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01-23-2006, 03:45 AM
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Does that mean it is legal to show us the movie?
actually OWI still exists... so I'm not sure that's legal
Lorne still owns the intellectual rights of Oddworld

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01-23-2006, 07:57 PM
nicksmith41's Avatar
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I am just so happy that OWI is sort of back on its feet..well its in the shadows, when i found this out a tear ran down my cheek i was so happy, OWI in by far my favorite company, if I would be a steef i would and I am just so happy cause now i can continue to try to access my goal to work at oddworld when im older lol
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02-03-2006, 03:16 PM
Kamille's Avatar
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Its possible this movie wont even be about oddworld, but I can't figure out and I mean this in a nice way who this movie will target outside fans, I mean is there enough of a following that this will be a good idea
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02-03-2006, 04:48 PM
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It's meant to break through to the general public. This isn't meant as a "game movie" but rather a movie who's plot has also been used in a game.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-15-2006, 04:42 AM
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I'm not meaning to p*ss on everyones fireworks here, but be aware that 90% of all movies that are started are never finished.

However, I still can't wait for the movie if it, and I will be at the London Premier (Assuming it will have a theatrical release)

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02-15-2006, 04:49 AM
TomFrogman's Avatar
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I'm not meaning to p*ss on everyones fireworks here, but be aware that 90% of all movies that are started are never finished.
That is the most uninformed statistic I have heard in a long while.
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02-15-2006, 04:57 AM
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If all films started were finished we would have an overload in films in the market, Cinemas, Oscars.

I am not just talking about American Films, I'm talking all films, from Hollywood to Bollywood.

OK, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's 80 percent, I read it the other day in a film Magazine.

Last edited by Fuzzle Guy; 02-15-2006 at 05:44 AM.. : an apology
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02-15-2006, 07:25 AM
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Thats if you call "starting a film" some writer starting a script, or a producer commissioning someone to do just that.

Once a movie gets down into production, it's rare for it to be cancelled entirely (Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote comes to mind).
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-15-2006, 11:59 AM
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Writing a script is not considered as Starting a film.

It is not a film until it is out of pre and into full production.

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02-15-2006, 03:57 PM
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with the massive influx and almost obssession with fully cg films the companies currently have, i'd be surprised if the oddworld film doesn't get picked up.
every company wants to find the next pixar of cg.
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02-15-2006, 04:22 PM
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Writing a script is not considered as Starting a film.

It is not a film until it is out of pre and into full production.
Then in that case your statistic is wonky. There is no way that 80% of films that go into production are cancelled, simply because the studios have already put in millions of dollars in developing the script, doing pre-production, hiring actors and crew, the list goes on. Once the film has started production, firing all those people and wasting that work would cost almost as much as finishing the film.

See, the documentary Lost in La Mancha is interesting simply because it is so rare for that many things to go wrong that production is cancelled entirely.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-15-2006, 08:55 PM
Paramite Mask's Avatar
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Well, I guess I'll wiat in excitement for a couple years until it's released. 'Till then I'll just watch the CG movies over and over and over........... I guess those amasing pictures on the art website were intended for Munche's Exodous. They were so beautiful. I hope it's a movie about AO, I've always imagined what that would be like in movie form..
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02-16-2006, 01:53 AM
panuru's Avatar
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Fuzzle Guy has a good theory when considering that many screenplays are never turned into films. I disagree, however, because I think Fuzzle Guy is taking too literal an literal approach to this.

As a filmmaker, I've always considered (my associates concur) a film to be "started" during pre-production. Principle photography (I think this is what Fuzzle Guy means by "full production") is merely a middle-ground, and everyone I've ever worked with has always considered "full production" to be pre-production, principle photography, and post-production altogether.

A script IS, however, conception of the film (much like intercourse is the conception of a child).

Fuzzle Guy,
Your statistic was probably observing the pre pre-production stage, which is when a film beginning preparations that must take place before pre-production. Most films are canceled before they reach the pre-production stage, as this is when money starts getting spent.
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02-16-2006, 08:21 AM
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Yeah, I meant Principle Photography, I just couldn't think of what it was called at the time.

Just a few of the many examples of unfinihsed films are:

A Woman at the Sea
Arive alive
Batman Triumphant
Batman vs Superman
Dark Blood
Game of Death
It's All True
The Man who killed Don Quixote
My Best Freinds birthday
Revenge of the Old Queen
Star Wars : A Fallen Hero (Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford were still too young, and CGI wasn't up to it yet. Set for filming in 1993. Yes this was cancelled during pre production. (Comes out 2021! Yippie!))
Somethings Got To Give
Superman Lives
The Works

Anyway, if I was wrong then I'm sorry I've caused everyone to steer off topic. Lets forget this and talk about the Oddworld Movie In itself.

