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04-23-2006, 11:54 AM
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"Uh! No wait..." Anni said in a rushed voiced and jumped to the door, of the bathroom, and blocked the way out, "Um.. It's just some passage... Uh, but it's nothing speciel... just... it can give you alot of info."

She smiled nervously and then thought a bit, "Uh what's your name BTW? I haven't seen you around."

She thought another female Mudokon was surprising. She tried to smile innocently but it fadedaway into a nervouse thoughtful expression.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-23-2006, 12:31 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Opp! And isn't that considered sexual content, when they see female mudokons, naked? Just curious.

Also, don't throw this at me! I may thought of the idea, but I had told your guys if you didn't like it, you could just tell me. That was like 5 days ago! Why now? It would be pretty hard to cover that all up. Or if more research is done, we could just make it look like something else happened. But it is sort of akward, I admit it. But remember, sligs hatch from eggs, like chickens.

IC: Max looked at Freak weirdly. He grew up knowing that wimps are wimps asking for it. But something was oddly familar about that guy, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He growled anyway, "Hey buddy, you're ashaming your kind! Don't make me let Molt see you!" He said in the understandble language to Somi, "Sorry, but I don't think walking with me is such a bright idea. There's a lot of Industerials around here. But I could pull a lot weight of your back, by bringing Freak here. I could teach him how to take care of yourself. Come on." He nodded to Freak and headed off, sniffing for Molt. He walked off, while dragging Freak with his mouth. He fianlly went down the staircase and heard something. Something that sounded like a female's voice. I a door. Sounded like a mudokon too. He dropped Freak and barked, "This is your first test. Attack the non-working. Now!" Personally, he would want to eat this mud, but he needed to see what this slog had him.

04-24-2006, 12:18 AM
outlaw king's Avatar
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OOC: I agree with slap , we did notify all of you lot around 4/5 days ago what was going to happen , but I also agree with many of you . I think my RPing skill mainly revolves around lots of interesting stuff happening , which , in many times , is not suitable for this RPG , I hereby promise that I will tone it down . Ill start by trying to make change Stueys situation a bit.

Ill post when the time is right.


Last edited by outlaw king; 04-24-2006 at 12:20 AM..
04-24-2006, 12:35 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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OOC: Well I thought he was just cloning himself... But i that he's actually pregnant is just grossing me out... sorry...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-24-2006, 02:07 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: None of the female mudokons are naked now and haven't been seen naked. Dion was when she changed but if you can think of a better way I'd like to hear it. No one actually saw her as far as I know, and now she has put on some spare clothes.
It's not sexuality that bothers me, its the levels of gore and violence and in general the concept of a male giving birth. Slaveless, you're a very good RPer, and Outlaw you have potential but you have to get it into your head that we can have fun without making everybody feel ill.

Dionysia smirked. "A lot of information? Like what? Found some secret library behind the walls, or have you been spying?" Jim looked if possible even more scared and Dionysia smiled. "Spying? Well I don't think that's allowed, what would the boss think?"


Stvik quickly found his way round to the toilet which Anni had disappeared in to and in true sliggish fasion ran right into it.

As Dionysia had locked it previously this didn't have quite the dramatic effect he would have hoped for.
Leaping to his metal feet he bagned on the door with his fist. "Anni! I know you're in there, open the door before I break it down!"

Heaing Stivik's voice, Dionysia stormed over to the door and shoved Anni aside. "Stivik! Can't resist me can you? Is that really any way to address someone as valuable as me?"
She leant down to Anni and whispered to her. "Get that passage closed quicky and... Do something about that," She motioned to Jim who was huddled against a wall, frozen in fear as the slig hammered on the door.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

04-24-2006, 03:40 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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OOC: BTW Slaveless, who is the female worker Max was reffering to?


Anni got a shock when he heard Stiviks yelling. This made her freeze again for a few seconds. She tried to puzzle this situation together. Who was this female mud, and how did she know Stivik? She sounded like she had some history with him. Then it came to her mind, that it could be possible that this mud was Dion... something... The one Stivik had been talking about to his boss. Then she rushed to the door, and closed it tightly so it was camouflaged by the patterns on the wall.

"Look can we please talk about this another time? I got into some trouble with Stivik, and i guess I'll have to sort it out.
But just for you record... You can't trust Stivik..." She said still with a bit of a shaky voice.

Then she went to the door.

