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04-26-2006, 04:08 AM
SligStorm's Avatar
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Question When did you get the oddworld games?

im just wondering wot years you got the games.

Well I mite of not known about the oddworld games if i hadent of got Abe's Oddysee demo with my PS and i got AO (full game) 1 year after it was relesed i think.. but i do remeber geting Abe's Exiddos The same year it was relased, I first found out about Strangers Wrath from OWI Cards sent to me and i saw an advert for it. (didunt see an advert for AO & AE tho.) and found it in the shops the folowing day.

(If your gonna reply you dont need to do it as detailed lol)
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04-26-2006, 04:53 AM
Ninjaxe's Avatar
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This is a pointless thread.

But I might aswell say something. I got AE when it was first out on the pc and ps. My aunt bought it for me. She got me the pc version. When I played it I was hooked and play it over and over.

AO was still years later. When I found out I saw the pc version going for a cheap price so I got it. I didnt reaslise the ps version had Sam the Shrink in it. I would had got the ps version.

I have to admit I wasnt exposed to oddworld like other in this forum. I only played the games. Some people in this forum have recive holiday cards and posters. Feeling really deprived!!!
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04-26-2006, 06:06 AM
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If it's pointless then why did you bring it back from death?

My bowels hurt.

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04-26-2006, 03:15 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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I think I remember seeing this thread somewhere else. But I don't think it is a pointless thread.

My story is a long one. It all started when I was 6 or something. I don't remember. My uncle had got AO for a present, and they loved it. The game was enjoyable because you could humorisly kill yourself several times. I grew to love it too, for my cousins and uncle would play it as well. I wanted to play the game myself, but I was too little and couldn't play as well. BUt I wanted to play the game myself and went to the main website. I saw that there was other OW games as well. I asked if I could play the lastest game, MO. My parents looked at the rating and said no. I was shocked and was never to play or even see the game ever again.

I can't keep track of how much time went by until I saw the game again. It was my sister and my younger aunt that came across it and I remembered in how my parents didn't like the game. They didn't listen to me and they started playing. I grew amazed in the game once more, and I started to play the game again. I also visited the website once more, waiting every month for Dear Alf. It was devastasting to wait so long. Soon, I decided since my cousin had liked the game so much, I decided to give him AE. That was the first time I purcashed AE. I gave him the present, and he loved the game as well.

I, on the other hand, had bought AO myself. My parents gave it to me, and I spent quite a while. I remember the times where I would be afraid of playing the game myself, for the sudden action. It took me nearly an entire summer to finish the game, and some time before. I was disappointed to see that I always got Bad Ending. I decided to go back, and start the whole thing by myself. I tell you, it was more difficult than the first time. I couldn't save files with names at the time, and couldn't remember which ones I saved at. Fianlly, I got use to names, and finished the game, this time with 98 saved. I decided to convince my mom after that to buy AE for me. I got it and spent some time on it as well. And that's my story.

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04-26-2006, 03:20 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
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Well, well...
My first Oddworld game was on Gameboy color, in...'98-'99?
It was Oddworld Adventures, the first game I ever got of Oddworld.
But I don't think that really counted, 'cause it was a cheesy pixel game of a long blue stick figure of ABe, pickin' up other green stick figures of Mudokons.
What really counted was prolly Munch's Oddysee, on my first Xbox on the 2000 christmas.
From there on, I was born in to an Oddworld fan.
I can't git enough o' it! XD
The Stranger's girl

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04-26-2006, 04:23 PM
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It started out when I was around six. When I still lived in Pittsburgh, my mother would always drive out to these shopping complexes and occasionally stop into Circuit City. I would go to the game secton and I would find AO, I was immediately fascinated by the oddness of it and I would stare at it every time we would go there. She eventually bought it for me. When I first played it I was both confused and afraid of it at times. I tried a a lot of times to get past the first level, but I was a crappy gamer at that age. A few years later I found it when I was rummeging through some games. I found it, downloaded it and got past then first level. It wasn't on my computer, however, so I had to download it to my own. It took a while, but I finshed with the bad ending. I decided to use a cheat after that to watch the good ending. After AE I dug it up again and started playing it. I recently got the good ending.

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04-26-2006, 04:30 PM
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I played AO for the first time as a demo. After I played it a few times, I kinda forgot about it untill I saw it in a store a month later. I decided to buy it, and from that point onward I have been an Oddworld fan.
When AE was announced, I begged my dad to get it for me. He always kept saying he could get it for me cheap from a friend, but when he still said that after a month or two, it took long enough and I just bought it in the store again.
MO I got just after I got my X-box for my birthday. It wasn't long after the game's release, and it was pretty much the first game I played on it and was the reason I wanted an X-box in the first place.
And Stranger, I got it the day it was released and enjoyed it to death.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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04-26-2006, 06:52 PM
Kamille's Avatar
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pretty recent I got into the games over a year ago after watching an episode of icons about it, I wasn't that interested in it before that but since that episode I've loved them!
Macross forever.

