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01-31-2006, 02:17 PM
HobbitNinj's Avatar
: Oct 2005
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HobbitNinj  (10)

:sniff: ....what a nice Kodak moment. Is there a possablility of a sequel?
Truth is stranger than fan fiction.

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01-31-2006, 09:22 PM
Steefie's Avatar
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Steefie  (10)

I've only the first two posts with your story in them, but it's great so far! Lol, I liked the fact you mentioned Decepticons; I'm a TF fan. But how unsusual; a Halo-go-Oddworld fan fic. Quite unique, that's for sure! I'll read some more later
Bite me on my shins, so your scabby teeth break. Go on, I dare ya!

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02-01-2006, 02:10 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

:blinks at Hobittninj:

Uh...Hobbit? This is a sequel...and there's gonna be another one after this short story...
I think you;ve been havin' too much good stuff, Hobbit. Bye-bye to good stuff!
:takes good stuff away:
And thank yer, Steefie! It's a TF-on-Halo-on-Oddworld type fic. Ain't that funny?
The Stranger's girl

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02-01-2006, 09:51 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Okay, say it with me now....ready?


More story! YAY! *dances around like a Steef that's eaten too much cheese (LOL!)* I'm so happeeeeee, I'm so happeeeeee, this fic's happy! and sappy! and briiiiiiiight!

o.O .......let us never mention this again....

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 02-01-2006 at 09:54 AM..
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02-01-2006, 12:53 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Weeks of healing had passed by. The blizzards became torrentially worse, and stripped part of the village we spent little by little. The canyon was blowing the cold air to us like a tornado, so we had to move back to the Native's Village, where we first saved the Grubbs from the Wolvarks attacking.
The Grubb Queen let us on our own this time, she moving back to her native birthplace in Last Legs. The Grubbs were treating us like gods, but it's not that great. I mean, we saved their lives 'n stuff...
Anyways, we were fully healed, physically, but not mentally for me. I still had the terrible nightmares of Sekto and the destruction of his dam.
Spring was slowy regaining its courage popping out of the cold brightly. But the air was still frosty.
Stranger had become a little thoughtful of something that really tore at him irritatingly. He would go around grumbling incoherent thoughts, sometimes leaving the house for a while, and not to return 'til the sun went down.
I could sense his problems, but I couldn't help him if he didn't tell me. He had a secret from me again, tearing at me as well...

Stranger placed on his hat over his hat, tucking out his ears crushed down on his hair.
Umi blinked over the doorway to Stranger all dressed up in his poncho and tights.
Stranger looked back to Umi, apathetically grinning.
"I'm goin' out fer a while," he turned to the door.
"Keep the door locked, 'dun answer ter no one, got's it?"
Umi only nodded, wrapping herself back in the large blanket, and lying bordely on her pillow.
Stranger turned to close the door, avoiding to let a cold draft inside their already warm home. He turned back to the snowy hills of the Native's Village, shivering coldy. His hair prickled up with the goosebumps rising off his tan skin.
The Grubbs greeted the Steef kindly.
Stranger returned the greet with a respectable nod, continuing down the icy path to the docks to the Mongo River.
His boat sloshed in the slushed water, the drips that had came off from the nautic waves frozen.
Stranger carefully sat down in the freshly-innovated boat. The holes ripped in the rotting wood was stripped off its surface, and nailed down with better lasting wood. The bow of the boat still had a dragon's face popping out fiercely staring out in the distance.
He held the oar handles tightly, turning the hull face-around out to the Mongo River, filled freshly back with its water.
he stroked through the half-frozen water, driving his way out to Last Legs.

Last Legs was about as frozen as the Native's Village, but more bustling of playful Grubbs wandering around the rebuilt town.
Stranger docked himself gently after a half-hour boat ride to the capitol of the Grubb tribes.
The Grubb guards helped Stranger tie his boat securely to the dock, then sent him off to the Queen, whom was settled down in a nearby tavern called, "Tardy coops".
The host, however, was a filthy-rich Clakker, whom created a old run-down tavern for the bustler kooks of the town.
Stranger took down his hat in his bundled arms, walking calmly around the chatting excited Grubbs soaking in their pints.
Nearby a crackling-hot fireplace sat the Queen Grubb; her lavender-purple eyes locked upon the dressed Steef approaching her humble table.
She smiled up to the Steef as a greeting, waving a hand invintingly.
"Please, sit," she nodded.
Stranger scooted his chair out under him, sitting with his legs freely out from under the table, leaning up against the black-stained table.
Clakker waiters picked at the charred coals fueling the fire with a pike, the fire engulfing unused charcoal, and growing hotter. It nodded respectfully to the Queen and Stranger, waddling away back behind its bar.
The Queen then stared back to Stranger.
"So," she said in a calm, womanly tone.
"Why have you summoned me here, Steef? Is something troubling you?"
Stranger scratched the back of his neck. The skin was dry and flaking, the new skin itching irritatingly.
He looked back up to the Queen, nervousness shaking in his tense neon-green eyes.
"Yeah, uh..." he began, looking around suspiciously, leaning closer to the Queen.
"I've been wonderin' 'bout somethin'..."
The Queen still looked at him with curious eyes.
Stranger scratched his neck again.
The Queen let out a soft laugh.
"Don't be so nervous, Steef. I am willing to help you with any complications necessary to make you feel at home," she smiled kindly.
Stranger's eyes looked back up to her again.
"'ll...It's more...'bout...uh...Umi," he spoke so low, the Queen could barely make it out.
She blinked at him, waiting for more of his explanation.
He was about to speak again, when she held up a hand to him.
"Wait," she said, staring deeply in his eyes.
Stranger held still, blinking confusingly at the Queen.
She relaxed back in her whicker chair, nodding acceptingly.
"I see what's wrong, Steef," she spoke.
"The human you were destined with..." she closed her eyes.
"...you have problems the way you live with her?"
Stranger blinked at the Queen.
She opened her eyes again, listening to the Steef closely.
"You see...I want Umi ter be...my kid..." Stranger whispered closely to the Queen.
She nodded back to Stranger.
"So I see...human and Steef don't make a good pair, huh?"
Stranger looked at her confused again, with a wild brow up high.
She gave a slight giggle.
"Not like that, Steef! She's way too young! I can understand why you want the human to be yours. You two've been really close. I can see the bond you share with the human," she nodded.
Stranger nodded with her.
The Queen looked down to the rickety boards of the tavern. She looked back up to Stranger, with his hat tightly in his hands.
"I know what we can do, Steef," she spoke.
Stranger looked back up to her brightly.
"We have a special bonding ceremony. It's like a wedding, but a tad bit different. Not that you two'll get married, but bonded lawfully. We do it on rare occasions, when a Grubb wants to take in an abandoned Grubbling, or Gabbit," she said.
Stranger's lips curled to a grin.
The Queen smiled back.
"I knew you'd be happy, Steef," she ratted her fingers togather.
"We'll begin the ceremony a week from today. I suggest you get yourself ready, and Umi, too,"
Stranger smoothed the back of his head.
"Kind'a wanna make 'dis a surprise...some feelin' of me think's that this is too special ta spoil," Stranger told.
The Queen nodded understandingly.
"Very well. All you need to do to keep this a surprise is to hide any signs of nervousness. That'll give away the entire surprise," she suggested.
Stranger nodded, standing up from his chair.
"Thank you, ma'am. Yer a life-saver," Stranger bowed his head.
The Queen only raised a palm.
"Not to worry about, Steef! Things like this always come to me," she stood from her chair as well.
"Best be goin'," Stranger place his hat over his head, trotting back to the doors.
The landlord of the tavern gave him a kind smile as he made his way out.
Stranger blinked up at the dark grey sky of the mid-evening. He gave a confident smile to himself, as he trotted back down to the docks. This ceremony would be the biggest change of his life, and so would be Umi's.