"Stivik calm down you tard!! I'll come out now." She said annoyingly and opened the door, and then looked at him with a smirk, "Hello, glad to see me?"
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-24-2006, 08:27 AM
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OOC: Do you guys have any idea how I could get around this issue? I didn't agree with it but pretty much accepted I had to go along with it as they'd written it already. Maybe we could just edit all the posts mentioning the subject and change it all round.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

04-24-2006, 09:12 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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OOC: or we can just say that they were wrong and instead Stuey had a bad stomache... Or... something...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-24-2006, 11:16 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Best time of day when I come around and see such crazy ideas such as a pregnant Slig. But really, that is sort of impossible, even in fiction. As to solve it, I'm with T-nex here. outlaw, you should find a way to rid Stuey of his aches and whatnot.


Otto nodded to Stivik as he left. "Right. More work for me and less for him. I'll go and find out what's he planning." He made to leave to the Executive Office. He walked to the platforms and took one to the upper levels. He stepped off the platform and walked into the Office hall.

"Hey Arn, you wanted to see me?" asked Otto with little enthusiasm.

"Yeah, Stivik found you, then. Anyways, I finally have a suitable job for you to do here. Since I have little time to jump around and listen to every single worker's problems, I decided to appoint you as my Assistant and the factory's new worker post..." Arnie stopped to take a breath. Otto was rather interested what would this new job be. He listened rather impatiently.

"...as Flak Clerk." finished Arnie.

Otto was taken aback. "As... Flak... What?" he spluttered. "Factory got into armament when I wasn't..." he asked, but Arnie interrupted. "This means that you're supposed to look after the complaints of workers and handle them."

Otto remained silent. Arnie took this opportunity and continued. "You do that, and come around and report what you saw sometimes. I hope I don't have to explain it better, I think I made myself clear. I have lots to do."

Otto looked sideways at the wall, dumbfounded. "Right... uh... I'll go then."

"Good." said Arnie and went into the office. Otto left the hall. Last thing he wanted was to have more concern about the employees. Assistant is allright, but being a Flak Clerk. He must have been the first of all Glukkons to take that job. First, the whole thing was Arnie's brainwave. Second, at other places, complaining workers were surely introduced to drills and grinders.


RG-49 listened to Gappiqu, looked up at the ceiling, then back at Gappiqu. "In case you didn't notice, Slig organic, my frame was made to protect my inner parts from damage - mass and heavy, in other words. There's no possible way I'm going up there, unless there's a crane around here."

He looked around and spotted Rick, who was examining the repaired grinder engine. "But that Mudokon is more fitting for the job you speak of. Mudokon organic, come over here."

Rick looked up from the engine and went over. "What's going on, RG?"

"Help this Slig organic." said RG-49 curtly and went back to work.

"Hey, hey... uh, whatever..." he said, when RG-49 didn't reply. He turned back to Gappiqu. "I'm not sure I saw you earlier. I'm Rick. So, how can I help?" he asked.

04-24-2006, 11:16 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Outlaw King said that it could be done, by saying Slap made a very big mistake in his calculations. That would be the first in history of Slap's doing. I don't think editing it all would be a bright idea. Then we would have to cover up everyone's OOCs as well.
By the way, Max was referring to Anni, as I believe.

IC: Slap thought about Molt's condition. He was pretty much healthy, but he would need pills filled with slig blood. The thought of Molt trying to bleed others for his doing was sicking, even though he had went into others many times before. He wasn't ready for that, and other could get inffected. Suddenly, he remembered the blood he was diongoising Stuey with. But blood was making him think about what if there wasn't even a clone.

Just then Slap, bounced back to Stuey's blood at that thought. He examined, looking more closely in material inside the blood. Looked familiar to him though...

Slap felt rather confused now. He had saw this material, but he felt like this was one of the biggest mistakes he had made and didn't even see that coming. He went over to the laptop and typed, "Master Stuey and Dek, there was miscalculation in my examination process. Stuey, you are not prengent at all, you have the liquid Brand X inside you. It was created to prevent possession to happen to sligs, by making, well, tissue around the nervous system. Though that it may make you itchy for a while, there is nothing wrong with you. The odd pressure in you is the Brand X going through you. It may seem odd, but this would be the only time that would happen. Dek, I'm sorry for confusing you with rather a different condition. I promise that I will always check my information for now on."

