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05-11-2006, 06:02 AM
Steefie's Avatar
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Mortal Kombat games

Alright, who here's a Mortal Kombat addict? (or just likes playing the games?) I myself love the games - the first one I ever got was MK 2 for the Sega Mega drive, and boy I sucked at it (gimme a break though, I was like 4 or 5 at the time). I also sucked at MK 3...

But hey! MK Deception and Deadly Alliance I've enjoyed (and not sucked quite as bad at) and then after that excitement, they brought out Shaolin Monks (which is more like an adventure game than the normal fighting MK games). I only recently bought MK Shaolin Monks, and I like it, too.

I haven't tried playing Deception online yet, and don't plan too (I can already see the true Gods of Mortal Kombat dominating the online games!!) - at least, I'm pretty sure it was Deception that is online compatible... I'm too lazy to go check, so if I'm wrong, don't sue me. I might been thinkin of some other xbox game.

Favourite characters... I personally like Scorpion, Sub-Zero (and Frost, coz they're similar in my opinion), and Raiden.

So, if there's any MK fans out there, please, spil your mind here.
Bite me on my shins, so your scabby teeth break. Go on, I dare ya!

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05-11-2006, 06:51 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Love Mortal Kombat through-and-through. Been a fan since the third one. Became rank 10 in the Xbox Live leaderboards with Deception Also got Shaolin Monks, it was okay but not really an MK game. Got stuck on the last boss, managed to kill Kintaro and Shang Tsung atleast.
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05-11-2006, 08:47 PM
Steefie's Avatar
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Sweet, nice to hear from another MK fan. Have you ever watched any of the movies, or the Konquest mini-series? I've only watched one Konquest episode (it's a cartoon series), and I watched on of the movies. I don't know which movie, but it had Johhny Kage, Sanya Blade, Lu Kang, Raiden and the bad Gurs Scorpian, Reptile and porbably others. I watched thsoe when I was very young, so I don't remember much of them. Do you know if the movies are on DVD? I know the Konquest series is, but I'm nt sure about the movies.
Bite me on my shins, so your scabby teeth break. Go on, I dare ya!

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05-12-2006, 06:47 AM
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Not really a fan of the movies/programmes, always striked me as a bit cheesey. Probably will see the new MK 3 though. Munch's Master is also an MK fan here.
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05-12-2006, 09:38 AM
AprilD's Avatar
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Those games are gross.
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05-12-2006, 09:43 AM
the Exoddus's Avatar
the Exoddus
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need more gore lol wach out for that finger ops to lat
you were born an original don't die a copy.

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05-12-2006, 09:45 AM
AprilD's Avatar
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You keep your fingers away from me. I know what you're thinking and I don't appreciate it.
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05-12-2006, 09:46 AM
the Exoddus's Avatar
the Exoddus
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lol eww blodey finger
you were born an original don't die a copy.

Rule 79. all Caturday threads will be bombarded with zippocat. No exceptions.

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05-12-2006, 09:46 AM
Rincewynd's Avatar
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A it's been a whil since Mortal Kombat has vanished off the screens of my computer (but only because my brother took all the MK games), My favourite is probably scorpion, with the famous line 'get over here!', or reptile but he was kind of poorly represented in the first MK movie!

Edit: Exoddus and AprilD you're not making....let's be honest; any sense, start making sense or I'll have to tell you a joke about a shotgun *pats 'Freddy' the shotgun*
'We each play out the parts fate has written for us.Free-will is an illusion' Kain-Soul Reaver

"Pull me up, then," he hinted.
"I think that might be sort of difficult," grunted Twoflower. "I don't actually think I can do it, in fact."
"What are you holding on to, then?"
"I mean besides me."
"What do you mean, besides you?" said Twoflower.

Last edited by Rincewynd; 05-12-2006 at 09:48 AM..
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05-12-2006, 09:48 AM
the Exoddus's Avatar
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you were born an original don't die a copy.

Rule 79. all Caturday threads will be bombarded with zippocat. No exceptions.

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05-12-2006, 10:08 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Exoddus, don't crap up the forum with spam please.

And anyone know what the next MK game will be? I know there's a PSP one, but PSP isn't my thing.
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05-12-2006, 10:15 AM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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There's only supposed to be one more before they kill the franchise.

I was always a fan of Cyrax, myself. I used to make the little boys weep when I humiliated them in the arcade. Then the arcade burned down. Now I'm forced to play MK online. I can only assume that I'm making those guys weep as well.

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05-12-2006, 10:34 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Yep, as Cyber quite rightly said, I'm an MK fan. I used to be something of an addict, but that died off around 8-9 months ago. I own Deadly Alliance and Deception ,and have played/completed MK3, that extended edition of MK3, and MK Trilogy (I think that was the name, its the one with all the characters from 1-3 plus C/Khameleon.). I always wanted to get Shaolin Monks but my interest in MK faded before I could get it.
My all-tim favourite MK character is Reptile, but I also like Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke, Baraka, Kintaro, Noob Saibot and Scorpion. I prefer the monstery characters in general, to be honest.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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05-13-2006, 06:27 AM
Steefie's Avatar
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You've enlightened me Munche's Master, I was actually unaware on the NK Triology game you mentioned with all the characters. Do you know what console that was on?

And if there's a new MK, I hope it's for the xbox 360 (even though I don't have one... but the 360 might mean better game graphics etc.).

And I really hope they make the third MK movie as well XD Although I liked the others, as mentioned, they'd probably seem less... appealing, now that I've grown up with better grapgics and stuff. If MK 3 come sout, I'd expect it to have uber graphics (bit of Matrix here, bit of LOTR there...).

There's only one thing I'd like to see in a new MK game... more and more gore lol!! (not that it hasn't got enough already, but hey, there's never too much gore...)
Bite me on my shins, so your scabby teeth break. Go on, I dare ya!

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05-19-2006, 09:48 PM
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I liked MK1 and 2, but 3 and above were most pooptacular.

There's only one thing I'd like to see in a new MK game... more and more gore lol!! (not that it hasn't got enough already, but hey, there's never too much gore...)
Dot dot dot is all I can say to you... Do you like Saw movies?

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