He entered through the door away from the already-rising midnight moon shining a silvery grey upon the mounds of snow piled by the huts lit warmly. He shut the door quietly, the house quiet of noise. He hung hit hat and poncho on the rack near the door, walking quietly as can be in to the front room.
The blanket was whipped with nothing underneath.
He gave a concerned sigh, turning back to the door and walking out.
'And you'd think a kid would be home when you were, Stranger...' he thought.
The first place where he thought Umi would be was near the river's edge, messing around with some adolescents splashing in the frosty river, antagonizing Gabbits or baby Fleeches.
He heard the cry of playing children, right in the tall stalks of catweeds, and the splashes of a large body.
He calmly strode up to the backs of the children Grubbs throwing pebbles across the icy river.
Then spun around to him, cheering happily, and running up to his sides.
"Hey, kids," Stranger greeted happily.
"Have yer seen Umi 'nywhere?"
The children fell silent.
"She walked down through the cattails...that's the last time we saw her," one replied quivery.
Stranger's lip fell askew, blinking his shining eyes down the flattenedd trail of half-frozen catweeds. He passed the children by, following the trail by the river.
The moon began to rise quickly over the flattop mountains. Stranger's worrying was growing in his chest.
"Umi?" he began to call.
He was wandering too far from the village, he could barely hear the children any more.
"Umi!" his voice grew louder.
A shivery shudder cawed a cry over the reeds.
Stranger growled, running through the sharpness of the weeds.
"S-S-S-St-ran-g-g-ge-er-er," a voice shuddered wearily as loud as it could.
Stranger stopped by the river's edge.
Umi lay in the tall grass, dripping wet.
Stranger knelt down by her, his lip quivering.
"Kid! What happened?" he picked her up tightly in his arms.
"I-I w-w-w-as ju-u-ust walk-k-king around t-t-the r-r-r-rive', 't-til I slippe-d-d-d-d..." she shivered cooly.
"Odd-damn, kid. Yer just one heart attack, you know that?" he ran through the weeds towards the village.
The children were gone to their homes, not worrying of what was going on in the night.
Stranger ran up the hill to their hut, kicking the door open, and running in to the front room. He wrapped Umi around in the blanket, laying her head on the pillow.
She tightened herself in the blanket, burrying her face deep in to her pillow.
Stranger sighed, walking back calmly to the door, shutting it closed and locking it.
Umi lifted her head up to the doorway.
Her shivering was sober more.
His head turned back to the front room, where Umi's head perked up.
"Are you...mad at me?" she asked innocently.
Stranger sighed again, frowning down at the floor. He kicked off his boots, and flung off his shirt.
"Nah...not really..." he replied gently, walking in to the front room, and sitting on the bed, minding her legs.
"I can't really stay mad at yer..."
He touched her cheeks. They steamed of blood-red heat, and her hair was defrosting from the wind freezing the water over.
She sighed exhaustedly.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered.
Stranger smiled slightly, fickling gently with her hair. He scooted under the covers beside her, resting his head on his pillow. He kept Umi near his chest to warm her chilled body.
"It's fine, kid. Just, promise me you won't do that again, without tellin' me. Ai'ight?" his chest rumbled.
Umi shuffled her head up and down, closing her heavy eyelids, and pressing her forehead on his chest.
Stranger rewound his voice earlier when he brought Umi in. He already sounded like he was a parent. His pride swelled. He knew now that he would make a good father.
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-02-2006 at 12:03 PM..
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02-01-2006, 06:32 PM
HobbitNinj's Avatar
: Oct 2005
: under your bed
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HobbitNinj  (10)

oh... sorry for my stupidity.
Truth is stranger than fan fiction.

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02-02-2006, 12:29 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Daw, so cute. XD Nice DE m'friend, very nice and fluffy. Aw, Stranger's gonna be a daddy, how sweet. Lol. Wonder how Umi's gonna react?

And the Grubb Queen's comment, ROTFL! Nice touch, was hilarious, so good as always. And I've beaten my writer's block so another chapter of mine'll be up later tonight or tomorrow.

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02-02-2006, 01:05 PM
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Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)


What will happen with Stranger?
How will Umi react to this surprise?
What will Stranger do with his tights?

Find out, TOMORROW!
The Stranger's girl

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02-02-2006, 01:22 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

What will Stranger do with his tights!?

ROTFL! I don't think it matters...as long as he don't swap 'em fer fishnets...now that would be uberly-ultra-creepy... o.O

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02-04-2006, 10:33 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)


The early morning stirred quietly with Stranger only awake, dressing himself silently as could be without disturbing the lump under the blanket in the front room.
He tip-toed to the door, putting his hat on his head from the rack next to the door. He opened the door slowly, whipping out, and closing the door, locking it.
He gave a great sigh, treading through the crunchy snow.
The houses were dim of the dark lavender sky. The sun was still hiding behind the flat-top mountains.
Stranger walked carefully across the short dock to his boat. He knew the waves splashed among the wood, and froze overnight, which made the dock slick.
He sat down beside each oar, rowing off from the shore, and breaking the ice in chunks holding down the boat.
He kept repeating his only task that he must appease before the sun went down by today.
'Must get my armor...' he thought.
He rowed to the path back to Last Legs. It was too early to take a thirty-minute boat ride down to the capitol just to pick up his armor, but if he didn't do it any earlier, he'd forget.
He sighed ruefully, brushing his frizzy hair back to his neck, then began to row again.

