I still haven't managed to play Psychonauts, what with my Xbox being on the other side of the planet both from me and any country where the game has been released. Rumour has it that it will be out in Australia next year so hopefully I'll be in luck.
But yeah, I'm very curious about what they're working on but I don't think they'll be telling us any time soon. I just hope it's something completely new and not just a sequel. Which is probable, seeing as Psychonauts didn't sell too well.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
Yeah. It is definitely not a sequel. It will most likely feature more adult characters seeing as the youth of the Psychonauts characters is what Tim Schafer thinks made it sell poorly.
The art style doesn't strike me as Burtonesque at all. Plus the art changes depending on whose mind your in. If you can find it YOU MUST PLAY IT. It is by far one of the best games ever made.
While you're waiting (if you haven't already done so) visit http://www.doublefine.com/news.htm and read all the news pages from day 1. It's damn funny.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
The Most Excellent Game PsychoNauts (The full, unofficial title) is a very respectable game. Tim is hilarious (As evident by his news page). Whatever he does next, I wish him luck and fortune...although I would hope that a sequal could eventually be crafted.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist
"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist
I thought you guys might be interested to know that I have Doublefine's phone number. I bought some stuff off of their website and their number showed up on my statement.