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04-27-2006, 11:02 AM
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04-27-2006, 11:09 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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Funny funny stuff.

Grubb: The Wovarks are comming! The Wovarks are coming!

Wovark airship lands too early into scene, mastakenly crushing the Grubb.

Wovarks: Err.. did we arive too early at the set?


"And facing these creatures, that was my test!"


Abe runs faster and faster to the temple. The bats come on screen.

Abe: Bats! Get it off me! Shoo!


Werdo: Abe, ya made it.

Abe: Ghosts!

Abe runs out of the exit


Sekto: Sekto. Whats your business? Oh.. wait hang on, got someone else on line.. *ahem* Hello. So... what ya wearin?

Stranger: I'm glad you asked, well you see...

Sekto: I wasn't asking you! So, where were we? ... urh, uh-oh. Eheh.. hey there mother. No, I haven't seen Muluck, but.. what? No! But I.. Oh dammit.

Stranger:Erm, still there?

Sekto:...Bitch!! Oh, not you.

Stranger: Oh.. (damn)

Stranger: I can't pay that.

Vykker: Oh well, I'm very sorry to hear that.

Stranger sinks his nails on the table and scrapes it, suddently a snaping sound.

Stranger: Oh no, I've broken a nail! Oh dear.


"I found a switch to swich off most of the power, and there I was in my final hour"

All the light turns off in the toliet room with a slig sitting on the bog with a newspaper doing his business.


Take 2

"I found a switch to swich off most of the power, and there I was in my final shower"

Abe stands quitly still in the shower looking down.

Abe: Oops.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

Last edited by Oddish; 04-27-2006 at 11:11 AM..
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04-27-2006, 11:16 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Nice one's Dave! You've made my day.

I worked on some at school today, and I have a whole bunch from Stranger's Wrath, just very little of Abe's Oddysee/Exodus, and Munch's Oddysee.
I'll give yeh some o' my best ones.

OSW- The hunt for Lefty Lugnutz

Cornjaws: Ok, listen, and repeat after me -cough-

:does Sleg call.
Stranger grins:

Stranger: Like this?

:does Wookie roar:
OSW- After Fatty McBoomBoom

Fatty: 'cause yer gonna DIIIIIEEEEE!!!

:Shoots off platform, and smacks in to tree:

OSW- After X'plosives

Stranger: Alright, McGee! YOu lookin' fer a beat'n? You got one comin'!

:The cart begins, but suddenly stops halfway out of the beginning.
Everyone blinks dumbfoundedly to the cart:

Lorne: Uh...what just happened?

McGee: I think the technicians fergot to mention the weight limit on this piece o' shit!

OSW- After the Looten Duke

Duke: Blisterz Booty? Oh, no! I ain't goin' back in a cell wit' 'im! Oh, no, I got dignity! I ain't goin' back, I got dig-!

:Falls over while twisting around.
Mortars and Stranger laugh loudly:

OSW- In the dam

Lorne: Action!

:Cameras follow Stranger beside him, while he travels down the bottom level of the power core inside glass.
Behind the glass emerges a Wolvark in the camera, dressed in light scarves, belly-dancing behind the glass.
Stranger holds in his urges to burst, only to come out to a snorty laugh down on his knees:

Lorne: Yeah...go Joel...

OSW- Battle of the Gloktigi

:The Gloktigi steps out of the elevator, and attacks Stranger.
It stamps its claws over him, but clips on to his tights on his legs.
Stranger jumps away from the Gloktigi, a loud rip comes from his pants:

Stranger: Huh? Aww...f-beep-

OSW- On the Mongo River

:Stranger rows gently and calmly (note calmly) down the river.
A Wolvark suddenly jumps from the river, scaring Stranger which he brings the boat toppling over him in the water:

Lorne: You-you got that? (background voice: Yeah) Yeah...that was...(laughter) that was good...we got 'im...

OMO- In the Raisin's cave

Munch: That's it? (Abe shrugs)

:Camera zooms in too close and fast, smacking Munch upside the head:

OMO- In Vykker's Labs

:A loud growl comes up.
Munch turns to Fuzzles:

Munch: What is it, guys? Is there someone behind us?

