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04-30-2006, 03:00 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: Where is everybody? T-Nex, it would be nice if you posted as Anni, Freak, Javi, or Dean. It's only Chirpy7, and I now.

Oh, and Chirpy7, I don't really think a week has past, since you were last here. More like a day, or something. Also, there is a W@RF profile topic in these fourms now in days.

IC: Bonty had heard Locke and Mr. Eko's calls from the hallway. Bonty at first, didn't know whether to responde or not. It could've been a something other than a mudokon, but the voice was very convincing. He stood up and went over to the two. He hadn't seen such random colors on mudokons before. But in that matter, Bonty said, "Hello, you must, be, um, err, new employees." Bonty waited from a response, trying to remember the two figures he saw earlier in the Stockyards. Both looked like some sort of mudokons. He shrugged and listened to the two.

Last edited by Slaveless; 04-30-2006 at 03:07 AM..
04-30-2006, 03:38 AM
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OCC: My mistake bout that week thing


Mr. Eko: Hello, whats your name?
Locke: Are you Molluck?
Mr. Eko: Yes are you the boss?

They both waited to here Bontys responce.


Carl began to enter the factory, he was furious, and prepared to kill anyone that got in his road.

Carl(silently): Arnie......we...re.....are.....you?

Carl looked around the halway he was in and started to raise his voice.

Carl: Arnie.....were....are....you!?!?!?!

Still no responce he yelled as loud as he could.

Carl: ARNIE WERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

04-30-2006, 05:16 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Bonty raised an eyebrow. The two seemed odd for mudokons. He responded, "No, I don't think I'm Mullock. I don't even have a job close enough to him. I'm a slave. He is a glukkon, and he doesn't own this company anymore. He is missing for quite a while, as I heard from some source, by a slig named Molt. This place is ruled by some glukkon named Arnie."

The thought of Molt blackened his memories. All his life, he has known Molt. He had given him cruel beatings, scraps, and even shot him. Nothing was worse than that monster. Even if he tried, no one could help him defend him againist Molt. He had a solider class, and Bonty's closest techinque to fighting, was slapping.

Bonty suddenly heard Carl's booming voice. To find out what was happening, he ran to Carl's corrider. He couldn't tell if he was angry or lost. Normally, Bonty would avoid glukkons that have a sitution like this, but he figured he had some sort respect around here. Maybe he could hire him to some place not near Molt. Bonty said to him, "Sir, are you all right?"

Last edited by Slaveless; 04-30-2006 at 05:20 AM..
05-01-2006, 01:26 AM
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Mr. Eko and Locke, quickley followed Bonty to the screams in the distance, and when they arrived both of them stopped quickley before they got any closer to him.

Locke: No.....it can't be!
Mr. Eko: Carl? No...

Carl did not hear them, and stared into Bonty's eyes.

Carl: Were is Arnie! Take me to him........NOW!
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

Last edited by kjjcarpenter; 05-01-2006 at 01:32 AM..
05-01-2006, 05:39 AM
T-nex's Avatar
Frosties and Buttsex
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OOC: Argh damnit... Every time i wanted to reply something came up and interrupted me. Also, this RP has become very messy IMO... Chirpy and Slaveless, remember not to flood the rp -_-
Oh, and btw i did reply as Freak, you never replied back though. i think... or something.


Anni took a big breath and then looked a bit at Arnie.

"Uh well... Where to start where to start?... Hmm... Ok... Well a few years ago when i first came here... i found a paramite baby left to die if I didn't save her and... She's my friend now. This probably doesn't make sence to you, but short time after having her, i found out she could talk... in our language. A paramite like that would seem valuable wouldn't it?" she said and hoped to Odd that Arnie wouldn't force her to deliver somi, "well... I guess this paramite is what changed it all. It made me see things differently... Apreciate life and animals. And well... I've been feeling this.. urge to go out, away from the grey world and visit the lushy forests and stuff."

She breathed again. Well, that was a start. she desired not to bore him anymore with her desire for excitement, and decided to go straight to the case.

