It is good that they are making computer animated movies, just imagine how fat Abe and all the others would have been if there was real actors inside them.
I also think it would be based on the games but with more "fill", like when you in the A.O. say: "hello", the mudokon answers: "hello", then you say: "follow me", and then the mudokon says: "okay", so it could be changed so it sounded more like this: (Abe is A. and the mudukon is M.)
A.: (whispers) "Hello, I want to save you so follow me and be quiet."
M.: You!? the employer of the year!!??, so what will you now do, make me go away from my job, and when a slig see me, you say that you tried to catch me, and so i will be in risk to be executed, and you will not get your 10 daily slig beatings but only 5???!!?!".
A.: (whispers) "No you must trust me, the glukkons will make us to their new produkt named "mudukon pops", i saw it, and now i try to escape, and don´t forget that we are brothers and try to be silent".
M.: (whispers) Good i will trust you, but if you betrait me, i will never forgive you".
They go, run and sneak (where there are sligs or slogs) and then Abe saves him.
What do you think of my little scene?.