Abe puts hand on his stomach:

Abe: Sorry..that was me...(chuckle)

OMO- Humphrey and Irwin Vykker


Irwin: Jeez, Humph. If ya wanna kiss, just come closer...

OMO- The ending (good)

:Humphrey and Irwin stare at the pile of dynamite:

Irwin: Wow. Just ta think, we've never probed each other...

OSW- In Gizzard Gulch

Clakker 1- Oh, oh, no! The wagon trains are captured by Filthy-hands Floyd! (runs up to Stranger)

Clakker 2- The Looten Duke's stolen our water! (runs up to Stranger)

Clakker 3- (excited)My kids are actually takin' a bath!

Stranger:...Do I look like Lassie ter you guys?

OSW- In the cave

Grubb: The only one who could defeat Sekto, and free all our water...is the force. Luke! My saber!
| |
Take two

Grubb: The only one who could defeat Sekto, and free all our water...is you...

Stranger: Alright

Grubb: So, save the village, defeat Sekto, and free our water. Then, you can cook for us, clean our village, rid of these warts on us-

Stranger: Don't over-do it, pal...

OSW- De-pantsing stage

D. Caste Raider: Get them pants off!

:The outlaws gang up to Stranger, two slashing swords out, while Stranger flails around to stop the outlaws.
The y swipe at his pants, the camera watching below the top of his boots.
The boots fall, along with the cloth of his tights.
The camera slowly goes up, then quickly bounces down, and the outlaws look at him in disgust, bursting out in laughter with Stranger:

Stranger: I think’s you did more than just cut off my pants, guys.

OSW- In the dam.

:The Grubbs gather outside the damn, hearing the victorious cry of Stranger:

Grubb: Steef kick ass! Let’s celebrate!

:lights torch, and holds it high:

| |
Take two

:Stranger roars above Sekto, stopping to hear the echo of clapping and stomping, with the Grubbs singing, “WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!”
OSW- The attack of Sekto.

Stranger: Bring it on.

:The ceiling falls down in front of Stranger, he backing away.
A chorus of outlaw minions and Wolvarks come in:


OSW- In the farmhouse

Farmer: Well, glad you could make it! The moolah is…somewhere ‘round ‘ere…


Lorne: Can we stop with gettin’ in to the 1980’s records please?

Stranger:Actually…it puts a zing to the scene…

Farmer:...I didn’t come ‘ere to ‘ear a chorus of morons sing the Bohemian Rhapsody…

OSW- In the dam.

:Grubbs being attacked by the Wolvarks suddenly swarm in:


OSW- On the Mongo River.

:Stranger rows the boat down the Mongo River, suddenly feeling water surround his feet.
He stares down in surprise, then jerks up to the camera, and the Grubbs behind him:

Stranger: I thought you said the builders fixed the boat!

:Man whispers to co-producer:

Co-producer- (blinks urgently back out to Stranger) Oh shit...

OAO- The boardroom meeting

Molluck: What? Show 'em...

:The screen blinks on to Abe's face, and red words blinking- ABE ROOLZ! YOU DRULZ!:

OAO- THe panic

Glukkon: I demand to know, who is behind all zis!

Slig:...Yer mother...

OAO- The desert sale

Mudokon: What is it?

Phleg: Don't drink! Think! Aww, c'mon! Do it!

Mudokon: (chuckle) Oh, I'll think alright...

OAO- The ending

:Two blind Mudokons help to nail "Alf's rehab and tea" sign.
A loud bang come from the hammer:


Mudokon one:...Wait...that wasn't my thumb?
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 04-27-2006 at 11:25 AM..
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04-27-2006, 11:51 AM
Ninjaxe's Avatar
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The Bad ending of Abe's Oddysee. Abe's hanging up by the shackles, he's released into the "fan." He falls but forgets to crouch when he's in the pit so it looks as if it's only three feet deep. So he's standing there, his top half out of the hole in the floor. Molluck starts laughing, Abe gets slapped with the meat that would have been tossed up by a guy when Abe "hit the fan." Toast makes the comment, "Well, at least someone's on cue." They all laugh and the scene has to be retaken.