"Well, I decided to well uh... escape through the stockyards. But don't worry i'd come back after a pause cos I really like it here... but Stivik surely ruined it for me. Well he probably mentioned all the times i attacked him, in which i never really intended any harm... well only the last two times. But well, he was being attacked by a scrab, and me and Somi, the paramite saved him, and what did he do? He ruined my plan." she said hysterically, and continued, "Well anyways... Then he whent after SOMI! Argh!! Probably thought he could make lots and lots of money by sending it to vykker's lab... terrible place."

Well, she was half way through the story. She wondered what else to say, she didn't want to tell anything about the results of the experiments in her past.

"Uh well... Then... I... Well, o yeah now i remember. I met this scrab which was an experimen..." She was about to say when a bit of sorrow struck her, "Well, all i can say is you don't know how it is to live all your life at Vykker's labs... I..."

Anni broke into tears. It hurt so much thinking about it, and she always ended up feeling ashamed by her past. Like it was her own fault.

"I... Befor ei was sent here, i was an experiment at some hidden vykker's labs.. and... I couldn't help feeling sorry for this scrab, and it all became so messy when he attacked the people there..."
she was thinking back at the incident when the Scrab had attacked Stivik, "and well... Then i had once again saved Stivick's life, with the help of Somi, without being thanked. I didn't want them to take away the Scrab to that damned Vykker's place in this farm, so I attacked Stivik for real that time. Then... I woke up strapped to that table, and that's probably the worst experience here for me. You don't know how it's like... you really don't. And well, when things like this happen, I can't control myself, which is why I tried injected him with some random syringe, hoping for the worst. And that's the end.
By the way, you can't trust Stivik either. He's a spy for the cartel's most powerfull people, and he's been trying to get this plant into trouble from the start."

After that she didn't say more, but waited for Arnies response.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


05-01-2006, 08:15 AM
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Arnie waited Anni to finish her speech. Then, he spoke. "So, a talking Paramite, an experimental Scrab, Vykkers Labs and Stivik." he concluded. He didn't expect a speech this long, so he had to think it all over.

"You're not the first worker here who had experiments behind him. He was a BigBro Slig, and we also had troub... I mean, slight differences with him. But he tourned out to be quite normal in the end."

He thought for a second. "OK, maybe it's not a great example, he was fearsome, even for a BigBro, mostly he caused the trouble. Anyways, Sligs have always been acting like this... at least, most of them. You can't expect any gratitude from them, even for saving their lives."

He was short on what to say. "Say, where are your companions? Dean and the others... They are supposed to look after you, aren't they?" He needed to think of a solution to all this, maybe while she answers, he'll get an idea.

05-01-2006, 08:23 AM
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Anni grunted.

"You know... I can take care of myself..." she said angriy.

She thought of how great it would be just getting out from this room, and back to her friends.

"Well. Whatever this bigbro was... I'm sure he at least didn't have someone to pick on him constantly." she thought of all the great deaths Stivik could suffer, but then got back to reality, "I'm dead-tired of these... grey walls you know. I'm even thinking I'm becoming a bit claustrofobic."

She looked on the floor. This Arnie sure didn't know how to handle his workers.

"Look you need to send Stivik away, or else he's gonna get you into trouble." she said.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


05-01-2006, 08:50 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Chirpy, Slaveless, you have to remember to limit your posts. 3 per days and if you have 6 long ones i a row between yourselves it can be very annoying. I personally barely feel the motivation to read all those and if you're talking to one of our characters in that, or in Slaveless's case, including characters who are prepared to interact with others, it may get missed.

Jim was impressed with Anni's version of events, though he felt she was a little too honest overall. Glukkons were glukkons. He listened for Arnie's response.

"Spying again?" Jim barely stopped himself from screaming. He turned quickly to find the black mud facing him in the dark passage. "Listening on the boss and your friend who Stivik hates so much?" She was speaking in a whisper. Jim nodded silently, eyes wide. She smiled. "Well move ovr and let me watch!"
This surprised him, thinking she was going to start shouting or something. He backed away quickly and she pressed her eye to the hole. He moved quickly to another hole in the wall and pressed his ear to it, so he could hear whatwas being said but keep hs eyes on the girl.

But listening further, Arnie's response relieved him to a point, it certainly didn't sound like she was going to get executed, or even punished. In fact Arnie sounded bored with the whole thing! He was grinning broadly by now, but when Dionysia turned to face him his grin faded. She looked livid with anger. She spoke in a lethal whisper, "I can see what Stivik hates about this girl! Can't see how anyone can have a conversation in this place with her around!"