The sun glowed brightly through her tightly-closed eyes.
She hated being bothered by the sun and its antagonizing wake-up call.
Umi pulled the blanket over her head, turning away from the window brittle from the cold winds.
She felt herself alone, without another body right in front of her. She blinked her eyes open, staring at the shuffled empty blankets. She groaned irritatingly.
'It's every morning you have to be gone, huh, Stranger?' she thought.
She emerged through the blanket, her hair a whipped-up nightmare. She patted her hair, then frowned.
"Now I got's ter take a damn shower...Oh, I wish I were more lazy..."
She stomped tiredly to the bathroom, and slammed the door. She stared at the rectangular-piece of mirror reflecting her exhausted image to her eyes. Her eyes were a dark shade of blue, and her face was a pale-white. She always looked like this when she first got up.
She scoffed, undressing herself of her pajamas, and starting up the water.
The steam whipped up quickly, shrouding her essence under a blanket of warm fog.
She examined her new scars on her arms and legs. She shook her head disappointingly.
"And I thought through how much trouble I got in, I would have more..." she told herself.
"I usually get 30 per month..."
She stopped looking at her new scars, carefully entering the warm shower.
She slid the curtains closed, and the warm sensation exploding her senses awake. She looked down below her feet, and a stream of brown-red colored water flowed under her legs.
The extra blood caked on her back and her hair ran off her rough skin, spiraling down the drain.
She became mezmerized by the heat giving off the water, almost stopping her from getting out the shower.
She wrapped herself in a soft, jade-green towel, velvety to the touch. She walked out with her senses refreshed, trotting out to the bedroom, where all their clothes were resewn.
She laid out her shirt and vest on the table near the door of the bedroom. She scratched the towel around her hair, then dropping the towel on the flat carpet of clean grass.
Patches of similar fabric were stitched over the torn holes in her vest and pants. Only her shirt was sewn with black thread. She released a relaxed sigh, brushing down her conditioned hair.
"There's something I want to do out in town today," she smiled to herself, pulling over her red shirt.
She secured her belt over her waist, patting down her hair, and tying it up in her scarf Stranger gave to her.
She wrote down on a piece of paper a note, leaving it curled on the counter. She walked outside, locking the door, and running down the icy path. She followed Stranger's boot steps he left down to the docks. She turned away from the dock, running vertically with the flat canyon, and a hand-made path leading close beside the frozen Mongo River.
She didn't stop running. She was excited. It was a fresh morning, and she was going to get a surprise for Stranger.
Umi giggled to herself. She didn't understand exactly why she laughed. Maybe the cold, crisp air was getting to her mind...
She ran for 15 minutes straight down to the village marketplace.
Smells of fried to cooked fish swarmed lively around the bustling market. Happy, business-liek voices slammed their fists on their wooded countertops, smiling as a deal was made.
Umi nodded greetfully to the waving Grubbs. She examined around the jewelery departments, female Grubbs showing off sparkling jewelery to their customers. They blinked hopefully to the human observing their stands. She stopped at one, leaning at a hanging necklace in pairs beside each other.
"Wow," Umi blinked happily.
The saleswoman turned to the human, smiling sweetly, as she took down the necklaces.
"That's my best work you're holding there," she said, propping an elbow on the counter.
Umi smiled at the necklace.
It was a light silver snake dragon swiveling its body in an S-shape. Its wings were folded near its back, and its arms were cringed near its body. The eye was the mesmerizing part. The eye was a bright ruby-red shining under its silver eyelids.
Umi blinked back to the saleswoman.
"How much?" Umi asked.
The Grubb grinned.
"Two Haplefish," she nodded.
Umi blinked confusingly at the Grubb.
"What's that?"
The Grubb's grin began to diminish to a frown.
"You-" she began. "you've never seen a Haplefish before?"
Umi shook her head slowly.
The Grubb frowned, then ratted apart her fingers.
"I apologize, human. But...no Haplefish, no sale," she shrugged.
Umi put the two necklaces on the counter.
"How do I get these?" Umi asked.
The Grubb shrugged.
"Sorry. It's winter. The Haplefish only come out during the summers and falls. You'll have to wait next year,"
Umi frowned.
"But-but, is there anyway to get these without fishing for them?"
The Grubb shook her head apologetically.
Umi sighed in failure, as she turned away from the stand.
Until a voice called out...
"Hold up, Loraine!"
A female Grubb ran up to the stand.
"How much you say it was?" it asked.
The saleswomans blinked at the female Grubb.
"Two Haplefish,"
The Grubb slapped down two brgihtly green throny fish to the clerk.
The clerk smiled, sliding the necklaces to the Grubb.
"Thank you, kindly," she nodded.
The Grubb turned to Umi, holding out the necklaces to her.
Umi grinned happily.
"Thanks fer the save, Jala," Umi took the necklaces in her hand.
The Grubb smiled sweetly under her purple-painted eyelids. Her eyes were a dim sky blue.
"Although, I still thank yo fer the markings you gave me," Umi touched her painted stripes on her face.
Jala nodded shyly.
"It's the best way I could say thanks, Umi. You really saved our hides from the Wolvarks," she said.
"It's my job, Jala. Had really no choice but to," Umi scratched the back of her head.
Jala blinked away from Umi, then looking back up brightly.
"Say, I was going clothes shopping. You...wanna come with? I could use a handy helper," Jala invited.
But Umi shook her head.
"Sorry. Love to, but I got'a get home 'fore Stranger blows his lid that I went out again," Umi shrugged.
"Why? I though he trusted you out on yer own," Jala frowned.
"Well...last night was a bit of a screw up...Out too late..." Umi looked down.
Both kept quiet, looking around dreamlessly around the market area.
"Well...I best be goin'. take care, Jala! I'll make it up to you somehow tomorrow!" Umi ran down the path out.
Jala waved to her.
"See ya'!" Jala smiled.

Stranger turned back to the clerk behind the counter. He frowned angrily.
"What d'ya mean I can't have my armor?" Stranger demanded firmly.
The Grubb only shrugged with its eyes closed.
"Sorry, Steef. It's under renovation," it said.
Stranger curled a fist on the counter.
"I'll renovate you if yer don't give's it ter me..." Stranger growled.
The Grubb turned away from him.
"I told you, Steef! I can't give it to you!"
Stranger snorted impatiently. He had the urge to jump over the counter and snatch his suit back in the backroom.
An older-looking Grubb trotted out of the employee door besides the counter. He blinked oddly at the Steef, then at his employee.
"Kenji...What's goin' on here?" it asked in a deep tone.
The Grubb jumped from its manager's voice, turning right to him.
"Oh! Uh...Steef here wants his armor," it replied shakily.
He shook his head, then back up.
"Kenji, he needs it for the ceremony next week," he siad gravely.
Stranger turned back to the clerk with a successful grin.
The Grubb looked back to the Steef with nervous eyes.
"Oh..." it droned, blinking down from him.
"You could've said that,"
The clerk ran back behind it, shuffling and grunting around the backroom.
The manager smiled back to the Steef, straightening its focals.
"Sorry about Kenji, Steef. He's a lil' trickster at times,"
Stranger understood, nodding back to the manager, and turning back to the counter.
The Grubb clerk ran back to the counter, weighing heavily under the Steef's armor, the last he used to defeat Sekto.
It threw it on the counter, throwing a relieved sigh.
"Well, here ya go, Steef! Hope the ceremony goes well! I'm-a be there!" it wiped a speckle of sweat off its forehead.
Stranger nodded respectfully to the Grubb, bundling his armor under his arm, and tipping his hat to the manager.
"Thanks," Stranger grinned, then walked out of the shop.
Sun streaks through the heavy grey sky popped out of the blue, warming up the frozen-over snow.
Stranger sighed, white smog emitting thorugh his nostrils. He walked through the snow, leaving jagged edges as he made his way to the docks. He laid his armor with the bow, sitting back with the oar handles. He pushed off the docks, and rowed back down to home.

It got colder as Stranger pulled his boat up to the dock. He grabbed his parcel, and treaded back up the hill to him home.
The door was locked. That gave him the idea Umi was still home. But as he entered, it was as quiet as a slapped Grubb.
"Umi?" Stranger called, laying his suit in the bedroom.
No answer.
Stranger's ear perked up.
"Umi?" he called louder.
When no answer came, he growled disappointingly.
'She left again...'
He put his hat on the rack, and ran back outside.