Thanks for the inspirtation Dripstikk

The Bad ending of Abe's Oddysee. Abe's hanging up by the shackles, he's released into the "fan." Abe does the kicks as told and his loin cloth falls into the fan. Mullock and slig start laughing. Abe crouches in embrassment.
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04-27-2006, 12:46 PM
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Cornjaws: Ok, listen, and repeat after me -cough-
:does Sleg call.
Stranger grins:
Stranger: Like this?
:does Wookie roar:
I died. That was too funny.

.... what the hell?
Seriously. Why did this go unnoticed? Am I missing something?
Fry, what the hell?

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04-27-2006, 01:08 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

.... what the hell?
Seriously. Why did this go unnoticed? Am I missing something?
Fry, what the hell?
...He's been in half the threads in the OGD topic...it ain't new...although, I'm waitin' fer 'im to be the bait to the mods.

Anyways...got s'more. I really worked on 'em.
OSW- In the game...

:Stranger's continuously thrown in to walls head-first by the person on the controller.
He stops abruptly, and walks up to the camera:

Stranger: 'ey, I dunno 'bout you, but, uh, how's 'bout I throw you 'round like a Clakker bein' roused?
OSW- In the beginning

:Booty lands on the ground wrapped.
Stranger falls through the canopy, landing stumbly on his knees, only to fall forward:

Stranger: Must I wear these boots, guys?
| |
Take two

:Stranger goes down the forest canopy, his boot being caugh in a vine.
He dangles above the spot he is supposed to land, with arms folded across his chest:

Stranger: Ya know...this makes, this makes me feel like Tarzan. (background voice: Yeah?) Yeah...jist...gimme a loin cloth, and I'll be complete...

OSW- De-pantsing stage

D. Caste Raider- It's an odd-damn Steef!

:Scruffs Stranger:

Raider: Hidin' its legs! Got no ho-

:A ringtone of "It's a small world after all" chimes in the background.
Outlaws part from the culprit with the ringing in its pocket, blushing embarrassedly:

D. Caste: Damn it! I though I told yeh not to rouse with yer girl on the cell phone!
| |
Take two

D. Caste: It's an odd-damn St-

:A chime of the Star Wars theme rings louder.
D. Caste glances around with dodgy eyes:

Raider: He heh...I guess vibrate would be better without the ringtone...

Stranger: Mhm...and we all wonder what yeh do with it on vibrate, Caste...
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 04-27-2006 at 01:25 PM..
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04-27-2006, 03:54 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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(Stranger commenting on the dam)
Stranger: I never seen a place so damn big.....
(A gigantic Terry Gilliam hedgehog pokes out from behind the dam)
Hedgehog: DINSDALE!
MO: The Big Well:
(Abe is hanging off the pole on Vykker's Labs. Munch falls, missing Abe by two inches)
Abe: Dammit, Munch! That's the third time! Do we hafta give ya a parachute?!
SW: In Doc's Office:
Stranger (looking at operation papers): Hey! Coupons!
MO: The Ending (good)
(Humphrey and Irwin come into the operating room, and look at the chair, finding Zeeky H. Bomb from The Demented Cartoon Movie sitting in it)
Irwin: Aw, Shi--
Zeeky: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
*The labs blow up*
SW: The Depantsing
D. Caste Raider: Get them pants off!
(The Outlaws pull out their knives and do so, and suddenly stand back. Stranger is wearing pink frilly panties and thigh-high tights with garters)
*Everyone laughs*
Lorne: Dammit, guys!

------Take Two-----
Raider: Make them prance off!
Raider: What?? Wha'd I say?!
SW: New Yolk City
Skycart Joe: Piss off, poor boy! I ain't working with Strangers!
Stranger: You hear what the five fingers said to the face?
Skycart Joe: Uhh, yeah! Was it THIS!
*Joe punches Stranger, sending him flying*