She was scared. She had her own secrets that Stivik had said boldly earlier and was likely to declare boldly again, whatever she told him. And if this girl was snooping around... She turned back to the hole to hear what was going on.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 05-01-2006 at 08:59 AM..
05-01-2006, 09:51 AM
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Arnie listened to Anni. Her last sentence did have sence. Stivik hadn't been much use for the factory, and if he's really spying for the Cartel... Well, of course, the Cartel already made his move in with Dionysia and the message she brought to him.

But still, if he had to choose between Stivik and Anni, he would choose the latter. She had unusual connections with Paramites and Scrabs, which might prove extremely handy in the meat plant.

He thought about Anni's words again. ...urge to go out, away from the grey world and visit the lushy forests and stuff... Then an idea struck him. If a patch of nature would keep her away from trouble, why not bring it in the factory? "And, to make it profitable... a garden with rare plants... but this is a meat factory... maybe plants which could be used with meat... Spice!" he thought.

"Listen, you're right at some point about Stivik, I guess. Maybe I should send him out to Stockyards too, it worked earlier with the BigBro I mentioned. Anyway, I have an idea. You say you want to get closer to nature, and I might arrange that. I want you to organise a spice garden in the factory. You'll be away from Stivik and still inside with your friends and what not."

He was amazed about the things he said, and the part of him which yelled with Mist was about to send Anni out the office and back to work, but the good cause prevented that. The idea might be profitable after all, since the spice came from other companies that time, and an inner spice source would render importing unnecessary.

He shook his head a little, then asked. "So, what do you think?"


Rick stopped climbing and shouted down to Arthur. "I'll be fine, I've met worse. It's definately better than those metal cables I've had to descend on in an elevator shaft." And he continued climbing towards the ceiling.

05-01-2006, 10:01 AM
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Anni's eyes lightened up when Arnie had told her his idea. She was totally in love with the idea.

"oooh!! Like a garden which i can water and plant nice cute lil' seeds in??" She asked eagerly forgetting all about pain and worries.

Her eyes glowed with excitement.

"Uh yea!! I promise I'll grow the best spice on oddworld!!" She said happily, "And I'll keep out of trouble."

She could just imagine the fun hours in the sun with the flowers and spice, and maybe even vegetables if he was going to let her grow them too.

"Hehe!! Why not make the garden outside, on the side of the factory where the sun actually gets out? You know, spice and plants taste better when grown with natural light... Hehe I learnt that from Dean." she said.

The energy flowed inside her, and she felt like the most invincible mudokon on Oddworld.

Forget about Stivik, forget about her past. She'd spend her time doing something she'd actually like.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


05-01-2006, 10:43 AM
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Otto nodded to what Stivik said, half-listening. "Well, that problem is not mine, at least, Arnie's dealing with you two." he said apathetically. "Well, you know what they say... Scrabs do not fight if you're out of sight. Get away from her a little, she'll get distracted and lay off that attitude."

He looked around. "Well, I think I'll pay a visit to the Grinding Station. I better supervise things there. See you." He went down the corridor and turned round a corner.


#7 Slig and RG-49 watched Rick climbing. #7 Slig nudged RG-49 a little. "Hey, don't you think we should continue working?" he asked.

RG-49 looked at #7 Slig. "Negative." he looked back at Rick. "I'm not missing all the fun. Might see something interesting. A fall... broken limbs or ribs..."

#7 Slig shook his head and went back to work.

05-01-2006, 10:53 AM
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Stivik shook his head. "Well Arnie better give her what's coming to her. That's all I ask. I'll leave whatever's left of her alone after that." He headed off to the grinders, figuring he should at least pretend to be doing work. maybe have a look at what was going on too.


Jim was now very pleased and was about to head down the passa ge and congratulate her when Dionyisa stopped him. "Hey, wait mud. I wanna talk to your friend as much as you do, lets wait until she's out of the room first shall we? If we get there too soon Arnie might suspect something, so lets give her some elbow-room."

Jim looked suspiciously at the taller mudokon but didn't say anything.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

05-01-2006, 02:49 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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OOC: What are you guys talking about? I posted twice yesterday, and once on the 27th. It's just you guys left for a while, that's all. Besides, you guys posted a lot in one day. More than we did in only a few days.