He put his head down in ashamement, and walked over to Molt again. Molt seemed OK to him. He decide to turn the knock out gas off for now.
Max saw that there were even more people in the bathroom. He didn't feel like that Freak could attack someone in this crowd. Max told Frea anyway, "OK, now when most of this crowd decides to go, attack that black mudokon." He felt like she needed to run from something anyway.
Gappiqu was disappoited in how the droid could not get up there. He said to Rick, "Hello, my name is Phil. At the moment, I need someone to climb that rope over there, dettach the hook, and knot it firmly, so I could make a lift to fix the pipes. Got enough to take that bad boy down?" He hoped Rick could help him.

Last edited by Slaveless; 04-24-2006 at 11:32 AM..
04-24-2006, 12:44 PM
Splat's Avatar
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Stivik smiled coldly. "Thrilled. You're always so polite Anni, if you hadn't tried to kill me we could have gotten on so well. Anyway, the boss wants to talk about a few things, I'm sure you understand." He grabbed her by the arm and glanced at Dionysia. "This where you've been hiding yourself?"

"Actually I went to see our new boss; explains what slurgs like you are doing here. I've met some slow glukkons in my life, but this guy! The idiot actually sent me down to work at the grinders Stivik, you can include that in your next report!"
"maybe I will. I guess its pretty hard to discover not everybody on the planet recognises your authority, princess."
"Yeah, now would you take your little friend, I have better things to do than stand around listening to you enjoying the sound of your own voice."

Stivik gave a mocking bow and yanked Anni out of the room. Dionysia closed the door behind him. "Eugh, that b@st@rd. Just my luck to get stuck with him again." She turned and realised Jim was still in the room. "What are you looking so scared about? Get out of here!"
Jim nodded and ran towards the door of the room, and then hesitated and glanced at the door to the passage. he glanced at the black mudokon who had turned back to the sink and then ran to the wall, pried oper the hidden door and slipped through, closing it behind him. He headed down the passage back towards Arnie's office.


Stivik dragged Anni away from the door of the toilet. "Now don't try anything, I've got better things to do than chase you around all day. And Arnie knows what you've been up to now so there's no point trying to run. We won't let you escape." he glanced back at the closed door. "Oh, and... you should watch out for Dionysia in future. You can't trust her as far as you can see her." He grinned at Anni and continued to lead her to the office.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

04-24-2006, 12:58 PM
T-nex's Avatar
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"Now don't try anything, I've got better things to do than chase you around all day. And Arnie knows what you've been up to now so there's no point trying to run."

"Well I figured that out..." She said rolling her eyes.

She didn't like being alone with and especially not being dragged like this. But she didn't show it.

"Oh well I'd rather trust her than you..." She said, but she doubted that. Something about this Dion was not quite right.

She shrugged, and she'd inspect it later. If there'd be any later. Stiviks grab annoyed her a bit, so she pulled his hand away.

"You know I can walk by myself..." She muttered, and whent on in the direction of Arnies' office and bit more hasty than Stivik.

She'd rather be away from him, and felt releaved when the saw the door to the office.

"Oh here it is." she said smiling, "Wish me luck..."
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-25-2006, 03:07 AM
Splat's Avatar
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She'd rather be away from him, and felt releaved when the saw the door to the office.

"Oh here it is." she said smiling, "Wish me luck..."

Stivik nudged Anni with his gun and moved past her to knock on the door and then open it. He half pushed, half kicked her into the office, and then grinned. "Bad luck."
He glanced over at Otto who was still standing in the corridor and nodded to him. "Everything ok in there?"


Jim crept down the secret passage until he was once more behind the walls of Arnie's office. He pushed his eye to the hole and peered out into the room beyond, in time to see Anni pushed through the door.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

04-25-2006, 03:53 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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Anni look at the wall, where the passage was. The holes were hard to spot, so she stopped trying, but she felt she was being watched. Not in an unpleasant way. She was just happy not to be alone with Arnie.

"Uh hello... sir..." she said, almost mumbled it, and neared Arnie.

She looked down at the floor, avoiding eyecontact.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-25-2006, 08:10 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry sorry! Didn't mention in the previous posts, but I got a new graphics card, processor and motherboard, and my network was screwed up for a while afterwards. Hence, no internet for me :/
I've tried to read up, but it's alot to read back on, and I might forget some of whats happening.
EDIT: Spotted some directed questions; The Delivery Boy (you can call him Terrence) is a mudokon. Albeit, a pretty freaky and wrecked one. It IS alright for him to recieve mechanical implants.