----TAKE 2------
Stranger: You know what the five fingers said to the face?
Skycart Joe: Oh! Oh! Don't tell me! I know this one!
*Seven Hours Later*
(Stranger is asleep against a wall, while Joe still thinks)
Joe: Was it....no, that ain't it.....
SW: In Buzzarton
Clakker: Well, squares us up! There's this other thing ya might wanna take a peek at.....
*The Clakker slides him a poster reading: WANTED! TEAM ROCKET!*
------TAKE 2-------
Clakker:......There's this other thing ya might wanna take a peek at.....
*The Clakker slides him a poster reading: *NSYNC: NEW CONCERT!*
Stranger: Dammit! Can't we get serious?!
SW: Inside the dam
*Stranger approaches the area where you fight the Gloktigi for the first time. The doors open, but a crowd of fangirls runs out and swarms Stranger*
Stranger: Agh! Help! Being violated!
SW: Opening Movie
*Grubbs pull up the net, containing Munch*
Munch: Hey! I was supposed to be on vacation! But NOOO! You had to drain the damn river I paid my (very expensive) airline tickets for!
Lorne: Sorry, Munch. Cut!
-------TAKE 2-----------
*Grubbs pull up the net, looking at the one fish*
*Grubb 1 Sings What Happened To The Water*
Grubb 2: Look, it wasn't funny the first five times you did it, why would it be funny NOW?!
Lorne: Get serious, guys, we're losing our light.
SW: The Ending
*Stranger hoists Sekto into the air, and roars*
*Cut to the Grubbs, who are sitting around playing Game Boy*
Grubb 1: Huh? Was that my cue?
Grubb 2: Aw, man! I got Bowseron the ropes!
SW: Mongo Valley
*Stranger walks into Doc's Retreat, to find Outlaws playing with a Pinata where Doc should have been hung*
Stranger:......You didn't invite ME?! *Sob*
SW: Mongo Valley
*Ash Ketchum and gang walk on screen and find Stranger*
Ash: What Poke'mon is THAT?!
*Pulls out Poke'dex*
Poke'dex: Stranger: Badass Poke'mon.......
SW: Stranger walks into what appears to be a lined sheet of paper*
Sranger: Where am I?
*The Teen Girl Squad walks up*
Cheerleader: Are you the new jock?
Stranger: Erm....
Cheerleader: That's what i thought!
*Stranger is drawn as a pink flower*
Whats Her face: Was that in the right context?
Cheerleader, So and So, The Ugly One: SOO GOOD!!!
Lorne Lanning:.....What the HELL was that?!?

All for now, I have a headache........

Last edited by ANN NEELY; 04-27-2006 at 04:19 PM..
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04-27-2006, 05:08 PM
Dave's Avatar
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Not bad, Ann.
Dark Elite, I suggest you put up a Spoiler warning before a few of you bloopers. There may still be some people who don't know about it.

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04-27-2006, 06:26 PM
HobbitNinj's Avatar
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Clakker: Well, squares us up! There's this other thing ya might wanna take a peek at..... * Hands Stranger a wanted poster with a picture of a blonde haired man"
Stranger: Vash...the Stampede...What the f-

0.o ....I'll come up with some better ones later...
Truth is stranger than fan fiction.

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04-28-2006, 02:09 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Those were pretty good, Ann.
'specially the WANTED: TEAM ROCKET.

And yes...I didn't know they needed spoiler signs, but I'll keep that in mind, Dave
The Stranger's girl

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04-28-2006, 07:35 AM
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I don't think that you need spoilers warnings anymore. If someone hasn't played the game by now then they probably never will.

My bowels hurt.

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04-28-2006, 11:23 AM
Matriar's Avatar
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Sekto: Sekto. Whats your business? Oh.. wait hang on, got someone else on line.. *ahem* Hello. So... what ya wearin?

Stranger: I'm glad you asked, well you see...

Sekto: I wasn't asking you! So, where were we? ... urh, uh-oh. Eheh.. hey there mother. No, I haven't seen Muluck, but.. what? No! But I.. Oh dammit.

Stranger:Erm, still there?

Sekto:...Bitch!! Oh, not you.

Stranger: Oh.. (damn)
I know, it is a bit late for this message but... ROTF That idea is so funny!
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04-28-2006, 11:33 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
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Oddworld Abe's Oddysee


Abe sticks his head through the door to see whats going on, and the doors close.

"Uh..............Lorne?" Mullok says.


".......and smashed my head. Then some big face appeared, and carried me off to bed." Abe said.