Last edited by Fuzzle Guy; 02-16-2006 at 08:31 AM..
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02-16-2006, 10:43 AM
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But how many of these films were cancelled during principle photography?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-16-2006, 11:08 PM
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All of em exept Star Wars.

Do you think they will redo all the ingame videos and use them, or do you think that they will not use them at all?

I persume they'll get rid of the "So, get me out of here!"

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02-17-2006, 12:13 AM
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my guess is a total re-do of the CG films, with perhaps one old scene left in as an easter egg, which would be re-done too, but shot the same way as in the game

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02-17-2006, 07:43 AM
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Maybe they'll have the scene where Abe tells us that Molluck was p*ssed, since it has to 2D version of the game screen. That would be a nice little Cameo to the games to pop in there

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02-17-2006, 01:15 PM
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Poor Stupid Fuzzle Guy. Never try and bluff me, especially when it's so easy to check up on your claims through the internet. So I've spent the last 20 minutes visiting IMDB and Wikipedia for each of the films you just mentioned. Even once I corrected your spelling mistakes, I found that few of them were cancelled during principle photography - and even then mostly because the star had died! Most were, as I said previously, cancelled during pre-production.

Now, something you may find interesting is the Wikipedia article Shelved, which lists a number of films that actually did get cancelled in or after principle photography. Even still this is FAR, FAR below the 80% statistic you quoted.

A Woman at the Sea - Do you mean A Woman of the Sea? Because that was destroyed for tax purposes.
Arrive alive - was cancelled because it wasn't particularly funny.
Batman Triumphant - was cancelled during the script stage because Batman & Robin did so badly.
Batman vs Superman - never got past the script stage because director Wolfgang Peterson left to do Troy.
Creation - never got past the casting stage
Dark Blood - was cancelled because River Phoenix died
Game of Death - was half finished when Bruce Lee had to stop and do Enter the Dragon only to be screwed when he died.
It's All True - Studio pulled the plug on this one. It's a documentary so it's questionable how well you can compare it.
The Man who killed Don Quixote - I mentioned previously as the Terry Gilliam film (every website gives a different title) which experienced extraordinary problems.
My Best Friends Birthday - A film Tarantino did when he was young with absolutely no budget. Had problems with the footage produced by their crappy old camera so they gave up.
Revenge of the Old Queen - never got past the script stage.
Somethings Got To Give - Marylin Monroe was fired, rehired then died.
Superman Lives - never got past the script stage.
The Works - CG animated film that was never completed in the 70's. Read the Wikipedia article for more detail.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-17-2006, 01:36 PM
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People, do you think this is really THAT relevant to the topic? Call me a hypocrite, but please, can we keep this to the PMs? As for the film being canceled, I doubt it. Statistics mean bupkus when OWI is involved, they are a strong group if they can create somehting like Stranger's Wrath with their cirumstances.

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02-17-2006, 01:53 PM
panuru's Avatar
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I don't think the Oddworld film will be canceled. If it did, it would be because Lorne Lanning thought he had a better idea.
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02-17-2006, 07:42 PM
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Maybe they'll have the scene where Abe tells us that Molluck was p*ssed, since it has to 2D version of the game screen. That would be a nice little Cameo to the games to pop in there

I don't think they will show that in the film, that would probably get the Non-Oddworld Fans confused and maybe angry that there is a gameplay shot in a nice new film.

As for the "So....Get me outta here!" part, they probably wont put that in either, because it has to do with gameplay as in you are the one saving Abe. That wouldn't make sense because you can't controll a character in a film.

I don't even know why I just explained this to you. You know so much about films and making them, much more than I do, anyways.

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02-17-2006, 11:50 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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I just hope the bloody thing comes out.
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-18-2006, 11:45 PM
hippy's Avatar
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I just hope the bloody thing comes out and is not crap.
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02-19-2006, 12:14 PM
crash-kid's Avatar
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I hope they release some information on it soon.

(off topic)

Sorry if I havent been around much, it was 1 week holiday this week in England and I have been busy, I will hopefully post a bit more.
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02-20-2006, 07:25 AM
Ninjaxe's Avatar
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this is pure greatness....im sure this movie wont be a disappointment. The pictures are moving and i want know more about them already...cant wait..cant wait
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