Gore was running down a long corridor, from a scrab. He looked down, his organic legs working their full pace. Suddenly, a blade from the wall jutted out, and cleanly sliced off his legs. He shuffled round on the floor, the scrab getting closer and closer. He woke up screaming.
After a short while, he realised where he was again. He had fallen asleep, or gone out cold, or slipped into a coma, in the corner of the labs. He was wide awake, but feeling ill. Then, he remembered what he was there for.
Goresplatter: "Ebryn nt infolfed wif a frien geb oud pleass."
His tongue was numb, and he could barely speak. He tried to stand up, but his legs failed him, and he collapsed in the corner again. He waited for a short while, and eventually could feel his tongue coming back to him.
Goresplatter: "I can't feel my legs!"
He was slightly shocked. The numbness from his legs was moving to the rest of his body, he could feel it. Hanging onto the edge of conciousness and feeling very ill, he spoke softly.
Goresplatter: "Molt OK?"
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Last edited by Goresplatter; 04-25-2006 at 08:18 AM..
04-25-2006, 09:41 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Arthur waited for Gappiqu to finish, before adding his own little bit.
"It'd make sense for you to go up, yeh've got 4 limbs so can climb better. Plus we can put up like an airbaggy net thing to catch you if ya fall."
Dek realised how sad Slap suddenly was, although if he hadn't noticed his mistake, Stuey could have ended up badly injured in the operation. He'd need to try and cheer him up. A bit of Laughing Gas often did the trick. He spoke to Slap
"Not to worry Slap, you saw your error and told us about it, so you saved any possible catastrophe. If you still feel glum, take a small inhaler and put a bit of Laughing Gas in, that should cheer you up. Oh and, not to make you appear like an errand boy, but could you go to the grinders and see if a Slig named Arthur is there, he's perfectly healthy so can be used for the blood supply."
Goresplatter: "I can't feel my legs!"
Dek noticed Gore was awake, and rolled his eyes. "You're a Slig, you aren't supposed to have legs!"
He then noticed that Gore was in fact unwell. The leg toruble would need ot be dealt with soon.
"If the leg mutation is what's causing your illness, there's two solutions. We can do the traditional method of amputation! Or we can demand help from the Vykker. And as for Molt, I'm going to take him off the gas now."
Dek went back to Molt and gradually turned down the dial on the knock-out gas, slowly until it was down to zero. He removed the inahler, placed Molt's pants nearby, but not to Molt, in case he was indeed a psychopath, and waited for him to wake.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

04-25-2006, 12:12 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Molt being psycho? I always imagined him being more crazy. Also, I'm having a biology class, so I'll be able to know more in what we are doing in an operation.

IC: Slap felt a little better. He prevented Stuey from being seriously injured and having an unnesseary operation for Dek to operate on. He figured he should go and get some laughing gas and that slig Dek talked about a lot. But Slap saw one problem. He didn't know where Arthur could be or looked like. There probably wasn't a lot of sligs that weren't different from each other, so he should question people. Slap then exited the lab, with his laptop and set off for Arthur. Before he left, he typed, "Sir, I may want to remind you that the problem between Molt and Goresplatter is important."

He went across Max, but he didn't seem to notice him. Max was more interested in his slog beside him. Slap didn't take any chances, and ran to where Max couldn't see him. He jumped as he saw Stivik and Otto talking to each other and typed, "Good noontime, sirs. I am the new labortory assissant around here, and as far I believe, I remember seeing you." He pointed to Otto, and continued, "Why, you both look like you've been here for a while. May I ask if you two have seen or heard of Arthur? If you two gentlemen have, may I request the exact location he is in now?"
Molt started to flutter his eyes open to look at his surroundings. He could only see above him and he immedently assumed that he was reviewing his life. He pulled up and looked at Dek, thinking he was one of the Vykkers that was going to tell him about his condition. He says, "Yeah, yeah, I saw the damn video. Can I get on to with my life and make sure I don't go that junkshop and never meet that bit..." He was going to continue, before he realizes that he had a different arm than what he remembered it was. He also saw that Goresplatter and Stuey were in the room, he saw that he was fully awake. He grumbled saying, "Yah slurg! You and Crappiqu are the biggest nutcrackers I've seen! I was perfectly fine, then you came along! You blew off my arm! Time for an eye for an eye!" Molt got up, but rolled off the place he was laying on. He yelled into the air, "Go ahead Shrykull! Shock him dead!" He then looked to Dek, "OK, where's my idoit assissant, Srag? I need him to do some personal business of some sort."

