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01-04-2006, 10:21 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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How is your school?

Now how art thou school? Do you like it? Any cool teachers? Think they are money hoggers? Well you can answer that (and more) in this very thread!

Me? I have a good school. A little expensivo but still. All my teachers are awesome except my geography one. Who is as boring as hell. My bible/math teacher is the best theacher out of them all. Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!
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01-04-2006, 10:40 AM
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All the last years in the school [myself icluded] are a little annoyed at our school. They decide to upgrade the toilets and get all this new stuff in, just as we leave. Typical.

Teacher... There are only 2 teachers I like. One of them left, he's called Mr. Futcher, and he's a fudging ledge! He was funny and an amazing teacher and has really made me love English. He's a fantastic bloke and everyone in my english class miss him so much.

The other is my drama teacher, Mr. Taylor. As much as he annoys me, you can just treat him like a mate. He's fun, and you can just rip him all the time. He's a drama-queen [obviously as he's a drama teacher] and can become really annoying as he always uses the threat 'If you want to pass your GCSEs...'

I quite dislike my school, it's unmanaged really badly, and due to the new headteacher, aout 10 teachers [including Mr. Futcher] quit as they don't agree with his new-harsh punishment scheme [which has totally fallen through].

- Rexy

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01-04-2006, 11:13 AM
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I haven't been in school for a long time.

My bowels hurt.

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01-04-2006, 11:34 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
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I jus' LOVE my school! well it's not perfect, but I'm pleased with it anyway

I'm studing music as a few of you might know and all of my music teachers are cool and charmy Like Ms A.Kallstrom a good piano teacher with a charm that you never'll forget

And then we got Ms Nelvig, my song teacher; a very talented singer but also a very good friend as well

and there's one more teacher that I like; it's my English teacher Ms Pavlatus (or something in that style) she'e very kind n' funny


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01-04-2006, 11:42 AM
Abe 01's Avatar
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i like my school ish , my teachers arnt horrible, but i cant say i get on with any of them. My old spanish teacher i hated the most or my ict teacher. My spanish teacher couldnt control the class so i didnt get any learning done and my ict teacher hates my guts, shell give me a detention for talking once or twice but let the worser kids do what they like.
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01-04-2006, 12:05 PM
Oddish's Avatar
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My school is a hell hole. I don't like the system of the way things work, my school is money hunrgy. School Lunch meals prices have risen up by 35p , and it costs £1.45 for main. Christmas dinners are even more expenisve, instead giving us free food. School uniform is expensive as usual.

There are few teachers I don't like or can't stand, but I like Business teacher, he's cool. Now most teachers are aright once you reach the final year, but the first years I hated it.
The school pissed my off a few times, some teaches including, especially being put in low class filled with idiots, it was fustrating. It's a crumy place, I know this becuase there's a Latin Grammer school right next door which I use their bus to travel to mine, and the atmosphere is so different and easly to compare schools. For that I sign in late everyday, and this ame woman gives me the evils. Waiting in line for lunch can be very annoying, being the impatience persone I am when it comes to hunger, then finding the cateen being full.

I chose ICT for one of my CGSE options, which I was expecting to do for one of my studies. It turns I don't it for some mistikanen reason, now no one told anything about this error or whatever. So I've asked a few months later, and they tell my it's too late. Well I had no information why, I was excepting some news, but no. I'll admit it was partly my fualt for not asking something I didn't know about. That was one subject wasted, even thought I though I could something with it. I've learnt my lesson, but I felt ignored, and it was inportant to me.

Ironicly, my school misspelt "Educaion" on a sign infront of the school, missed out 't'

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
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01-04-2006, 12:34 PM
crash-kid's Avatar
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Well I'm only in Year 8 (age 12-13) and I guess it's okay but at our school every half year we get Effort and Attainment Grades mine are normally not to bad but are music teacher is so rubbish she can't control the really naughty kids and she gave mostly every one in the class Effort=C and Attainment=C but she gave a girl in are class who is good a C and D and someone who is naughty C and A. I hate wearing school Uniform mostly every school in England has to wear it. On muffty day which is when you wear your own clothes I wear Baggy Jeans Black Top and Skater/Converse shoes, Townies/Chavs start taking the p!$$ out of you just because of your clothes. I was thinking of moving school wear my best goes but I probably won't I have quite a few friends but a few a really @$$e$ but there okay.
I'm good at art so I get on with my Art Teacher,TECH and Drama is okay is well.
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01-04-2006, 01:06 PM
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I love me school so. It's beautiful: we have assemblies in the Cathedral, and in the summer we can lounge in the Close. It has awesome pastoral and academic support, such as futures advice, exam technique, tutorage and the mentor scheme, and a strong sense of doing things for other people: there's the Appeals Committee, the Walk For Life, and all the individual charity events hosted by the houses. I won't go naming any of the teachers, because you just know Mr James is constantly Googling every member of school.

The only problem I find is that, coming from a more mixed-class background and being very open-minded, I have to put up with the more close-minded views of other students, but they're a good bunch of non-hostile entities. Yeah, it'll be a place to miss.