Umi pulled up to the docks, Stranger's boat floating aloft with the gentle waves. She felt a rock form in her throat.
"Uh oh..."
She ran up the hill, immediately stopped by Stranger, whose eyes were as bright as diamonds.
He sighed relieved, kneeling down to her level.
"Where'd you go?" he asked firmly.
"D-down to the marketplace," Umi replied.
Stranger blinked skeptically, but continued.
"I got you something,"
Umi reached in her pocket, bringing up two small red-velvet boxes, and handed one to him.
He took the box, and opened it.
The silver dragon shone brilliantly in his eyes.
He looked back to Umi with a thankful grin.
"Ah, kid..."
He took her in his arms.
"You didn't have ter..."
Umi shrugged under his embrace.
"I just wanted ter get a pendant, you know...so we don't forget each other if somethin' happened..."
Stranger pulled away from Umi.
"I don't think that'll ever happen," Stranger smiled.
He opened the box again, staring deeply at the ruby-red eye glaring back.
"Here. Let's put it on,"
Umi jumped to his back, and wrapped the gold chain around his neck loosely. She clipped it on through the loop, and dropped it. She ran back to his face, then nodded.
"Looks cute on yer. Fierce as a dragon, you are," she grinned, putting on her pendent as well.
Stranger fickled with it, then put it under his green top, looking back to Umi.
"Thanks again, kid," he kissed her forehead.
Umi grinned away.
"It's the least I could do since you gave me the scarf," Umi whipped the scarf from under her hair.
Stranger stood back up, carrying Umi back to the house. It really was a cool gift.
But now Umi had to be bothered by how to pay back Jala.
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-06-2006 at 01:56 PM..
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02-04-2006, 10:42 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Awwwwwwwww, how sweet! I like it, it's a nice change to have them just really exsisting more then doing anything in particular. Nice change of pace. Well done.

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02-04-2006, 10:53 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Wasn't really done wit' it. Had to shut down the comp 'cause the battery was low...
The Stranger's girl

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02-06-2006, 01:57 PM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Next update'll be tomorrow. Sorry fer the long wait, guys...
The Stranger's girl

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02-07-2006, 11:38 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)


Mid-morning winds kicked up the powdery midnight snow left behind in a blizzardy twister around the screaming playing children.
Umi sighed boredly through the window. Stranger was gone, but left a note this time. It was flattened on the kitchen counter when she first awoke to the peering rays of sun through the glassy window near her face.
It was written, in sloppy hand-writing;


Went out ter do some arrands. Be bak befor the evning.

And she knew when he was gone that she couldn't go outside. Not until he got home. Which was until the sun broke behind the mountains.
The children would occasionally glance at the window where the human stared out to them with bored, unshapened eyes. They encouraged her out, but she had to refuse.
Umi growled under her breath, moving away from the window, and slumped on the couch.
"Why does it feel like I'm grounded?" Umi muttered to herself, putting her chin on her palms, and staring at the grass flattened under her bare feet.
Only moments after she had taken this pose, the door was slammed upon loudly.
She jumped up from her skin, walking calmly up to the door, unlocking it, and opening it to the guest.
The Rebel Leader stood with her arms behind her back, staring up at the human with innocent violet eyes.
Umi grinned down at her. She always was the playful type Grubb she thought of.
"What'dya want, ma'am?" Umi asked politely.
"We need you to come with us. You're goin' shoppin' with us, Umi," the Rebel Leader nodded.
Umi folded her arms across her chest, giving a half grin to her again.
"Sorry. I can't. I have to stay home 'til Stranger gets 'ere," Umi shrugged.
The Rebel Leader gave a sly grin.
"He gave you permission to come with us, human," she nodded.
Umi grinned skeptically, raising a brow to her.
"It's true! Would I ever lie to you, human?" she began to flutter her eyelashes innocently to Umi.
Umi groaned. She hated when the Rebel Leader flattered herself to make her look innocent. She huffed a loud sigh, then held up a hand to her face.
"Alright...I believe you. Just...stop that," Umi said.
"Good! Go get dressed, and make it tute' suit!" the Rebel Leader snapped her fingers.
Umi chuckled, turning slowly from the door, and walking in to her bedroom, flashing out her pants, vest, and shirt. She undressed herself of her night garments, then quickly dressed herself in her regular fashion. She trotted back to the Rebel Leader, patiently waiting for the human to come back.
She gave a great smile, leading Umi out of the door.
"Where we goin'?" Umi asked.
"We'll be going to the marketplace of Last Legs. They have a bunch of cool crap down there," the Rebel Leader told, walking down to the docks.
Two Grubbs in a medium-sized boat waved to both of them kindly, holding oars in their hands in the frosty water.
"Old madam Janie might have something to sell as well. She's the one who sewed up your clothes, kid"
Umi and she sat down in the boat, nodding to the Grubbs.
The rowers pushed off the frozen riverbed, stroking gently out to the wide Mongo River. The Rebel Leader sat in front of Umi, beginning to chat with her, as they made their way to Last Legs.