04-25-2006, 11:41 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
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OOC: , uh , Dripik , correct me if im wrong , but werent my 3 sligs talking to Arnie ? it sounded like some characters walked right through them and started talking to Arnie , ignoring the fact that the sligs were already talking to Arnie when they arrived.


Stuey looked through his watery eyes at slap leaving the room , the pain in his heart suddenly left him , and he felt sorry for the hardworking intern , then he saw molt awake , which persuaded him more to get out of the room , he got up and walked towards Slap .

Stuey : Hey buddy , dont worry , its just a little mistake , and you ended up saving me from a un necessary and otherwise dangerous operation , you need'nt feel guilty . Dont bother with that laughing gas , it can be dangerous , a good talk and a big slurg milkshake works just as good . come on , lets go to the cafe , drinks are on me .

He realised about Slaps mouth .

Stuey : Oh , and did I mention they have special straws for Interns?


Kilsa spotted Stuey talking to Slap . He thought it best not to interupt . He then spotted Gore , and remembering the huge episode Molt had in the grinder rooms , he ran over to see how he was .

Kilsa : Hey ! hows it going?

He saw that Gore was in extreme discomfort , and that various medical personel were runnin over to help him.

Kilsa : Oh! sorry! Ill just go and ...uh...talk to Molt.

Kilsa walked over to Molt , vagley overhearing his shouting earlier.

Wheres my idiot assistant Srag?

Kilsa : Mr Molt , since when was Srag your assistant? The only thing you did was pick him up and threatened to crush him ! Curb your temper young man , shift yer brain into high gear!

And with that he walked of , feeling suddenly happy that he gave the slig what he deserved .

Kilsa : that outta teach him , tsk , Sligs these days.

Last edited by outlaw king; 04-25-2006 at 11:55 PM..
04-26-2006, 10:24 AM
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OOC: Sorry outlaw, kinda forgot about them. I was concentrating on Otto's new position.


Arnie was about to go into his office when he was called back by new visitors. He turned around to see Srag and his fellows.

"Will have to hire a receptionist, or I will be standing here forever." he thought. "Right, sure, I have nothing else to do, what do you want?" he said sarcastically. "What? Worker Welfare Association? Never heard of them. Have you got any papers to prove that? Can't let people in here just like that, now, can I?" he raised an eyebrow.

He noticed that Anni came in and greeted him while looking at the floor. "Good, at least she's invited." he thought. "Just a minute, Anni. I haven't been this busy for a long time, and now I have to talk to these so-called welfare workers." he said to Anni.


Otto nodded to Stivik. "Yeah, sort of. He's in a right state. Made a Flak Clerk out of me." he pressed the last word a little. "Any complaints are supposed to be reported to me." he sighed, resigning to the inevitable.

He looked at Slap who typed a message on his laptop. He read it and answered. "I haven't seen him lately. He might be at the Cafeteria... or at the Grinding Station..."

He looked at Slap's last message... I am the new labortory assissant... "At least you're happy with your job, aren't you?" he asked Slap. He better start off hearing possible complaints.

He looked back at the Office door which Anni entered earlier. "Any problems with her? Or with others?" he asked Stivik.


Rick looked up at the rope, hanging from the ceiling. "I think I can handle the climbing all right... I'll have to find a good place to hang on until I finish. Let's get started, then."

He walked to the rope, bent his knees a little, jumped and catched the rope. It didn't come off. "It seems safe enough." he said to the others and started climbing.

"Even if you fail, you still can enrich the factory's fame by taking part of a meat product." said RG-49. #7 Slig was about to laugh, but he concealed it with a cough. Even if RG was joking - it was hard to decide - he didn't want anyone to get hurt during the repairs.

04-26-2006, 11:10 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Molt felt rather insulted that he was considered young. He barked to Kilsa, "Who are you calling young?! I'm 32, as a matter of fact, and I've been through more than you have! I can't be throwen all over the place by my idoit siblings! (Remember, sligs are all born from the same mother) And I have a reason to cuss too! I've been nearly blown to bits and throwen againist a wall when I was injured! And Srag was trying to be my assissant, until he gave me a look that made me look bad! No one does that Molt! So, shaddup!" Molt got up on his two arms and said, "Sorry to break conversation, but I've got find that idoit, my gun, and my slog." He started to head off to the exit.

