Edit: I used to be very down on the "emo" scene, convinced it was nothing more than a stupid musical trend. I also thought that most of the people who like it are people with major identity issues and that the depressing nature of the songs reinforces negative thought patterns in the 17 year old assholes who really seem to "like" it. I also thought that they can't play their instruments for dick.
No wait, I still think that. Carry on.
It's a music driven culture, certainly. I think you'll find it's not a trend, as it's a evolution of a culture, which will continue to evolve. Personally I'd agree with you, that yes, in fact it is stupid. The majority of it is stupid, a load of stupid attentionwhore kids doing a lot of stupid things. But the core of it, the real core of honest people, with real goals, that's not stupid. The trouble is there's a lot of it, and where there's a lot of anything, there's a lot of stupid to go with it.
I mean, you've got bands like My Chemical Romance, who are merely taking advantage of the popularity of emo, and then you've got bands like funeral for a friend who've become big as a result of the popularity of emo. Even if funeral for a friend are still somewhat sold out, they're far more genuine than MCR. As you work back through the bands you eventually get to bands that barely make any money and do it all just for the love of the music and belief in what emo stands for.
Personally I look at emo as a rebellion against sociological boundaries. Boys can wear pink, girly clothes, be openly gay or bi, cry or show sensitivity and emotion... these are things that everyone knows at the back of their mind SHOULD be made acceptable, but haven't until emo came along. That to me is what it's all about, it's about expressing something that society has cruelly told you not to. Fighting back by ignoring what society tells us and doing whatever we want.