Overall, my favorite game of all time is Silent Hill 2.
I also enjoyed Fatal Frame 2, the Resident Evil remake, and Silent Hill 4 (because of the engrossing story... which was one of the only redeeming features of the game).
As for more action-based games... I've been addicted to Resident Evil 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein's multiplayer, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Battlefield 2's multiplayer at different times in my... gaming... lifetime... or something. Whatever. You know what I mean. Anyway, still really liking Battlefield 2 and looking forward to Unreal Tournament 2007. *glee*
Old school. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Fo' reals. And Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in America). Sega has put out some great stuff over the years.
I haven't been able to stop playing Resident Evil 4 (at my friends), Half-Life 2 is great and I've just got the Half-Life pack (with all of the expansion packs) which I just love. I'm also playing the Thing on Xbox and it's not too bad. Those are all of the games that i'm addicted too at the moment.
I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation.
- George Bernard Shaw
Halo 2,Star Wars Republic Commando,War of the Monsters,Spyro 1-3,All rampage,Godzilla save the Earth,Jak 3,Paper Mario 1-2,Viewtiful Joe 1-2
R&C 3
All oddworld
sly 2
Burnout Revenge
All Oddworld
metroid (I am a metroid geek 0_o)
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
soul calibur 2
Castlevannia DS (Just got it and can't stop playing!!)
and Animal Crossing
THe Oddworld Games, Naughty Dogs Crash and two of Vivendis (Personally I think that That Bandicoot is getting too popular, and his games are just gonna drag on forever until every single person in the world is bored with them, including the biggest of Crash Fans. Just Like Harry Potter will, and already is) Jurassic Park, Operation Genisis, Turok Evolution and SW Battlefront, I can't wate for number two (I know it's already out, But Unfortuanatley I can't buy it, I have to wait and see if I get it for Christmas from anyone, then go to buy it when It's all sold out)
mine are
all oddworld games
seaworld tycoon
sim city 3000
space invaders [yay]
true crime
full throttle
second sight
Crash Twinsanity,
The Sims,
Mario Party 7,
Army men 2,
and Lego starwars.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~
“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age
Stranger's Wrath
Destroy All Humans
Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill 3
The Thing
Fuzion Frenzy
Silent Hill 2 (ONLY because of Pyramid Head!!!!!)
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
Silent Hill 4: The Room (Only because of the story; the rest sucked ****.)
I've finally brought myself to hate Munch's Oddysee.