They parked away from the boat that was obviously Stranger's, and headed through the now-silent town of Last Legs. Umi only shrugged. It was, after all, Sunday. And Sunday was the most hated day of the week, where all children and people would have to go to work the next day, and regret not having those extra hours of sleep they wanted in.
The Rebel Leader led themselves through the "Tardy Coop," nodding respectfully at the landlord like they knew each other. She turned to the bartender, a grousy-lookiing Clakker, rubbing the inside of a clear-glass mug.
The Rebel Leader smiled kindly to the 'tender, it returning.
"Whut can I do you fer, lil' ladies?" it hung an elbow over the counter.
"We need to get to Madam Janie's place. May we take the undeground tunnels? It's awfully cold outside to walk such a long distance," the Rebel Leader began her innocent fluttering of the eyelashes again, to flatter the old kook bartender.
It gave a hollow smile, turning away behind it to two large basement doors under its feet.
Both of them hung around behind the counter, stepping down the wooden planks to the musty underground tunnel, the catacombs of the city.
The bartender gave a rickety salute to the human and the Rebel Leader.
"Dun' git too messed up down thar, you fragile lil' ladies," it said with a croaky cluck.
The Rebel Leader nodded, rolling her eyes as she turned away from the old Clakker.
Umi followed under, as the Clakker shut the doors behind her.
The tunnel was musty grey, and a nasty, dirty dust floating around the heated walkway. The dust might've annoyed them, but it was better than trotting through ice-cold climates in the morning.
The Rebel Leader took Umi through winding dusty corridors, turn after straightaway, after each basement door to some cluttering store or home. She stopped at an indented door with a black hinged lock holding the door down. She slammed her fist up on it, and waited patiently for the host to answer.
Gentle footsteps slid to the basement doors. The door thumped of the locks opening. A dim light flitered through the unsettling dust, and an old Grubb lady's face smiled gently upon the visitors.
"Madam Janie," the Rebel Leader bowed her head.
"May we come in? I have the human right here,"
The Grubb's face turned behind the Rebel Leader. Her smile broadened under her bags of wrinkles near her lips.
"Very well, my dears. Come on in," Madam Janie moved aside, waving an arm open to her shop.
The Rebel Leader's face lightened up, bowing to the Madam, then made her way in to the shop.
Umi nodded to the old Grubb gratefully, following the Rebel Leader in.
Entering the shop was a sumptuous smell of lavender and vanilla scented candles burning and flickering of orange fire. Shelves and racks of hand-made clothing stood close by each other.
The Rebel Leader broke away from Umi, sorting frantically through the assortment of shirts and blouses, most of the colored a jade green to blue.
Umi glanced at a small stack of jeans.
Denim jeans.
She couldn't get over the fact that she loved denim. Plus, even though she wasn't girly, it went with everything.
She began to unfold the small assortment of jeans.
They were a dark blue, with dark cherrywood-red colored tassles hanging loosely under the legs of the jeans.
Umi nodded in impressment. She didn't know the Grubbs would have such good hand-skills, especially with denim.
She looked over to the Rebel Leader, she holding down a bunch of shirts under her arm, and still sorting through the racks of blouses. She ran back to Umi, holding up a really thin-peering cloth blouse up to her. She shook her head dissagreeing, putting the shirt back behind her, and checking again. This time, it was a loose jade-green poncho with visible green tassles looped with wooden beads.
"Mmm...nope," she frowned, bringing up the last shirt.
This one dazzled both of them just a little.
The shirt was a deep dark green-blue, two tassle ties at the hip, and had two winding snake dragons at the shouter and below the belly. they sparkled multi-colors at each limb of its stitched body.
The Rebel Leader gave an interested grumble, eyeing the shirt and Umi over and over again.
"This might work..." she said, putting up to Umi's chest, and flattening it out.
"try it on"
Umi took the shirt under her arm with her jeans, turning to the Madam.
Madam Janie pointed behind a skirt of beads showering over a doorway by her counter.
She flushed under the beads, disappearing from their sight.
The Rebel Leader and Madam Janie waited patiently, until the jingle of beads sounded.
Umi came out, the shirt fitted perfectly over her body, and the jeans not too short and not too long.
The Rebel Leader gave a half-shrug.
"Not too bad..." she turned to the Madam.
"but you have a surprise for Umi as well, don't'cha, Madam?"
The Madam nodded her head, shuffling her stubby legs back behind the beads as well. She returned, holding up a near-invisible green veil, and walking over to Umi.
"Must be careful with this item, young one," she spoke quivery.
"It is made of the Bolamite's silk. Really hard to obtain from a Bolamite's web. Light as a feather, but as warm as a fire," she put it over Umi.
The veil was a light green, powdering the deep blue-green shirt Umi wore to a lighter shade. She smiled back up to the Madam sweetly.
"Thanks," Umi bowed her head.
The Rebel Leader smiled to the Madam. She walked to the basement doors again, the Madam allowing them to leave.
The Rebel Leader turned to her, giving a respectful nod.
"I'll bring you a Torrent-kiel next time I stop by, Madam!" she saluted her.
Madam Janie nodded kindly.
"I'll keep that in mind, ma'am," she replied, closing the basement doors behind them.
Umi blinked at the Rebel Leader.
"What was that all about?" she asked.
The Rebel Leader's mind began to swirl. She mustn't let out the secret.
"Oh...Uh. I guess Steef knew how bored you'd be, and decided to let me take you out for the day," she lied.
Umi made a quick hum, looking back down the dusty corridors of the catacombs.
The Rebel Leader could sense some suspicion in the human's voice. But she let it go, only to think that if she'd do something else, she'd actually spill the beans. And she wasn't really of a secretive person either, which made things pretty difficult for the Queen and the Steef to trust her...
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-08-2006 at 09:57 AM..
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02-07-2006, 11:46 AM
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That's it....Ah c'mon DE! Yer can't jist give us jist that! Yer jist gettin' back at me ain't yer....

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02-07-2006, 11:48 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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yeh...fer all the fluff yer gonna make me have to withstand, you dirty varmin...
The Stranger's girl

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02-11-2006, 09:27 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Sorry fer the long wait, guys.
DAY THREE will be up probably tomorrow or on Monday, just to keep you guys informed.
I apologize about this again, folks.
The Stranger's girl

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02-17-2006, 01:41 PM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)


Instead of the sun rising up about the jagged peaks, it shrouded its face in to the blanket of dark grey clouds snowing lightly over the quiet village.
Stranger, once again, was up in the early morning, wearing his Steef armor from whence he defeated Sekto in.
It was patched up with bits of similar material to fill the punctures and scrapes dented in the soft leathery material.
He kept his helmet within his den, closing the door gently, not to squeak, and disturb the tired lump on the couch.
He straightened the inside suit of his armor down to his legs, to keep himself covered from the cold, blustery winds that was about to come. When he felt he was ready, he tip-toed in to the kitchen, and opened the door to lightly-falling snowflakes, immediately landing upon Stranger melting back in to cold water.
Hope she still realizes she ain't allowed outside 'til I get's home... Stranger frowned skeptically.
He knew she was a disobediant little varmin. And that's how she'll be until she's gone.
He trotted carefully though the adding up layer of snow rolling on the slight hill down to the docks.
The narrow canyons that held the village in place was wider than before. Bits of rock slid down in to the water, splashing water on the dock.
He stepped carefully down in to his boat, feeling the grip under his feet give away to the icy planks.
He'd remembered what the Queen requested him for, but what? Wasn't he done with all the things he needed to do?
Obviously not, if the Queen wanted him down in Last Legs again.
He broke the icicles making jagged teeth on his oars, and broke them through the forming ice around the restless Mongo River. He was only half awake, only shaking his head to keep himself up and alert, as he pushed away from the shoreline, and sailing off through the narrow canyon passage to Last Legs once again, for three days in a row...

"Oh...come on..." Umi groaned, noticing that no other presence was in the house, except hers.
Home alone again, and she wasn't allowed to go outside. Not until he got home.
Not that it would matter...
She would go outside, whether he like it or not.
Umi woke herself up in a hot shower against the early morning. She dressed herself in her regular clothing, but wrapping herself in a long-sleeved denim jacket the Rebel Leader had given to her later last night.
She was beginning to become curious to why the Rebel Leader took her out yesterday, and why Stranger was leaving all the time.
It was more worrying her to why Stranger was gone every morning she woke.
Umi trotted out of the house, leaving the door unlock, and trotting through the half-inch blanket of snow.
Children Grubbs played beside the riverbank, throwing snowballs at one another, and giggling until their stomachs hurt.
Umi smiled playfully, becoming impatient to join in on the fun. She ran down the hill to the Grubbs, sliding on her belly down to the feet of the Grubbs.
The children squawked happily that the human had come out to play with them once again, piling her up under snow they threw on her.
"What took yeh, Umi? We thought you were grounded," a female child asked down by her arm.
Umi didn't reply, just nod. She knew the children couldn't keep a secret, so she dared not to speak the truth.
"Whatever the reason, it's great that you're out here again!"
The children screamed, dog-piling upon Umi, laughing playfully with her.
She felt brilliant that she was outside again with the children. it was livid sitting inside a house, staring at the children playing along without her.
She laughed aloud, rolling away from the children's weight, and throwing snow upon their heads.