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04-27-2006, 03:23 AM
Glukinator's Avatar
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I got it when I was 5. When I first tried it, I thought it was just weird. Then I played it some more and I loved it. I'v been playing the games ever since.
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04-27-2006, 04:01 AM
oddveteran93's Avatar
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This is a pointless thread.
You're a pointless thread. Your face is a pointless thread. I'm sorry, this was the only comeback I could think of. Anyway:

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee: Sadly, only in 2005
Oddworld Abe's Exoddus: A crappy pirated version in 1998 and a good legal version in 2000
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee: 2003 I think.
Oddworld Stranger's wrath: in a week
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

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04-27-2006, 05:56 AM
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AO: Begin 1999
AE: Middle 1999
MO: european launch day
SW: european launch day (-1)

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04-27-2006, 11:27 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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I bought my first oddworld game aswell as my first video game, AE in very late 1999. Then I bought AO in 2000, following MO at Christmas 2002 . Finaly SW one day after the European launch.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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04-27-2006, 11:37 AM
HobbitNinj's Avatar
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Played AO and AE around ....1999? Yeah, 98 or 99. My step dad got AO for his playstation and when he was through with it, gave it to me. Bought AE three days later after completing the game. MO on the x-mas day after the Xbox was released. It was the reason I bought the Xcrap. SW... last november?... Maybe October... my Xcrap died in December... damn disc read errors...
Truth is stranger than fan fiction.

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04-28-2006, 03:48 AM
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seems lots of people got problems with their boxes, mine died when fable was released, now I have a new one...

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04-28-2006, 05:44 AM
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I have never had a problem with mine. My PS2 on the other hand took a shit.

My bowels hurt.

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04-28-2006, 11:50 AM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Well, I remember saying this before, but I got AO for my 8th birthday...and me and Oddworld lived happily ever after.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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04-29-2006, 07:10 AM
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AO: Early in the summer of 1998.
AE: I forget. 1999 sometime.
MO: The first Saturday after the first price drop of the Xbox in the U.K. No idea when that was.
OSW: Can't remember, either. Wouldn't have been more than a few days after launch.

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04-29-2006, 09:32 AM
Scrab Watcher's Avatar
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MO: The Christmas of the Xbox's release, from my uncle. It was the second or third videogame I ever owned.
AO/AE: I tracked the pair down and bought them about six months/a year after Munch.
SW: I got it at the first opportunity, which was a few weeks after it's European release.
The voices in my head are having cat-fights!

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04-29-2006, 06:29 PM
Glukinator's Avatar
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I never played SW. Is it as good as the others?
<a href=http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu target=_blank>http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j35/glukinator/lulu</a>                    s-1.jpg

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04-30-2006, 08:41 AM
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I used to get the PS magazines frequently, and out popped a demo disk for AO. That changed my life. I got the full version aged eight or nine for passing my SATS, though I knew I would get it weeks earlier when I found my mum's save on my memory card for Scrabania. That was in '97.

In '98 I got AE. Then I had a little nervous breakdown for years as I didn't have a XBox, but I won one in '04 and immediately bought MO. I got SW as soon as it came out. I late won another XBox
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04-30-2006, 05:57 PM
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I got Abe's Oddysee a couple of months after it came out. I remember playing the Demo which came on a Demo-disc from the now dearly departed "Ultimate PC" magazine - it took me ages to complete that demo, but I was hooked as soon as I'd started playing.

I was prepared for the release of Abe's Exoddus and as soon as I'd heard it had hit the shelves I persuaded my parents to buy it. I remember thinking how cool it was that it was classified as a "bonus" game and not part of the quintology, because that meant there were at least another 4 awesome titles still to be released.

Then Munch *eventually* came out after much speculation on the Xbox. I actually bought my Xbox + 2 controllers + Munch as a package from GAME. Fantastic game that was.

Then of course Stranger's Wrath. I'd forgotten about Oddworld when it was released, and didn't hear about it until Summer 2005, so I hurriedly ordered a copy from Amazon. And then when the devastating news hit home that Oddworld were "moving away from making more games" I felt a huge lump in my throat.

All I do now is pray every night that there will be another Oddworld game released some day.

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05-01-2006, 05:27 AM
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I bet there's someone here who has some programming ability. If we get off our sorry butts then we can make a game. It will no doubt be crappy, but we'll be proud of it.
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05-01-2006, 08:42 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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Bullet Magnet-That would probably get you sued by Lorne for theft of intellectual property.

AO 1997- I was 6
AE 1998- I saw it in a shop
MO,SW- I'm going to get it off ebay soon
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05-02-2006, 07:14 AM
Abe16's Avatar
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I got AO from my cousin, lost it, or something like that and then bought AO and AE on ebay. I then got my first xbox for christmas along with MO. And last for my 10th birthday i got SW. Pretty neat story huh?
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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05-13-2006, 03:56 AM
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Do we get sued for fan fiction or flash?
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05-17-2006, 11:41 AM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Well, no, but an entire game is not the same.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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05-17-2006, 05:04 PM
Killy's Avatar
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I never got around to buying AO, but I bought AE off an auction around summer 2005. I didn't buy AO because I borrowed it from a friend and ripped it while I was at it - I enjoyed the music alot and had played the game when it was first released, so it was a nice nostalgic experience. Upon completion of the first game, I decided to buy the AE.
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