Townies/Chavs start taking the p!$$ out of you just because of your clothes.
Which is exactly why uniforms are awesome.

Last edited by Wil; 01-04-2006 at 01:08 PM..
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01-04-2006, 01:14 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!

I hate my school. It's full of rich, money-loving, racist, closed-minded, stupid white kids. There's a shirt + tie + dress pants and shoes dress code, which blows balls. And it's way too ****ing strict. You can get 3 units of JUG (Justice Under God, 20 minutes of detention per unit) for not having your top button buttoned, for God's (OMG IRONY) sake. Plus, there's no girls, and all my teachers are fucks, sans my English teacher, and freshman religion teacher, who I like quite a lot.

So, in conclusion, this topioc makes me cry myself to sleep.

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01-04-2006, 01:18 PM
Daxter King's Avatar
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My school is cheap and money hungry. But other than that its pretty cool. All of my teachers are nice and never give us that severe of punishment. M rated games in school metroixer are you kidding me?
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01-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Leto's Avatar
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Quote: Originally Posted by metroixer
Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!


I hate my school. It's full of rich, money-loving, racist, closed-minded, stupid white kids. There's a shirt + tie + dress pants and shoes dress code, which blows balls. And it's way too ****ing strict. You can get 3 units of JUG (Justice Under God, 20 minutes of detention per unit) for not having your top button buttoned, for God's (OMG IRONY) sake. Plus, there's no girls, and all my teachers are fucks, sans my English teacher, and freshman religion teacher, who I like quite a lot.

So, in conclusion, this topioc makes me cry myself to sleep.
Does someone need a hug? JUG, ugh. Jug. JUG, how ugh.

Meh, I has an average school, though I never liked school to begin with. Too many people methinks, to many homie g's. If for any reason you wanted to go to the cantine at the designated eating intervals, you would have to choose one out of six or so lines that had 20 people each in them.

As for teachers, only three I have met that I woud consider nice. Japanese teacher, former art teacher and former english teacher. But I have a personal vendetta with PE teachers, particularly my year 9 one, because he didn't buy into my phony excuse that "I had cramps". Hey, it worked two weeks straight for some teachers who can't tell the difference between a no-tail and a tailed-one.

What-ho I say.

Hell he lets us play rated M games and not think twice about it :P!
WHOA! Like, this one time, we got to see an r13 movie, but I WAS TWELVE! Whoa, like, envy me! H GFLIhsfgdbfylaiglH~!

Seriously though, games? I thought this was a school you were speaking of. Or are you talking about games such as X-Rated skiprope?

Last edited by Leto; 01-04-2006 at 01:42 PM..
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01-04-2006, 01:45 PM
Icarus's Avatar
Howler Punk
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my school is Fucking WACK, almost everbody there is Fucking judgemental, i Fucking hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the teachers can't even teach, i learned how to plan things, like what i'll do AFTER school.

Last edited by Icarus; 01-04-2006 at 01:48 PM..
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01-04-2006, 01:48 PM
OANST's Avatar
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Well, Fuuuck!

My bowels hurt.

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01-04-2006, 01:49 PM
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I was so going to ****ing say that.

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01-04-2006, 02:05 PM
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OH **** a duck.

My school sucks ass. I can compare it with kimon's school, only not as strict. Every bit of money goes to....the FOTTBALL TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and the team sucks ass anyway. There is only one balck kid in my school, 70% of the population are stupid, ignorant, snooty, selfish, small minded, biggoted, idiotic red necks. The classes are extremely limited, half of our quarter classes are completely pointless, and the only two language courses are spanish and french.

We have recently implimented an "anti" bullying program. Thatnis if you call a program just putting up a bucnch of stupid posters with foolish quicktips on getting help, with a ridiculous mascot on it.

As for my teachers, they are fair, but my english teacher and enrichment teacher are the only ones I really like. I also really like our school's band director.

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01-04-2006, 04:13 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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Shut the **** up you guys. ****ing ****.

Does someone need a hug? JUG, ugh. Jug. JUG, how
I need a hug, humbug. Check out my Ugz. I'm one quarter German, and three quarters Thug.

Too many people methinks, to many homie g's.
LOLZOROPJS. Wow, I don't know why I thought that was funny, but it very was.

Yes, and my school spends money on weight rooms and chunks of land instead of more worthwhile causes, like destroying the student body.

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01-04-2006, 05:24 PM
Icarus's Avatar
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i hate these people who think the're "thug gangsters" and shit, i just can't Fucking stand them. i'm getting tired of them and the teachers who see them do something wrong and say nothing, but when i do something, it's like they want me arrested, FOR WHAT, cause i refuse to pick up somebodys mess, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!. that's why i don't like my school so much.
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01-04-2006, 05:57 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****!


Anyway, maybe your teachers pick on you because you have such a shitty opinion about everyone else and you don't stop to see if you have any problems of your own.

