Here's most of my stuff, especially the notable loot. I liked all of what I got. Such is the advantage of likeing and being in close contact with one's exteded family and getting a visit from Santa to apease one's younger brother.

Wow, I feel so nasty after saying that. Hmm. Well, for the record, my family are not an excuse to get presents. That's better.
-Tales of Symphonia
-Ico (with special edition cards!)
-Lots of funkeh books I've been meaning to buy for ages
-Book token
-Miscelaneous nice things (eg. preety bracelet, crazy fairy hot water-bottle, very apt pencil case saying 'mad cow', wooden pen with a bobbly wooden giraffe head on top)
-Bosco DVD! (For those of you that don't know i.e. all you non Irish, Bosco was a former Irish TV programme for very young children which was taken off the air in the mid 90's. It featured a puppet named Bosco, who lived in a box. Practically everyone loved Bosco, me included. And since I'm a big kid...

-A goat donated to Oxfam