OOC: Best time of day when I come around and see such crazy ideas such as a pregnant Slig.

But really, that is sort of impossible, even in fiction. As to solve it, I'm with T-nex here. outlaw, you should find a way to rid Stuey of his aches and whatnot.
Otto nodded to Stivik as he left. "Right. More work for me and less for him. I'll go and find out what's he planning." He made to leave to the Executive Office. He walked to the platforms and took one to the upper levels. He stepped off the platform and walked into the Office hall.
"Hey Arn, you wanted to see me?" asked Otto with little enthusiasm.
"Yeah, Stivik found you, then. Anyways, I finally have a suitable job for you to do here. Since I have little time to jump around and listen to every single worker's problems, I decided to appoint you as my Assistant and the factory's new worker post..." Arnie stopped to take a breath. Otto was rather interested what would this new job be. He listened rather impatiently.
"...as Flak Clerk." finished Arnie.
Otto was taken aback. "As... Flak... What?" he spluttered. "Factory got into armament when I wasn't..." he asked, but Arnie interrupted. "This means that you're supposed to look after the complaints of workers and handle them."
Otto remained silent. Arnie took this opportunity and continued. "You do that, and come around and report what you saw sometimes. I hope I don't have to explain it better, I think I made myself clear. I have lots to do."
Otto looked sideways at the wall, dumbfounded. "Right... uh... I'll go then."
"Good." said Arnie and went into the office. Otto left the hall. Last thing he wanted was to have more concern about the employees. Assistant is allright, but being a Flak Clerk. He must have been the first of all Glukkons to take that job. First, the whole thing was Arnie's brainwave. Second, at other places, complaining workers were surely introduced to drills and grinders.
RG-49 listened to Gappiqu, looked up at the ceiling, then back at Gappiqu. "In case you didn't notice, Slig organic, my frame was made to protect my inner parts from damage - mass and heavy, in other words. There's no possible way I'm going up there, unless there's a crane around here."
He looked around and spotted Rick, who was examining the repaired grinder engine. "But that Mudokon is more fitting for the job you speak of. Mudokon organic, come over here."
Rick looked up from the engine and went over. "What's going on, RG?"
"Help this Slig organic." said RG-49 curtly and went back to work.
"Hey, hey... uh, whatever..." he said, when RG-49 didn't reply. He turned back to Gappiqu. "I'm not sure I saw you earlier. I'm Rick. So, how can I help?" he asked.