"NO NO NO NO! Abe will you stop doing that! I know working is tireing and im teasing you sleeping 24/7 but you gotta focus!" Lorne says.


Abe's Exodus


Abe is walking in desert with mudokons. The mudokons suddenly blow up, and those people from get freaky appear. Abe possesses them and kills them, and kicks the radio playing the get freaky CD. "Get freaky! Get get get get get get get get get get get get get freget get get get" BOOM.


"We will get that tratior abe in no time! or my name isent......uh....."

"shitface sir?"

"thats right! that...hey wait a min......."


"Its your fault were in this mess!"

"This bites."



"Thanks to him im missing the oprea where the slig and the glukkon finally kiss! GET HIM!" The fifth mudokon says and gets out a baseball bat." WHACK! WHACK!

"Er.............*dials* Hello? Ambulence please? Where? The middle of nowhere." Lorne says into a phone.

.....I know there absoulute rubbish, but oh well.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

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04-28-2006, 02:23 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Naw, Fuzzleman, they're pretty good!
Mine are the ones of total rubbish, however.
I have no funny side whatsoever...

OSW- On the Mongo River.

:Stranger rows the boat down the Mongo River, suddenly feeling water surround his feet.
He stares down in surprise, then jerks up to the camera, and the Grubbs behind him:

Stranger: I thought you said the builders fixed the boat!

:Man whispers to co-producer:


Sowwy, re-did that one...It kind'a sucked on its own without a redo
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 04-29-2006 at 08:45 PM..
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04-30-2006, 02:36 PM
Glukinator's Avatar
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OAO- The ending

:Two blind Mudokons help to nail "Alf's rehab and tea" sign.
A loud bang come from the hammer:


Mudokon one:...Wait...that wasn't my thumb?
That's the ending of AE not AO.
<a href=http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu target=_blank>http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu</a>                    s-1.jpg

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04-30-2006, 03:04 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Ahh...didn't know.
Haven't played AO or AE; just MO and SW...
Boy I'm slacking on it...
The Stranger's girl

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04-30-2006, 05:24 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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AO Ending- the zap makes the Slig pull the lever.
AO Ending- when Bigface appears he falls into the fan which after all is still going
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05-01-2006, 02:58 AM
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Those are simple, but would be freaking hilarious XD.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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05-01-2006, 12:54 PM
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Stranger turns Sekto's body over, to find you-know-what. He moves closer its face, and it suddenly lets out a massive belch.
In SW, the blue/green lights gate opens revealing Master Chief
Good endind, AE. The crawling slig yelps "Pants! Pants!". Someone tosses a pair of Y-fronts onto him.
"Sekto. What's your business?"
"Congratulations. You have been chosen to be a guest on FUD TV's gameshow, Name that Trauma!"

"Sekto. What's your business?" *Listens* "No, I don't wish to change my water supplier."

"Sekto. What's your business?"
"Is there a Mrs Huggan-kiss there? First name 'Amanda'"
Stranger has been revealed as a steef. when the arrow cuts his rope loose he drops down and his foot goes through the floor, getting stuck.
Abe falls into the meat barrel. He gets up and someone has drawn a Hitler moustache on him.
AO bad ending. The slig pulls the lever to kill Abe, but the stick breaks off.
The blind mudokon in the "Brew" movie steps off the cliff. The camera follows him down, but he's gone. It pans back up to find him hanging by the back of his loincloth, which is snagged on a rock.
"Aaaargh! Atomic wedgie! For the love of Odd! Somebody get the prongs of life!"
"I had just got past those slogs-"
A slog knocks him off the cliff.
AO, good ending. Abe and Bigface materialise on the Rock in the Monsaic Sanctum, to face an army of Agent Smiths.
Abe is pushing the floor waxer in the begining movie. After stopping in front of the Meech Munchies board, the waxer doesn't start up again. He kicks it and it hums to life, spins around and speeds off into the distance, a terrified Abe hanging on by one arm.
The board room. Charts are one the screen. One of the Glukkons says "By Odd Molluck! What are you gonna do about it, huh?"
Molluck turns to the screen. "Show 'em"
The slig hits a button and the chart is replaced by the opening credits of "Sandford & Son"
"You gotta come to Necrum, Abe-" the Wierdo's face hits the camera.
"Don't worry, we can give you powers."
"Yeah, lary flowers." *laughter* "What?"
"We used to make Meech Munchies, until the Meeches were through."
Some joker in a Meech costume walks by.
Munch frees the fuzzles from the cages with his head port, but the static makes their hair stand up. They look ridiculous.
In AE, the Wierdo's drop Abe to the floor after the lightning has given him his chest scar. Writen across Abe's torso are the words "Vacancy" and an arrow pointing upwards.
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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05-01-2006, 04:39 PM
Dave's Avatar
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In AE, the Wierdo's drop Abe to the floor after the lightning has given him his chest scar. Writen across Abe's torso are the words "Vacancy" and an arrow pointing upwards.