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01-04-2006, 06:36 PM
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My school is...average. Except i have a principal, who well...I have a vibe that office people don't like him. I have great friends, some bug but hey. Who's to blame. My teacher is, good. She let my mom do class parties, as of all my teachers have let her do. I'd rate my school with a 8/10.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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01-05-2006, 04:10 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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WHOA! Like, this one time, we got to see an r13 movie, but I WAS TWELVE! Whoa, like, envy me! H GFLIhsfgdbfylaiglH~!

Seriously though, games? I thought this was a school you were speaking of. Or are you talking about games such as X-Rated skiprope?
As hard as it is to believe yes it is a school, yes my teacher does let us play if we have nothing to do, yes they are M rated, yes he doesen't get in trouble, and yes he did just come back from college.
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01-05-2006, 04:55 AM
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my school is twisted
since their was a problem with drugs and people in the school who weren't supposed to, we don't wear uniforms, but we wear our ID's on lanyards (is it how you spell it? I'm sorry, it's 6 in the morning and I'm getting ready for school) around our necks and if we don't have one, we have to get a temporary ID which is a sticker with our name on it

The Teachers are okay, my favorite is My English teacher Miss Perry, She has ADD and her classes are as random as hell, my friend drew a chart with a line from one topic to another and it ended up unreadable.
We went from the Odysee to Cinderella the band cause she had a song stuck in her head and then we got on a topic of sleeping and etc
My Second Favorite has to be a tie between my Science teacher Mr. Kuroda and my Drama teacher Mrs. Zarr. They are the exact opposite. While Mrs. Zarr is Spastic and Crazy, Mr. Kuroda, even though he was born here in Idaho, is of Hawaiian desent and looks asian and reminds you of a mix between a martial arts sence and yoda

yeah, its a weird school

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01-05-2006, 06:16 PM
Icarus's Avatar
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****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****! ****!


Anyway, maybe your teachers pick on you because you have such a shitty opinion about everyone else and you don't stop to see if you have any problems of your own.

i won't lie man, i act as kind as it can get, and i keep shit to myself. this saved me from alot
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01-05-2006, 06:22 PM
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i won't lie man, i act as kind as it can get, and i keep shit to myself. this saved me from alot
K, just checkin'.

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01-06-2006, 01:00 AM
CarboN's Avatar
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My school is brand new. People whine (and me too) of the amount of money they spent art for the school. The art isn't that great.
But they wanted to use 1% of the money for the school spent in art or something like that.
My former school was brand new too (because of a fire -it was reconstructed just perfectly in time for me)

How does the school system in your country work?
In Finland the 1-6th class are lower classes and the 7-9 the upper ones. The first-ninth are obligatory classes.
We usually start our school at the age of seven. I started when I was 6.
The obligatory sweden starts in the seventh class, but I'm the last generation with that, now it's optional.

The school always offers the food.
People pay it with their taxes.

After obligatory school we finns have the choice to go in different schools. There are two main ones.
The other is "high school" (I don't really know what should I call it in english), it is often considered "a better choice", as we even make jokes of the ones in a trade school, which is the another.
Then there are other institutes offering education specialized in different professions.
After high school usually follows up more education in somewhere else.
The other schools follow up an attempt to get a job.
The High school is a "civilizising school", and many people go there because they haven't decided what they want to do next.

I'm in 10th class, in high school.
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01-06-2006, 07:17 AM
Adriel's Avatar
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Mine is SHITY
" with great power comes great respect"

The lession of life is only reached by making mistakes.

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01-07-2006, 12:46 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
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Mine's quite good. Our Head is always flashing the cash on equipment.

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01-07-2006, 07:41 PM
The Marching Mudokon's Avatar
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My school is pretty good. We've had quite a few of our students go to the Olympics, Common Wealth Games and become national sportsmen. Our music program is really good as well. All my teachers last year were great, especiall Mr. O'lachlan. We had a massive debate about what would happen if aliens invaded (because of my friend) and in the end he just gave us the answers to the questions because he said it was his fault for not letting us do our work. We have a teacher called Mr. Francis who hates everyone but 3 or 4 people, including me. It's because of my dad's job though, he always talks to me about the military and stuff. We have some few nasty teachers but mostly our schools really good.
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01-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
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I like it but Music class is the biggest waste ever. And getting to be is a real pain because they keep the hall lights on up here and my sidemates are so noisy.
Also, I really think the "Man" hates me up here. I get in trouble for things that most others don't.
One last thing: As a senior we get a lot more leeway when it comes to study hall but it is mandatory for me 20+ times a month.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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01-11-2006, 01:21 AM
$andy Mudukon's Avatar
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Crater + buildings = My school. I swear...
Vous faites mes mamelons tristes. :<
(I don't care if I don't have a banner with my name in it. That's just obnoxious. OGM U R SO STERETIPIKAL!!

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01-12-2006, 04:06 AM
Adriel's Avatar
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well, mine is not that bad. But we have a gay principal, Retaded teachers and we have a school that is 92 years old. Yeah It's SHITY
" with great power comes great respect"

The lession of life is only reached by making mistakes.

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