Anyway, T-Nex, Somi replied, not Freak. As of now, he hasn't said a word.

IC: Bonty was freaked out at Carl's and the others' reaction. It wasn't everyday a glukkon yelled at a mudokon to find a glukkon. He stummered, "Wah, well, I don't, really, know. I'll go check, on-on a map, OK?" He ran towards the enterance, with the other mudokon. He saw a map, very closely. He saw that there were some stairs that went up to the excutive office.

Bonty quickly ran back to Carl and said, "Well sir, we aren't far from Arnie's office, but the exact location in where Mr.Arnie is, I don't know."
Gappqiu saw how well Rick was doing, and went back to his box. He looked inside and grabbed a lift piece. Shouting, he said to Rick, "Hey, when you get to the rope, tell me! When that does happen, I'll throw you this part of a rope lift. All you have to do is untie the hook, tie the rope together, replace the hook with this, and secure it, OK? Then, you can come down. I'll do the rest."

Gappqiu looked down on the piece, and saw how it was as big as his palm. "Don't worry, you'll be able to throw it far enough." thought Gappiqu. But there was some part of him that said he couldn't. He looked at the sling shot he made and remembered that it could make a good replacement.

05-01-2006, 07:50 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Srag became impatient , he had threatened Stuey , and needed those papers , now . He looked at his pocketwatch , it had been around four hours since him and #2 talked , he got on his phone , and told numbers 3 , and 1 to go directly to him , he to set of for the R and R room . Upon arriving , #2 , #3 , and #1 were waiting for him , grinning .

Srag : Why you lot so happy? Is Stuey dead?

#1 : Not quite boss!

#1 : produced 4 permit papers from behind his back , they looked exactley like the real deal , it was a expert forgery . Srag gaped in excitement and pleasure/

#2 : I guess I havnt lost my touch afterall boss!

Srag grinned , his retinue headed towards Arnies office and peeped around the corner of the door.

#3 : Mr Arnie , are you busy? We found our papers . Do you want us to wait outside?

Srag whispered under his breath to #2 , who was feeling quite proud.

Srag : Well done my friend , this Stuey guy is as good as dead ! And that took you only , what , 4 hours? very good work my friend , very good.


Stuey ran to Gore , only to find him in extreme discomfort , So he ran to find his second best friend , Slap . Eventually he spotted him , so , ignoring everything going on around him , he ran up to Slap for help.

Stuey : Slap , Ya gotta help me buddy! That mobster Srag , hes comin for me! Hes gunna pump me full of holes ! I need you slap! I NEED your help! PLEASE!

by now Stuey was a nrevous wreck at Slaps feet , he , on his knees , sobbed into the ground . he stared up at splat through watery eyes , he felt another heart pain coming on , but chose to ignore it .


Kilsa was worried about Molt , but chose to forget about it and try to avoid him , he walked through the grinder rooms , indulging in the sweet sounds of industrial machinery . He spotted the crew trying to fix up the grinders , he walked over to Gappiqu .

Kilsa : Hiya! What are you doing here? looks dangerous work to me!
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 05-01-2006 at 08:06 PM..
05-01-2006, 09:38 PM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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Locke and Mr. Eko herd Carls and Bonty's Convosation and quickly ran to find Arnie. The screamed loudly to find Arnie and warn them about the trouble that is going to happen.

Locke: Arnie! Arnie, can you here me!
Mr. Eko: Hello! Arnie were are you?!
Locke: Were could he be?

Carl: You consider your self lucky I don't kill you!

Carl began to walk to Arnie's office...in great agony.....he was on the virge of death...

OCC: Dripik, Arnie is not in his office right?
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

05-01-2006, 10:47 PM
T-nex's Avatar
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OOC: Plz plz plz don't butt into other's Plots -_- Wait till Anni and Arnie is done talking. I know i accidently did this earlier, but still... try not to :-)
Oh and Slaveless, Freak doesn't talk. I mean he doesn't, but i prefer i don't write what he says because that would change his personality completely, just try and imagine what he would say or something XD. Besides, Freak whent whimpering back when Max told him to attack, so try and take it from there...


