Whoa! Sam has one too??? It can't be Sonar, so what does her's do?
Did the Vykkers put it in her when she was captured and give the same operation to her as they did to Munch?
No idea. We've only seen her with it. Could be something to do with her suicidal depression and mood swings, or could be something to do with her pill popping.
I think Munch and Sam was supposed to have some kind of connection, whether it's something to do with their head gear or some sympathetic relationship. I remember seeing an image of some drawn story boards showing a scene with Munch and what it appeared to be Sam.
Funnily enough, that image was in a magazine called
XBM, which featured unique photos of Oddworld Inhabitants at work. The interview they calimed as their own was actually stolen from an issue of
PS PRO which was released a long time earlier. Only just now, years after their release, have I noticed they're both published by the notorious Paragon Publishing. I'd give you dates, but stupid Paragon Publishing never put any kind of date on their publications. Morons.
I would actually enjoy a prolouge style scene similiar to LOTR at the start of the film. *drools*
I would too, but we're big fans highly familiar with Oddworld and deeply desperate to see more and more of it. I would much rather the film allows OWI to reach out and really get the attention and appreciation of the world, and I think Shrink is right to consider such a backstory to be somewhat pretentious.
On the subject of childish humor, I've always found guilty pleasure in actually enjoying Oddworldian slap stick. The conversations and Glukkon talk are many times greater, but when I see Abe getting knocked around, something about the expressions accompanied by the cartoonish sound effects right in the middle of this whole dank, dark universe just makes me laugh.
I'm in two minds about the childish humour. The excess of cartoonish music cues really grates with me, but the slapstick can go either way. If it's accompanied by metalic boings and twangs (e.g. when Abe and Munch first bump into each other) it's incredibly inane, but if it's somewhat realistic (e.g. pressing the jump button when standing at the edge of a screen, or Stranger running into a wall), it's muchly funny. I'm impartial to farting, though.
I don't believe so many of you are doubting whether the movie will be CGI or cartoon/live action.
It's not that many people, but any at all is unbelievable enough.