Stranger knocked his fist lightly upon the Queen's domain far inside Last Legs.
Chilling winds blew between his legs, but he not even showing a fazed sign of the chills.
Light patter of feet on smooth stone tripped to the door.
The door opened to the Queen's gentle lavender eyes, and warm smile.
"Welcome, Steef," she bowed her head, then opened the door invintingly.
"Please enter. It's colder out there than a blizzard!"
Stranger bowed his head respectuflly, shaking off the snow building on his back off, and stepping lightly on the smooth stone.
The Queen slammed the door shut, leading him and herself deeper in to her home.
The Queen's home was large, and much more grandiloquent. The walls were painted white, and her carpet was white as well.
Two apholsteries were placed beside each other in front of a small stove with a covered fire.
The Queen raised an arm out to the chairs.
"Please. Sit, and make yourself at home, Steef," she smiled back up to him.
"Thank yer kindly," Stranger nodded, stepping carefully on the white carpet across to the first chair.
He sat down on the soft cushion plushing under his bottom, making him feel relaxed.
The Queen left through behind a wall, clattering around cups and a jarful of liquid.
"But may I ask yer a question," Stranger called.
Her voice wafted behind the wall.
"What else must we do ter get this ceremony ready?"
The Queen was silent, not replying to Stranger's question. she returned from behind the wall, holding a steel platter under her arm with two cups of steaming liquid and two tin spoons sticking out of the cups.
"Well," she began, setting the tray between the chairs, and staring up at Steef.
"I need to reherse the ceremony with you, is all,"
She took ahold of a cup, and sipped it lightly.
"Nothing big, just what you need to do,"
Stranger nodded.
She placed her cup back down on the tray, and tapped her fingers together, looking deeply at the Steef.
"What I mean, Steef, is that this ceremony isn't just a few steps up to a holster, a pope, then all done. I mean..."

She walked with hands in her pockets, looking down upon the crystal-glittering ground.
The children had to go in under freezing circumstances, which left her bored under the snowy sky.
She sighed, a cloud of white smog exhausting from her mouth.
Nothing exciting ever happened at a time like this.
Not until...
A shrill scream squawked in the air.
Umi's head snapped up, her hands slipped out of her pockets.
Something was up.
She ran to the source of the scream with all her might.

"...it's complicated to explain. You have to walk the path, alone, until you reach the holster..."

A female Grubb screamed again, pointing out at the river to a splashing child flailing thorugh the ice.
Umi skidded to a stop, staring at the gathering group of Grubbs at the riverbank, staring concernly at the child crying for help.
"My baby! Please someone save him!" the female cried.

"...then the best maid comes up, which would have to be Jala, 'cause she and Umi are best friends. She has to bring her up to you, arm in arm..."

Umi ripped off her jacket, throwing it down on the snow. She pushed through the crowd of Grubbs chatting concernly for the child.
"Move!" Umi shouted, stopping at the riverbank.
The child was far out from the bank, almost at the deepest part of the river. The ice was thicker out there as well, which would be hard to swim through.
The Grubbs now whispered behind the human's dauntless back, staring up at her confidentally to bring back the child safely.
She jumped from the bank, diving through the thin layer of ice, and down under the thickening ice caressing over the water. She kept close under the ice, following up to the child's writhing legs.
She already felt the feeling of frostbite nip at her legs, and freezing her muscles in her arms.
But she would not give up until the Grubb was safely back on the bank.

"...the Grubb elder will have to read to you both the verses from the Pora. It won't be too much..."

She hit the deep blue mark under the ice, closer to the child. Her lungs became irritated, the air building up, and making her cough under the water.
She broke through the ice in front of the child crying loudly.
"Here, come here..." Umi bundled the child in her arms.
She turned back to the bank, she shivering hardly under the freezing winds and icy water.
She began to break the ice with her arm, making a one-way lane back to the bank.
The Grubbs encouraged her, shouting and cheering for her.
Umi's lips was turning a shallow blue.
She didn't realize how fast she was taking hypothermia.
The child was clutching fearfully to Umi's chest, his arms tightly around her neck, while his hand gripping at her shirt.

"...the Seer reads the lines of "Will you take her as a lawfully bonded daughter", and, of course, you'll answer-"
"Yes," Stranger nodded with the Queen.

Umi shuddered coldly, cutting her arm through the ice, leaving a red mark on the edge of a jagged piece of ice.
The ice became thin, making it easier for her to swim. She kicked to the riverbank, and slopped the child on the bank to his mother.
The crowd cheered loudly, while the mother smothered her child, and scolding him for coming near the bank.
Umi, on the other hand, floated out towards the river on her back, shivering uncontrollably, holding her arms around her body.
The Grubbs shouted concernly out to the human, splashing water out to her.
Umi's hearing buzzed a loud tone, blocking the Grubb's words. Her legs were numb. She couldn't move.
Just as if someone struck her silly.
The Grubbs became concern of her non responsive body floating out to the river.
"Someone! Go get her!"
"I won't! That water's cold!"
"Somoeone do something! She saved my child!" the mother screamed.
As the Grubbs frantically ran around the bank, Umi began to fall under the spell of hypothermia, and bodily shock.

"...and you both, will be bonded, officially," the Queen nodded.

A deed done...and the duty fulfilled...
That was the last thought, until Umi's eyes fell blank, and sent in to shock...

Stranger nodded happily. If that was all the ceremony was, then it'd be over within an hour tops.
The Queen smiled along with the Steef, nodding her head as well.
"Too much to ask? Or is that good?" she asked.
Stranger made a gruff sound in his throat.
"Nah. That'll be fine," he said.
"Very well, then!" she clapped her hands together.
"That is all I wanted to tell, besides the fact of rehersal,"
Stranger sat up from his chair, along with the Queen.
"Thank yer kindly, ma'am," he said, both walking along to the door.
She opened the door, allowing him outside. She bidded farewell to him, as he trotted back to the paths of Last Leg's quiet streets.
He walked back down to the docks, setting carefully down in the boat.
He rowed off the dock, not knowing what was happening back at home...