MO Good Ending.
Auctioneer: SOLD! Lulu breaks the bank with three million moolah!
Abe collapses from exhaustion ... and topples off the platform above the auction hall, falling into it.

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05-01-2006, 04:56 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Ooh this will be fun . (I didn't read the whole topic so sorry if one of these ideas were already used)

AE: The scene where abe and the other mudokons go to necrum

*Trains comes*
Abe and mudokons: Everybody watch out!
*The bone falls and hits abe right in the noggin. Everyone laughs*

AE: Same scene as above

*Train comes*
Abe and other mudokons: Everybody watch out!
*A part of the train breaks of and falls flat on one of the mudokons*

Meh not that good or are they?
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05-01-2006, 10:35 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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In AE Good Ending Abe falls off rock
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05-02-2006, 03:02 AM
Ninjaxe's Avatar
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In the scene where director phleg ask the mudokons to drink the soul storm brew for the first time.

Dont think Drink. And the mudokons says okay. Then says tasty.That scene.

Take 1
One mudokons(lets called Marty) farts in line. They all laugh even Glukkons and sligs.

Take 2
Marty farts again. 'What up with that?' said Slig
Shuggs his shoulder ' I dont know!'

Take 3

Marty drinks soul storm brew and farts, Explosion 5 seconds. Glukkon shouts look out and everyone ducks.

Lorne comes in and grab Marty out the line and sticks in Piggy the mudokon instead.
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05-02-2006, 04:20 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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- on AO the bad ending after the scene -

Lorne sounding eager and happy: That was brilliant. The special effects were great, and the acting... So alive... The blood also looked so real!

Lorne looks around and says: "Well, were's Abe? I want to congratulate him on his good work..." *Waits* "Abe? Abe where are you?"
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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05-02-2006, 12:31 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
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The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

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05-02-2006, 12:52 PM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
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Here are some more:

Abe;s Oddysee:


Abe pulls the lever to shut of gas, but insted of the gas shutting off, the gas kills abe and that song comes on. What's it called now? Oh yea, TOXIC!



Abe jumps over a mine, misses and lands into another one.




"Follow me."


"I said follow me, come on only 10 seconds left."

5 seconds...

"Damit come on u little!"

The mudokon run straight into the mine.

Abe exodus


Abe jumps from the cliff, to dodge flying slig, and misses the well.


Abe is in the desert, when stranger appears from nowhere and does the tango with abe.

"WTF?" Lorne shouts.


When the flying slig comes down, he is carriing a banner saying "CONGRATULATIONS!"

Thats about it so....yea.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!

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05-02-2006, 03:40 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
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okay here's one i just made: MO:
Lulu enters the auction room when 'pimpin all over the world' starts playing.
Lorne: ... *stares blankly*
the valet starts dancing.
Abe (off screen): 'sorry!'
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05-03-2006, 02:48 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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Abe's Moon FMV Abe falls, but gets loincloth caught on a snag.
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05-03-2006, 05:04 PM
Glukinator's Avatar
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(Phleg info) Phleg: There are no bones anywhere no bones! A bone falls on his head. Pretty soon the cealing collapses and a bunch of bones fall on Phleg.
<a href=http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu target=_blank>http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu</a>                    s-1.jpg

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05-03-2006, 10:41 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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(Phleg info) Phleg: There are no bones anywhere no bones! A bone falls on his head. Pretty soon the cealing collapses and a bunch of bones fall on Phleg.
Good one
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