Gappiqu nearly choaked on his laughter, about RG's joke, but swollowed it whole. He said, "So if you fall, I could break it. Since those doctors can put anything back together, there's nothing to worry about." Gappiqu went back to the rope, pulled on it and said, "Yep, it's all right. So you go up now."

Slap heard what Otto had said first, and then what Stuey said. He typed on his keyboard to Stuey, "Sorry sir, but at the moment, master Molt cannot live much longer without his medication. He needs help at the moment. But you may go down to the cafeteria to look for some slig named Arthur. But I might enjoy a nice lunch down there, after I do my chores." He headed off to the Grinders, not too soon after his typing.
OOC: T-Nex, don't forget about Max! He is still waiting for Freak to responde.

04-26-2006, 10:51 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Srag and his Sligs huddled outside the office , whispering secretly to each other as the other group moved in to speak to Arnie.

#1 : Papers? who needs papers?

#3 : We do .

#2 :Aye , we do . But where do we get them?

Srag : number 3 , werent you the one that forged yourself outta prison with those phony release papers a few years ago?

#2 : Yes , but Im afraid ive lost my touch , and forging is a long buisness , and Stuey needs to be disposed of quickly!

#1 : shhhhh , keep it down !

#2 : Alright , Ill give it a try , ill hang out in the relaxation room , you guys come around their tomorrow , I should have them by then .

Srag : Gracius ( Srag is terrible when it comes to italian mafia accents ) number 2 , you are doing your family a great favour , gracius .

#2 : Dont mention it , Ill see you tomorrow.

Number 2 walked of in one direction , the other 3 walked towards the cafeteria.


Kilsa was enfuriated at Molts smart remarks , he spun around to confront his somewhat verbal opponent.

Kilsa : Oh im sorry , your not a young man? 32 you say? Okay Grandpa! Pull your head out of your backside ! And stop being such a aggresive crazy person ! Sure , im younger than you , but at least Ive got a good job! At least I dont have to hang around all day on a flat , hard table while doctors try to fix up my stupidness! While your being operated on , ask for a bigger brain! the one you have is too small! God , you are the stupidest slig Ive ever met!


Stuey heard Kilsas outburst , 99.9% of him wanted to stay and enjoy the fight , but he wanted to help Slap , he walked back over to him.

Stuey : Arthur eh? In the cafeteria you say? Okey dokes , I will go and have a look in the cafeteria then.

And with that , he walked towards the cafeteria.

Last edited by outlaw king; 04-26-2006 at 11:06 PM..
04-27-2006, 08:59 AM
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OOc: Outlaw King, they wouldn't say 'God', they'd say 'Odd'. There is only Odd on Oddworld.
Dek seized Molt with all four of his arms, spun him round, pulled a Chill Pill out of a pocket and shoved it in Molt's mouth.
"You aren't going anywhere, you've had a critical operation and are still in a condition that is cause for concern. You need more treatment so sit down and wait, or I'll have to sedate you again, which I don't want to do."
Leaving Molt to decide for himself, he went over to Vykker X's cage in the other room, took a Lil Hacker for possible protection, and banged it on the cage bars.
"Wake up you disgrace for a surgeon! Your experimented Slig, Gore, is ill. You'll help him, or I'll make your life not worth living."
"Wait Wait!" Arthur yelled up to Rick. "Don't you want some sorta safety net first?!"
Arthur was wishing he'd gone up instead. Sligs in the wild were natural tree-climbers, he probably could have done it himself. Rick was a mudokon, and Arthur didn't know how Mudokons were for climbing abilities. Why didn't he think to go get a Flying Slig jetpack?

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

04-27-2006, 09:33 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Stivik: "Anni tried to kill me three times in the last 2 days. Four if you count when she attacked me this morning, though I made sure she didn't get to try anything then. She grabbed my gun and threatened me with it once, tried again later and then stabbed me with one of Dek's syringes last night. I can't see how Arnie can let her get away with all that."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

04-27-2006, 09:48 AM
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"No i didn't!! Only once... And i was in a rage... The other ones were just attacks, and there's a perfect explanation for each of the. And by the way, you're only telling half the truth!" Anni said angrily while staring blankly at stivik, "But you should be leaving, shouldn't you..."

She proceeded further in the office till she was standing so she could face Arnie.

"Uh well..." She muttered.

