Quote: Originally Posted by metroixer
Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!
I hate my school. It's full of rich, money-loving, racist, closed-minded, stupid white kids. There's a shirt + tie + dress pants and shoes dress code, which blows balls. And it's way too ****ing strict. You can get 3 units of JUG (Justice Under God, 20 minutes of detention per unit) for not having your top button buttoned, for God's (OMG IRONY) sake. Plus, there's no girls, and all my teachers are fucks, sans my English teacher, and freshman religion teacher, who I like quite a lot.
So, in conclusion, this topioc makes me cry myself to sleep.
Does someone need a hug?

JUG, ugh. Jug. JUG, how ugh.
Meh, I has an average school, though I never liked school to begin with. Too many people methinks, to many homie g's. If for any reason you wanted to go to the cantine at the designated eating intervals, you would have to choose one out of six or so lines that had 20 people each in them.
As for teachers, only three I have met that I woud consider nice. Japanese teacher, former art teacher and former english teacher. But I have a personal vendetta with PE teachers, particularly my year 9 one, because he didn't buy into my phony excuse that "I had cramps". Hey, it worked two weeks straight for some teachers who can't tell the difference between a no-tail and a tailed-one.
What-ho I say.
Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!
WHOA! Like, this one time, we got to see an r13 movie, but I WAS TWELVE! Whoa, like, envy me! H GFLIhsfgdbfylaiglH~!
Seriously though, games? I thought this was a school you were speaking of. Or are you talking about games such as X-Rated skiprope?