Anni looked at Arnie, still with eagerness in her eyes.

"Soo... Like when do we start?" She aske.


Kix looked at Dean and Javi.

"Boy are these sligs bad at informin what to do..." She said and left the grinders.

She was no mechanic and there was nothing she could help with there, so she decided to wander around. Be alone for a little while.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


05-02-2006, 05:13 AM
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Arnie was pleased to hear that Anni was interested in his idea. "First, I have to order the necessary stuff for the garden - seeds, mostly, the factory has tools which are suitable for your work. Then, I'll cancel the spice importing. Meanwhile, you should look around for a suitable spot for the plants."

He thought about other things to do, but he saw Srag and his companions. There was something suspicious about them, he had to find that out later. "Just wait a minute, I'll have a look at them and ask the Magog InfoCenter about their validity."

He turned back to Anni. "This seems a good idea to me... I mean, the factory being self-sufficient. It's beneficial from a financial angle... But I better not explain that further."


RG-49 was eager to watch Rick climbing the rope, but he heard movement from behind. He looked there and saw Javi and Dean. "Mudokon organics, we don't mind help here. There's a lot to do. Collecting scrap parts, for example."

05-02-2006, 09:22 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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OOC: Phew, a lorra posts since I've been gone.
Dek turned, seeing Stuey burst in as a nervous reck, lying at Slap's feet. He grabbed the Slig under his arms, hoisted hi mup, turned him round and put a couple more chill pills in his mouth (He carries a pack in his labcoat pocket everywhere.)
He put one hand on Stuey's shoulder.
"Stop, slow down. Calm. Breath easy. Calm, keep calm. Calm. now, what's this about mobsters hunting you? And say it slow and clear and without crying. Me and Slap, we'll try to help you."
Arthur sighed. Scrap collecting. What ever happened to his security job. And after that, what happened to his job at the tation, waiting fro trains? He'd brought all those grinder parts here along with Sefon and Groll and Boogie and Floyd, why should he have to collect it up now? He shrugged.
'Might as well get on with it. I've got nothin' else to do.'
He walked u pto Javi as he collected the scrap, repeating the quesrtion hed asked earlier.
"What's up with your pal Dean? He goes into a trance whenever I talk to him. Has he got mental problems, has he got, like, those Mudokon powers I've heard about, or does he just not like me?"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

05-02-2006, 09:40 AM
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"Uh... I dunno... probably some higher power being too lazy to control him..." (.P) Javi said, and scratched his head.

Then he punched hardly in the shoulder.

"Hey whatsup dude?" Dean asked shocked, but calmed down, "Oh... Scrap metal yea."

He began collecting random pieces of metal in the room, and put them in a pile.

Javi just shrugged.

Anni smiled, as she watched Dripik.

"Uh well... When will you order it? By the time you do that, I'll go find a nice spot." She said and smiled widely.


As Kix was walking, she Noticed Stivik coming towards her, as he was on the way to the grinder area. She simply Grunted at him while she walked past him.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


05-02-2006, 11:52 AM
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Outlaw Shooter
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Slaveless  (36)

OCC: MM, I thought Slap was at the grinders, and Dek was in the lab.

IC: Slap knew who Stuey was talking about. But he didn't see how Srag would try to kill Stuey. The two must of have some history together. He typed, "Master Stuey, I know what you are talking about, but I think this could be resolved. Dek, may you get a knock out needle for me? I still need to get Arthur to listen to me. Anyway, Stuey, when you see Srag, poked the needle into him. He'll be knock out for some time. Next, you'll need to put him into the cages with Vykker X." Slap let the two read his posts, while he waited for a reaction.
Molt had realized that Dek was gone. He layed down on his back, and breathed out. There were too many problems in his life. He couldn't see his old scarred face anymore, his old master had died, leaving him with nothing, and his health was going away, like his life. He had only two natural fingers left, which never worked anymore. He looked at Goresplatter and whispered, "You don't know what it's like to be me. Everyone you know is alive, at the least. You don't even have metal on you. I've suffered through too much." He looked back on the gray walls, with some many pipes. So many.
Max had fianlly realized that the mudokons and Freak had ran away, leaving him with nothing. Max grumbled and went searching for Molt again.