He could hear frantic yells beside the bank near the canyon wall, as he docked his boat.
He became concerned of why the Grubbs were yelling, and sprinted out to the crowd of screaming natives.
They darted to him, and ran up to him with their arms and fingers pointing out the river, shouting incoherent words to him.
Stranger frowned, walking up to the bank, and squinting his eyes out at the pale figure laying flat out in the water.
"Wai'da minute..."
He noticed the shoes, the jeans. And the face.
"Oh my odd," he growled.
He jumped willingly in to the water, stroking hard and fast through the broken ice.
She laid still, her eyes frozen shot up in the air.
He thrashed to her, wrapping her in his arms tightly, and kicking to the shore as fast as he could.
"Umi...why, why'd you do it?" he moaned to himself, as he clawed his way up the shore, sitting in the snow.
The Grubbs rushed up by the Steef's shoulders, holding their fingers in their mouths.
Stranger pressed an ear close to her heart.
Was he imagining things?
The Grubbs stood in suspense to hear what the Steef had to say.
Stranger's lip quivered, keeping his ear up to her chest.
It was so faint, it almost was nothing.
She was still alive, but hanging by a thin thread.
Stranger's head snapped up, looking to the Grubbs.
"What happened?"
His eyes were locked on all of them rock-hard and seldom.
The Grubbs kept silent, staring at the Steef with their lips quivering.
Stranger's hand balled up, his teeth gritted.
He'd get an answer, and he'd get it quick.
"I said what happened!?" Stranger roared.
The Grubbs jumped, backing away from him, but one.
The mother Grubb, that held her shivering child. She stepped up to the Steef, a frown on her toothless lips.
"The...human saved my child, Steef. S-she floated out to the river after she got back. We tried to get her back, but she was too far out,"
Stranger frowned sadly, looking back down at the blank eyes of the human. He crumbled down, bringing her close to his chest, sobbing quietly to himself.
The Grubbs were also melancholy, feeling tears breach up to their eyes.
"Oh Umi..." Stranger cried, tears rolling down upon her head.
"Yer so reckless..."
He held her tightly in his arms, her life not coming back.
Stranger kept her tightly to himself, as he stood up, and walked through the crowd of Grubbs staring at his back, as he trotted through the slow-falling snow shrouding his essence, as he climbed the hill to his home.

He opened the door slowly, shutting it closed with his back foot, carrying the bundled human to the couch.
She didn't move at all, but just a lifeless corpse.
He was afraid.
Afraid that she was gone from him.
It was too early.
He really wanted Umi to be his own. His own to raise and teach. To love. And to cherish until he was gone.
He sat slowly down on the couch, the human laying out in his arms. He was still crying over her, as he reached for the blanket, and covered himself and her together.
Why does it have ter be like this?
He heard the very shallow breathing, almost sounding like it had stopped.
Stranger brushed the wet hair down her neck, breaking the frozen water off with his claws.
Her face was a ghostly white, her eyes a crevace open, revealing only a blank white, and dialated pupils.
She looked as if she was dead.
But he knew she would fight for her life.
That's what she was.
A rebel.
And a reckless little tyke.
He just hated the fact that he wasn't there earlier to stop her from going in to such a painful shock to him.
His lip quivered guiltily, as he crumbled down to the human, sobbing uncontrollably, and wrapping his arms so tightly around her.
"Please Umi..." he cried, pressing his nose in her frizzled damp hair.
"Don't leave me..."
He rocked back a forth, his chin rested on her shoulder.
Pressing a tight kiss on her head, he mumbled loudly,
"I love you...so much..."
He sat there, holding the human like that, until the dawn fell in to a cold, dreary night, where he fell asleep, sitting up, and cuddling the human to his chest.
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-18-2006 at 05:24 AM..
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02-17-2006, 02:15 PM
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Oh no, oh no, oh no. DE! You have to update ASAP! You're drivin' me crazy here, oh oh oh, hurry, hurry! What'll happen to Umi!? Is she gonna be alright!? What's gonna happen!?

(Can you tell I'm addicted yet? )

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 02-17-2006 at 02:56 PM..
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02-17-2006, 02:17 PM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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:evil laughter:
Loved that reaction.
Alright, alright, I'll do it...Just 'cause that was a kodak moment.
The Stranger's girl

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02-18-2006, 05:54 AM
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*sniffle* Oh my ODD! That's so sad! Poor Umi, Poor Stranger, yer so mean to 'em DE. *sniffles* Umi'll be alright won't she? I mean, it'd kill Stranger if she died...

*wails* Updaaaaaate!

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02-18-2006, 06:02 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

:kee kee kee kee...:

I'm mean ter 'em? I control 'em!
Yesea. I will update soon.
Prolly not today, but soon...
The Stranger's girl

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02-19-2006, 12:00 PM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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And here we go again, folks.
The fourth day of fluffiness...


The position he stayed in all night was truely uncomfortable, but it kept the young human bundled under his arms and head warm.
His head was burried under her frazzled hair, gently patting his chin up and down on her shoulder.
It felt as if his synergy had given off to Umi, and warming her up quickly. But he still couldn't feel her move.
His eyes blinked open slowly, stinging of the tears that had came from his pain. Stranger looked down at the locks of hair messed around from his shuffling head.
She hadn't moved an inch from her pose that he took her in last night, which made him feel more worried. He moved back, gently holding back Umi's head in his palm.
Her face had slowly returned of color, a light fleshy pink, but her cheeks were scarlet red and hot.
But her eyes...
They hadn't shut.
Underneath was still white with dialated pupils.
Stranger's throat choked, feeling tears sting at his eyes again.
"Umi?" he asked gently.
He placed the back on his hand on her face, stroking down along the painted stripes down her cheeks.
It stung hotly at his cold hand.
"Umi?" he pleaded quietly, moving closer to her face.
A choking sound gargling in the back of her mouth.
That made him jolt to attention.
"Umi? Speak ter me,"
The sounds stopped, and a huff of air exhausted out of her mouth. Her eyelids fluttered closed, not reopening to Stranger's face.
Stranger waited for another sound. Another movement, hoping to prove that she was still alive.
But Umi didn't move.
She laid completely still in his arms, her mouth open.
"No..." he moaned.
"No...don't do this ter me, kid..."
His arm with her head in his palm moved back up to his shoulder. His arms tightened around with his eyes streaming tears.
"You did so good...Don't give up..." Stranger sobbed.
He smoothed her hair down her neck, stopping at the middle of her back, and his fingers slowly closing on a gather of her jacket.
The pain deep in his heart tore harder at him.
He wouldn't lose Umi.
He wouldn't lose his baby. Not this time.
As he rocked gently back and forth, Umi's strength was gathering back up.
His synergy giving off to her was slowly restoring her.
A flame exploded in her mind. Her eyes popped open, along with a rash, hard cough.
Umi clawed at his chest, coughing hard over his shoulder until she was out of breath. She stopped, and gave a crying moan, pressing her hand to her head, feeling a sick feeling tingle all around her body.
"Ugh...I dun' feel good..."
That voice made Stranger's pain fall away, and swell in to joy, as he squeezed tighter.
"Oh, kid..." he cried.
"I thought I'd lost yer..."
Umi sighed weakly, her head falling limp on his shoulder.
"Yeh...yer gonna make me lose myself, if yer easen up of your squeezin'..." Umi said a bit nasally.
Stranger pulled her head away from his shoulder, holding her down in his crossed-legged lap, stroking her hair gently down.
Her face was a bit pale than before, with deep flushed-red cheeks. But as long as her eyes were open and breathing, he was more than happy alive.
Umi smimled fondly, her head slamming down on his arm, and bringing her hand up on his skin.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered, smoothing her hand down his hairy arm.
He kissed her heated head, and rested his chin upon her.
"Why?" his throat vibrated atop her head.
She kept silent, inhaling deep, and declogging her nose to speak again.
"For makin' you worry..."
"Oh..." he grumbled, closing his eyes.
"You always do, kid,"
Umi made an affirming noise through her hung-open mouth, closing her eyes as well. She was sick, and she knew it well. Hot, weak, achy, all those symptoms that she had when she felt overheated. Which meant only one thing;
TLC, and no fun or play.
But she felt proud of herself. That she had save someone else's life for her own. Well, nearly. Almost sacrificial. It would also prove herself to the Grubbs that she would fulfill her duties as the legendary part of a Steef guardian's life, as a guardian, too.
Even though she would have to regret the effects that happened after the saving...
She groaned, falling asleep with a pounding headache, on Stranger's comforting arm.

