Havoc's Movie Recommendation: The Island
I have been watching The Island yesterday night, and I must say it's awsome. For one, it's from the director of Armageddon and Bad Boys, which is always good. But the story is very very good as well.
While watching the movie it reminded me of two game series in particular. Oddworld and Half Life. Why you may ask?
Well, the story starts out with a guy, living his life, thinking he has it all good without knowing what is realy going on. Slowly he starts to find out, and when he does he has to make a run for his life. That, in a lot of ways, reminded me of Abe's Oddysee. And as soon as he gets out the Half Life bit starts.
The guy escaped, but nor him, nor you as a viewer barely has an understanding of what is going on. Trough the course of the movie, you find out what the corperation he was held at is all about.
I'm going to refrain from posting stuff about the story, except that it's kind of science fiction. Not to much though, it's a very nice mix of science fiction and your average everyday action movie.
I recommend this movie to everyone. Rent it, buy it, watch it, because it's a very awsome movie.
The Oddworld Wiki
When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.