It wasn't long before he found the labortory. Once he got in, he barked in joy to see his master recovered. He didn't notice Molt's new arm, for he got used to see him with new parts on him.

Molt looked at Max and smiled. He got up on his two arms and said, "Aw, you little rascal! Come here, and get me down from this prison!" Max did exactly as he was told, and helped Molt get off the counter. He landed on the floor and said, "Now get me my pants. I need those babies back." Again, Max did as he was told, pushing the pants to him.

Molt climbed into his pants and whispered, "Yeah, it's good to be back." He yelled, "Well, Goresplatter, I'm going. I'm going to get that blood myself."

Before he went off, he saw the Gore rifle laying on the the table beside him. He was going to smash that into pieces, but he figured he could do something with the gun. He picked it up and said to Goresplatter, "You know, I could take those legs off your hand faster than that 'doc' can. Hold still...." He aimed, and edged his finger to the trigger.
Bonty couldn't help it, but have tears rush into his face. He couldn't believe that nothing he did was useful to these people. He decided to release his feelings in a nearby bathroom. He rushed to the first floor, and found a bathroom to cry in. Bonty sat on the tiolet and cried hard.

Bonty saw something that caught his eye. There was something on a piece of paper, which he had to look at the paper. It read,
"Welcome to the tunnel made by five mudokons; Ky, Ovin, Jimmi, Clovey and Dan. This tunnel leads to several places in the meatplant, where you can watch people, without being noticed...

We found a way out. Just follow the instructions on the backside of the page.

Of course, Bonty had no idea what it said. He couldn't read, due to Molt's cruelity and forbinness. But he went into the tunnel anyway.

Bonty could barely see a thing, but he heard echos. People were in the place! But to Bonty, they seemed like that they mudokons. Luckly, he knew how to roll, and started to roll all over the place, to find the sources of the echos.

He saw that there was two mudokons in front of him, one looked normal, but the other easily went in with the backround. Bont whispered, "Erm, hello. Mind if I follow you?"
Gappiqu saw Kilsa trying to talk him. The memories of Kilsa trying to get him to go to Arnie's and blasting a hole through the cafeteria wall wasn't pleasent. He responded nervously, since he didn't like kindness, "Hell-hello, sa, air, I mean sir. How are you, doOing, I mean doing, I mean, uh, eerm. Well, we-we-we are trying to f-f-fix the pipes, by-by making a la-ift. That's all." He didn't feel like talking to him. Gappiqu never liked seeing Kilsa these days. He tryed to say, "Sir, how-how is Mo-lt?" but it seemed like he tried to talk to fast. But he relized it was understandble, and looked away.

05-02-2006, 10:17 PM
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Kilsa was somewhat perplexed at Gappiqus shakyness , he didnt feel comfortable talking about things that scared him , but , he forced an answer from his lips.

Kilsa : Oh , that old sour puss? Hes well and good , looks like he will be of the table and ...unfortunatley , released upon the public , hopefully he wont cause a ruckus , if hes taken his chill pills!


Stuey felt comforted with Dek and Slaps prescence , maybe it was the chill pills , but he felt protected with the medical personel . He took the knockout needle .

Stuey : Hey , thanks guys! Ill give this to him right now! Then we can bring him into Arnies , and see to it that he gets a little bit of " sing sing " !

He plomped off , only to find Srag with his retinue outside Arnies office waiting to talk to Arnie himself , Srag caught a glimpse of him .

" Theres more? Ill have to lure him away from his gang! " Stuey thought to himself . He darted back to inform Slap and Dek on the current situation.


Srag saw Stuey run off , A breif moment of panic entered his body as he wondered what Stuey was going to do next , he turned to his gang .

Srag : Right boys , its now or never! We are running out of time!

#1 rushfully slipped the papers under Arnies door , along with a handwritten note saying : " here are our papers , we have permition to explore the premises " And they ran off after Stuey , to see what his next move would be.
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 05-02-2006 at 10:29 PM..
05-03-2006, 12:17 AM
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Carl was almost at Arnies office when he noticed some some inhabidents at the door. Carl just ignored them walked infront of them and knocked on the door (HARD) finaly hopeing to finaly get the factory and revenge on Arnie...


Locke and Mr. Eko were still running through the hallways when they came to the Board Room.