Umi sniffed, her head peaking over the top of the blanket over her pain-sickened body.
"Oh...yer not goin' out again, are you..." Umi moaned to Stranger shuffling in the kitchen.
Stranger smiled from behind the wall he stood, then trotted out to the front room again.
"Nah. I ain't leavin' yer today,"
He moved towards the bed, resting a hand over her head.
"You's too sick ter leave on yer own,"
Umi sniffed again, turning under the blanket, and resting her head on the pillow. She hated being sick. It was the worst feeling of every feeling she felt. The tenderness of her head, the sick tingle, and the irritating, painful goosebumps popping over her pale flesh.
Umi grouched.
"I hate being sick..." she announced.
Stranger chucked, brushing her hair from her face gently.
"That's what yer get fer bein' outside, and disobediant,"
She snorted, covering her head from his hand.
"I was bored out'a my mind. You only said I was allowed outside until you got home," she told under the blanket.
"and you'd be gone 'til nighttime, and when the kids went back inside,"
He hummed quietly.
True to what the human said, he only allowed her to go outside when he got home. And what he did everyday took all the day to finish.
Guilt began to run through his head. He frowned, pulling the blanket fromover her head.
She laid sideways from his face, staring down from him with a silent face.
"Tell yer what, kid," he smiled, brushing a finger over her rosey-red cheek.
"I dun' have nothin' ter do the rest o' the week. When yer's feel better, we'll go outside,"
She moved slowly back up to him, blinking happily in her ill eyes. She smiled.
"Ok," she whispered.
Stranger nodded, then leaned down, and gave a kiss on her forehead.
She was still hot, but not as hot as she was when she woke up.
"but fer now,"
He moved under the covers, wrapping an arm around her mid-section.
"you's got'a rest. The only way ter feel better,"
Umi scooted closer to him. Her forehead pressed against his chest, mumbling a satisfied sigh. What made her feel better was the presence of Stranger closeby, holding her close in his arm.
And as the late afternoon passed by, both slept, hoping for a better tomorrow.
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-20-2006 at 07:30 AM..
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02-19-2006, 12:35 PM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
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*fills up...bursts into tears* Ack! So sad! *hugs Stranger and Umi* Darky's so mean to yer!

On a side note, very fluffy, very heart-warming and my favourite bit to date I think...

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02-20-2006, 07:14 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Actually, if I look back, I think you said that many parts were yer favorite, Lo-bo.
And if you look back to yers, I'd prolly say the same thing.
There's a lil' update on the chapter.
Day five'll prolly be tomorrow when I get's home.
Or today...
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-20-2006 at 07:30 AM..
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02-21-2006, 11:11 AM
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Alright, now.
I'll need a majority vote. (Even though Lobo's the one who looks in 'ere...)
Do you want me to announce the three new creatures that are close on their way?
The Stranger's girl

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02-21-2006, 11:14 AM
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Are you nuts!? Yes! YES! *jumps up and down* Of course yes!

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02-21-2006, 11:15 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Majority rules.
Give me a minute to get them.
I don't have a pic (I believe) for one 'o 'em.

Ok, 'ere's the first one:

This is an Ezum. A docile, yet untamed-type creature, and a close relative to an Elum. Might look savage and carnivorous, but they're actually the plant-type creature, grazing about the lone fields of Oddworld. Makes great transportation, tamed, of course.
Males are easy to point out. They're taller, darker, and more muscularate, and have a larger horn on their nuzzle.
Females are the opposite; Smaller, lighter, and smaller, sometimes, no horns. You are looking at a young male.
Surely a brutal-looking creature, but actually a docile-loving creature, only willing to fight if they need to.


This is a Hunter,(Kilz-zuz-ll)one of the most prehistoric creatures never to have evolved from its dinosauric state over the eons.
Over years, bones that had been forming in its mouth has breached through the skin on the top of its mouth, and formed in to a separate pair of jaws (mandibles). As the maturation of the Hunter, saliva glands formed under the forming skin of the mandibles, but rarely uses the glands for anything.
As more years of its maturation, the gland's saliva turned in to a secrete toxin, poisonous enough to kill New Yolk city within a day. It now uses its mandibles as a tool of hunting, to bring down hard prey with a stab of its mandibles.
The Hunter is more complex, rather than with its two formet jaws in its mouth. It also uses bird-like claws, to latch on to large prey and bring it down. Or to stalk in high areas.
Two sets of arms have grown attached to the spinal cord of the Hunter. It rarely uses these arms, but sometimes used as a mechanism to mate.
Its feet are also a prime tool in hunting. A raptor-like retractable claw on its foot, and on the back of its leg are used to wound large prey, and a tool for slowing itself down, for it can run really fast.
the last use of hunting is its super-sensitive talons growing out of its head. The talon's nerves are so sensitive, it can sense motion from over a 5-mile radius.

And lastly:

It is called the Guardian of the Swamp. But it's nickname is the Shredder. (Si-cotic)
Its brain is more powerful than its arms. Has a psychotic nature, hacking in to the dreams of unwarrying creatures, and driving them completely insane. It is called "The Guardian of the Swamp" because it has lived in the Sleg Swamps for eons, and counting, protecting it from unwanting intruders.
Even though large for its size, it can run incredibly fast, for it has six sets of legs. A sickle-like claw, for emergency uses only.
The only thing the Shredder is only recalled for, is its powerful mind, and psychic powers to hurt the minds of other things.
Its tail is the most weirdest part of the Shredder. It has four spines on it, shown like a club, but it is not only a club.
Inside the spines, are tentacle-like vines that can control a creature whenever it pleases, just by digging the tentacles in the creature's throat, and taking control of its vocals and its nerves.
A menace, psychotic creature, The Guardian of the Swamp.

(I do not have a picture for the next one)

The Knifal (Sped-ful) is known for the Guardian of the Chixapox fields, or the watcher. Its main duties as a protector is to keep things in balance, to keep the Hunters from taking one too many Ezums and other graze-type creatures from the fields at once.
Its speed is incredible, more faster than the swift Hunters, and it also has a psychotic nature, but not as powerful.
Its knife-like claws can pierce even the toughest of materials, whether it's the hide of a factory.
Its psychic uses is only to keep the Hunters under control, and fend off any other unwanted creatures up to harm its only land.

There yeh go. Enjoy.
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 02-23-2006 at 01:50 PM..
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02-21-2006, 11:56 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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Ooooooooo. I like them. I like them alot. Fantastic Darky, abso-floggin'-lutely fantastic. Love them. They're all so coooooool.

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02-21-2006, 12:03 PM
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Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Yeh...wish I could put up the Knifal, for better description...
The Stranger's girl

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