OOC: Oh and for the love of Odd, please reply some more Dripik :-(
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


04-27-2006, 10:31 AM
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OOC: I rather not contradict myself, with placing the 'Don't flood W@RF with posting every day" advice in order...

...OK, OK, I posted yesterday, but still... I'll post anyway...

...wanted to continue drawing them comics, they'll have to wait, it seems...


Arnie wondered whether he sent away those Sligs or not. As far as he knew, he wanted to see their papers, and they didn't seemed to have any. He was annoyed by this, but he rather kept his temper top a minimum while talking to Anni.

"So, I'm glad you turned up here, Anni. Stivik told me... well, what he's been telling me all these days. You attempted to attack him again. I've already organised a trial when you had trouble with Nick (OOC: I hope it was Anni and Nick), then ordered the Vykker Dek to look after you. He didn't tell me anything about you, but I think he would tell me if he let you out of the Labs. This means that you left without his approval. Now, tell me... from your point of view... what is wrong?" he asked.

He wanted to find out why Anni was acting like this. He was against all kinds of execution, he needed the workforce, so he had to solve this in a diplomatic way.

04-27-2006, 12:04 PM
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Molt was very angry at Kilsa. He was called stupid? Molt wanted to go over and shred his suit all over the place. But he was restrained and given a Chill Pill. He thought about what he was dealing with. He fianlly said to Kilsa in a calm manner, "Ha, ha Kilsa. Let's remember that you are a useless Vice President, not a dry joke comedian. I didn't purposly let myself lose an eye. I also can do far more stuff than you can do. Who here knows how to hold and operate a gun, how to eat with my arms, what the kind of blood flows through Scrabs, Paramites, even Meeches? Who here holds a solider class and was possessed and survived here? Huh? Is it you? Who here is a Vice President, just because he closly related to former Vice President? And besides, I was doing nothing wrong. Some people here actually pay close attenion. Srag is a complete outlaw and Goresplatter's gun is illeagal according to Magog Cartel laws. He shouldn't have shot me in the first place either. So I was doing the law a favor. And at least I know my job. Plus, I know that you are trying to put Arnie out of business. Yeah, that's right. I'm a threat to you."

He went back thinking about his health. His survival was very important to him, for he knew that he wasn't gonna live long for a while. He said, "Hey I will stay for a while to get my health back to normal. Then, could I get my stuff back? Besides, I need to get a proper job, that does not include these idoits."

04-28-2006, 07:10 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Kilsa knew that Molt was telling the truth , and it scared him . Alot. He felt somewhat vulnerable without his retinue of Sligs . He felt cornered like a scared kitten , and Molt was the dog. He slowly sunk out of the operation theater , and quite quickly , walked outside for a quick breather.


Stuey set off in search of Arthur , he wasnt well prepared , he had know Idea what species he was , how big he was , or what he sounded like , so , He came up with a simple resalution . He walked right into the middle of the cafeteria .

stuey : ARTHUUUUUR!!!!!!! ARTHUUUUUR!!!!!

He felt somewhat embarrased yelling like this , but he had no other known way of finding results . Hwe eventually gave up , and sat down at a table.


Srag heard Stuey , he seized his oppurtunity and walked over to Stueys table , a menacing smirk apon his face.

Srag : Stuey I presume ?

Stuey felt somewhat uncomfortable talking to this shady character , and he was still trying to keep an eye out for Arthur , yet he put on a polite face.

Stuey : Yes , that would be me , and who are you ?

Srag : Stuey , I am the one that will see to it that you leave oddworlds existence . I will let you know , right here , right now , that your days are numbered . You aint safe Stuey j sligwell . You have been warned.

He left Stuey , who was busy trembling with worry and fear.


Stuey had no idea who the Slig was that had approached him , but he knew he wanted him dead , and this scared him to the high heavens . Finding Arthur suddenly left his mind , he ran of to seek help from the only friend he really had here . Gore .
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 04-28-2006 at 07:25 PM..
04-28-2006, 07:38 PM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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OCC: Hey guys Im back, its been so long since Ive been on here so Im just going to go back a bit in time to when dripiks Arnie, was talking to my Carl character ok guys.

Tucker: Ok Arnie, I will take him to Magog Authorities, come on Carl, your going to jail!

Hits carl over the head with gun, Carl becomes uncontious

Tucker: Goodbye Arnie, Im sorry for all the trouble we have caused, I will return oneday thou

Picks up Carls body, and heads for the exit, Tucker hoped onto Carls trained and set a course for Magog headquarters. When the train was about a mile out of Rupture Farms Carl awoke in a furious mood, but Tucker did not realise.