Locke: The Boardroom hey?
Mr. Eko: Wonder if the so called boss Arnie is here?

They looked in...
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

05-03-2006, 10:16 AM
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OOC: Oh damn yeah. I forgot about that Slaveless and I forgot Slap wasn't in the Lab. Let's just say Dek got fed up of waiting for Slap to bring Arthur and went himself. . Plus this means my characters can finally interact with each other.
Dek shook his head. "Oh no. I will not be involved with any gangster business. I'm a surgeon and an inventor, not an urban criminal. I'll help you in terms of medical aid, but no more. You want this Slig subdued, you subdue him yourself. I'll cage him, but only until authorities arrive. And I must get back to my patient, with Arthur's blood."
He noticed Arthur, heaving scrap around. He pointed him out to Slap.
"I'l ltry and get him to listen, but if it doesn't work, I'll need you to help."
he went over to Arthur.
Arthur looked up to see Dek.
"Hey Doc, what d'you want?" He asked, still collecting spare metal and scrap.

Dek explained "Well, a new Slig here got injured badly and needs a healthy Slig's blood supply for topups otherwise he could fall severely ill. You're the Slig whose blood we need, as no others here seem to be healthy."

Arthur hated needles. He hated the idea of losing some of his blood too.
"Wait wait wait. Why can't you use #7 Slig? He's healthy."
Dek was getting annoyed. "yes, but he's a high ranking Slig who we can't use, we can't stop him from doing his work."

Arthur dropped the scrap.
"Oh I get it. You want the regular shmoe. 'It doesn't matter if he's stopped from doing his job, after all, he's just a normal Slig, and others can take his place'. An' another thing, when you say 'we', who else is there? You're the only doc 'round here."
Dek sighed "That's not true anymore. I now have an Intern assistant called Slap, who I'll need to speak to before I continue this discussion."

Dek hurried back to Slap.
"Arthur's being awkward and stubborn. Can you help me persuade him. You seem to be able to talk Sligs into doing things quite well."

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

05-03-2006, 11:01 AM
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Arnie was now really angered with the visitors. He had enough on his plate already. "Who's banging the damn door?!" he shouted. "Get the hell outta here, can't you see I'm trying to work?"

"Well, not through the closed door, I guess..." he thought.


Otto arrived to the Grinding Station and joined the others. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked.

#7 Slig answered. "We're doing fine. Rick's helping with those pipes up there." he pointed at the ceiling.

"Oh, that's good..." said Otto, joining RG-49 to watch Rick.

05-03-2006, 11:31 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Slap was a little disappointed to see that Dek and Arthur, refused to to their duty. Apperently, he was the adivicer and the preswasive(sp?) one around here as well.

Next, he listened to Arthur and Dek. In his studies, he had researched slig and glukkon psycology, which was very clear to him at the moment. He went over to Arthur and typed, "Sir, may I remind you that your attempts of hiding fear of needles are no longer nessessary. This slig has suffered far more than you have and probably than you ever will. He has lost an arm, two fingers, most of his nerval control, and one eye. Not also is that an ironic act, but a selfish one too. May I remind you that this slig is quite aggressive from what I have heard, and I'm afraid that you will lose more blood if he found out if you were a coward to give blood." Slap saw that Dek had tried the nice approch, so this one should not fail.
Gappiqu had been surprised that Kilsa called Molt old. But at the moment he wasn't concern of that. He was concern that Molt was up and going again. "I guess the name Crappiqu will come again." thought Gappiqu.

He saw how well Rick was doing, so he said, "Hey, are you up there now?!"

05-03-2006, 11:48 AM
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Arthur felt like he'd had the wind knocked out of him. He also felt incredibly guilty.
"He's...lost an arm, fingers an' an eye? S**t. If its that bad then sure, I'll help. I didn't mean to seem a jerk, I jus' thought he'd had a fleech bite or something."
Arthur walked off towards the Lab, followed by Dek, who paused to thank Slap as he passed.
"Thank you for that Slap. It seems you're feeling a bit angry at me. If you're angry about the issue with Stuey, you shouldn't be. I said I'll help, I'm just not getting mixed up with gangsters."

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

05-03-2006, 05:50 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Well, it's getting pretty close to W@RF v.6. Would we have some sort of time jump? I mean, a lot of the new verison are some sort of time after the last one.

