create the new thread, and the new day will start.


#7 Slig laid the gun on his shoulder and called for the Mudokons. "So, let's go to R+R, shall we?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. We can come back tomorrow. Hey Kix, you coming?" said Rick, standing up from his chair and setting off to the door.

07-07-2006, 03:34 AM
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OOC: Ah, OK.

IC: Kix was glad that she could help, but then she started to yawn. Prehaps she should hit the sack.

She saw that Rick and #7 decided to leave, so she jumped up and said, "Right behind you!" Next, she ran toward the door, and opened it. And finally, she set off to the R+R.

After that Mudokon had a head start, he went into the room, and found a empty, big enough to hold a Mudokon inside. So he layed the part that he was holding of the native, and nudged the other Mudokon to do the same.

Once he got out, he slumped down to the wall beside him. He turned off his mask and started to close his eyes, thinking about Dionysia, and drifted to sleep.

Max saw that the Mudokon he saw was not responding, so he tried to leap at her. But for no reason, all his senses came to a blur. There was too much going on for him, so he fell, trying to rest.

Once he got up, his senses told him that the Mudokon was nearby still. So he dashed after the Mudokon, jumping almost, over rocks, and falling off ledges. At last, he found that there was a unconcsious Mudokon and a Slig in his sleep. He planned to attack the Mudokon, but he was above them. Max was on a cliff, and fell off when he made 'his move'. Landing on his head, he drifted into an unconcsious sleep.

07-08-2006, 12:50 AM
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The Paramite with no name entered Rupture Farms. It gave an enormous screech, then it layed down and went to sleep.

OOC: I couldnt think of a name so somone just name me
Our Spew is your brew

07-08-2006, 01:54 AM
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(Ooc: Well done, Soul-Storm. It looks like you've taken all the right steps for joining the RPG - made a profile, read back at least a bit... probably, naming a character should be your responsibility. Also, I can't think of one.
It's a shame you chose this time to join. It looks like we're starting a new thread soon (Continuing on from this one). Nevertheless, I'm sure we'll look forward to RPing with you.
And can we please put a link to Splat's map at the begining of the new thread? Helpful to all, I feel.)
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

07-08-2006, 01:59 AM
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Dionysia entered the room and was slightly annoyed to find Gappiqu already asleep. She grunted and, with some difficulty, managed to tie up the native with the wire, hoping it would be tight enough. Then she stepped out of the room, closed the door (leaving it in darkness) and sat down beside it. Completely failing to get comfortable, she sighed and slowly drifted into a light sleep.

ooc: Soul-storm, You need to name your character, at least call it 'Hiss' or something. Also a little more info on it would be good, is it native, was it brought to Rupture Farms to be eaten?

Well, I think that's everybody out now, in one way or another. Dripik, if you want to make W@RF 6, I'll sort this out. Also I've made a new version of the map, generally a touch-up, with recent additions (Rick's workshop, the secret passage and so on). Stick it in the first post of the new part.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	rupture farms map.PNG
Views:	594
Size:	51.8 
ID:	4787  
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 07-10-2006 at 04:43 AM..
07-08-2006, 02:49 AM
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OOC: OK, I guess it's time to finish this version of W@RF. I'll just send my characters to R+R (Slaveless, can we presume Kix followed them? Or they followed Kix or whatever...), and then I'll create v.6.

The link to Splat's map will be available at the new thread. It helps alot, we can add more detail to the 'walked here from there' stuff. (Though there are a few strange things, like the Executive R+R... But that's nobody's fault, earlier, the Ex. R+R was a separate room, and now it's opening from the Executive Office's entry hall. At least, that's how I imagined it... Oh, and the workshop doesn't have a door yet...) I think W@RF could be a bit better organized, but I'll make my points in the next thread.

Welcome to W@RF, Soul-Storm. Point for good grammar, but a bit more detail to the profile would be good.


#7 Slig and Rick walked out of the room. Rick yawned. "What a day... We haven't been working this much since this place reopened."

"Right. I will not mind if don't see another screwdriver or grinder part for a week." said #7 Slig.

Rick laughed. "Yeah. Repairs take a lot out of slacking workers like us."

They arrived to the R+R. They both went to their beds. "Night." They said and were fast asleep.

07-08-2006, 04:53 AM
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OOC: Ah, I can make a short post as Kix.

Anyway, I like the map on Rupture Farms. Very vivid and obviously done with a lot of research. Anyway, I two questions. In AO, when you first go to the Stockyards, you come across a sign that says no Mudokons. Does that have still an effect on the new Rupture Farms? Also, what ever happened to Zalug 2,3,&4?

IC: kix followed her friends into the R+R, thinking about her hard day. She yawned quietly and layed down on a couch in the R+R. After a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

07-08-2006, 09:15 AM
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The mini-overview thing on the map shows that a large portion of it is in ruins, which is where I assume all that was. I've only played AO once before, so I don't know it too well.
I assume all the no mudkons stuff has been taken down, Arnie's somewhat more friendly than Mullock.

We'll call that a day for W@RF 5 then. Dripik, tell me if there's anything on the map you think should be different.
Don't post here from now on and I'll unsticky it when W@RF 6 gets made.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 05-27-2010 at 05:16 PM..

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