Tucker: WHAT?!?! AHHHH!

Carl, using his arm, pulled it out of his coat and sent Tucker flying. He then pulled down a lever, and the train derailed from the track, crashing right near paramonia temple. Carl emerged from the train, looking as mad as ever.

Carl: Paramonia hey......theres an old abandoned entrance to RUpture Farms around here....

Carl surched around for a week before he finaly found the old entrance, and he entered...

OCC: Just so you guys no my next post will be in the present, so I hope this place will be as fun as before !
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

04-29-2006, 04:41 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Glad to see you back, chirpy7. You seem familar though...

IC: Slap entered the grinders, only to see several members of employees. He knew that the one he needed to find was a slig. He saw Rick, Javi, and Dean, which were mudokons, so he doubted they were Arthur. He saw RG, which was droid, which of course excluded him. Then, there was #7, Phil, and that other slig. He didn't know who everyone else was around here, so he decided to ask Phil.

Over all, to get to Phil was a challenge. He wasn't use to the dark enviorment, the big saws, the meat saw on the ground, while other meat saws were at least active. He fianlly reached Phil and typed, "Sir, do you happen to know who the slig, Arthur, is?"

Gappiqu happened to know who Slap was and said, "Yeah, he is over there." He pointed to Arthur. After Slap shaking hand, he read again, "May I ask, but why is there a rope on the ceiling?" Gappiqu responded, "The rope on the ceiling, is for us to fix the pipes.

"Then when it would be simpler to preform the operation on the catwalk, or on the sercurity walk?" (The sercurity walk, as I see it as, is the section where sligs walk around on, to make sure the mudokons won't riot. See the introdution of AO for it.)

Gappiqu blushed and said back, "Well. Yes, but you see, we were going to, um, well I don't know! We were going to make a lift, and um, this was a useful place to start."

Slap didn't understand. Why was a lift an excuse? It may been Phil's best answer. He asked again on his keyboard, "Also, why is a slig preforming this job? Slig's are natural tree climbers, and a mudokon is quite more heavy. Why don't you try it? I'm sure without the pants..."

Gappiqu shouted, "No! I mean, I can't. They are, um, superglued to me." The intern was intellgent, but he often wanted answers. The intern gave him a weird look, but only typed, "After a consult with Master Arthur, I will see that your pants are dettached." Gappiqu still didn't like this one bit. Now he had to reveal that he was one with four limbs. "Oh, why did you have to lie?" thought Gappiqu.

Slap walked over to Arthur, and typed, "Sir, may I take you to the labortory? Because, there is a slig in need of more blood, and you are healthy enough to give some to him."

04-29-2006, 08:06 PM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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OCC: My new characters (I need some new ones for 4 of mine have died)

Name: Mr. Eko
Species: Mudokon
Age: 15
Apperance: A Black Mud, carries a stick about 2 feet long and 3 inches thick, weres a white loan cloth
History: A holy Mud, been wandering the wilderness with his best friend Locke looking for a job, a week ago he found an advertisment on a tree that read "HELP WANTED AT RUPTURE FARMS, ENQUIRE WITHIN FACTORY", so they decided to go and get the join

Name: John Locke (prefers Locke)
Species: Mudokon
Age: 16
Appearance: A human skin coloured Mud, carries a 12 inch knife in his loan cloth, is bald
History: A holy Mud, been wandering the wilderness with his best friend Mr. Eko looking for a job, a week ago he found an advertisment on a tree that read "HELP WANTED AT RUPTURE FARMS, ENQUIRE WITHIN FACTORY", so they decided to go and get the join


Mr. Eko and Locke slowly walk up to the factory

Mr. Eko: So this is it hey?
Locke: Sure is, ya ready?
Mr. Eko: Sure am, lets go brother!

The two enter Rupture Farms

Locke: I wonder were we could find the boss; Molluck?
Mr. Eko: Lets ask around

The hallway they were in way empty, so the two shouted

Locke and Mr. Eko: Hello!? Is anybodythere?!


Within the Stockyard, there was a small opening in the ground, and from it emerged Carl, scrathed up with half of his uniform falling off.

Carl: Im.....comi...ing....for......you......Ar.......nie......

Carl looked at the factory with an angry look on his face, and started slowly walking towards Rupture Farms.............for the final time
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

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