IC: Slap shrugged and typed, "Naw, it's OK. I was rather disappointed that you had didn't help out. But no hard feelings."

As Dek left, he started to leave, but then he remember something Goresplatter had said. That Phil had given him his gun that nearly destoried Molt... He went over to Phil and typed, "Sir, may I ask a few questions now?"
Gappiqu was now fully distrest. Slap was strong with words, making his questions unresistable to answer. He said, very silently, "Okay."

Slap typed at first, "Sir, I am aware that you clearly now what happened to Molt, right?"
Gappiqu responded silently, "Yes."
"Then you know that Goresplatter's gun had caused that, and you had given that to him, right?"
"Then where had you found the gun, may I ask?"
"I had designed the gun, and payed someone to make it for me."
"And you had no idea that it's power was strong? That it could kill someone? Molt was only lucky since he was covered in metal."
"No idea."

Slap rubbed his head in frustration. He continued, "Sir, I may have to have you consult this with Arnie for this."

Gappiqu's eyes widened. He knew it could result in this, but for designing an illeagal gun was too far of fire. "But it's illeagal." thought Gappiqu in trying to make himself agree with Slap. He sighed, and said, "OK, I will follow you, but after I fix these pipes, OK?"

Slap thought about it, and typed, "Okay, but don't think you got away this time." And off Slap went, off with Dek. Quitely, Gappiqu sighed. He was able to delay the meeting with Arnie, at the least.
As Slap was following Dek, he saw Stuey, and typed, "Anything wrong, Master Stuey? Is Srag in sight?"

05-03-2006, 08:05 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Stuey was in panic and frustration , he snapped at Slap .


He felt guilty , Slap didnt deserve such bad language.

Stuey : Mr Slap , Im sorry , I didnt mean to yell at you , its just that , my life is at stake here , and Srags got protection , Im just a little annoyed , not to mention nervous. Im sorry . But yeah , Srags got a whole retinue with him! I think the best approach is a little " self justice " if you know what I mean!

He leaned in closer to Slap , a grim smirk on his face .

Stuey : Lets set him up!


OOC : Correct me if this goes wrong , Slap and Stuey are in the grinder rooms right?

Kilsa spotted his old ex-worker Stuey , he decided it best to not to embarass him . He turned back to Gappiqu .

Kilsa : Well , uh , good luck with fixing this , call me if you ever need help!

He walked off towards the bathroom , his bladder was bursting.


Srag monitored Stuey from the shadows , he couldnt hear him , but knew he was up to something . #1 interupted

#1 : Boss? I think we need to kill him right awa......

Srag : Shhh! No , lets not for once! We will get him when the time is right odd damnit! Lets head of to R and R for some rest , we need it!
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 05-03-2006 at 08:11 PM..
05-04-2006, 01:59 AM
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Carl managed to bang on the door again...his strength was leaving him by the second, and he was getting weaker and weaker...



Inside the boardroom Locke and Mr. Eko, found nothing absolutly nothing.

Mr. Eko: DAM IT! Hes not here...
Locke: Man...what if Carl does something, I mean he killed Jack, he ripped his-
Mr. Eko: I know what he did Locke! And Im afraid he'll do it aga- AHHHHH!

Mr. Eko's footing gave way and he fell into the Boardroom.


Mr. Eko fell into the dark and mysterious depths...and all Locke could here was his scream that got softer and softer and stopped within 5 seconds.

Locke: Eko?
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

05-04-2006, 02:01 AM
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Dionysia looked annoyed. "By Odd, can't anybody on this planet mind their own business?" then she thought that maybe this would be a good way to get rid of Jim. "Hey, mud, take this loser down to the boss's office or the cafeteria or something."

Jim looked at her angrilly, wanting to object. One look at her face changed his mind. "C-come on..." He moved quickly over to Bonty and led him away. "So I'm Jim. What's... what's yuo're name?" He was remembering his conversation with Frod and wasn't exactly sure what was coming.


Stivik arrived at the grinding area and looked around. Spotting RG< he waled to him and spoke to him. "Hey, Robo-Cop, you put the report of the damage in the factory together yet? I'm sure your boss would want to see it."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 05-04-2006 at 02:05 AM..

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