Well therein lies the problem. By prescribing to this "emo" nonsense you've welcomed the kind of harrasment that you recieved for your purchase. I'm sure your friends were merely looking out for you, as they would want you to look out for them. Perhaps if it was not your goal to be labled as "emo", their comments would not have upset you so much. You're not as innocent as you think, because I believe it was you who said that I needed a catalogue (after I had posted a picture of myself).
I care very little about what somebody else thinks of my clothing. I wear whatever I want, and I think it looks damn near terrific! 
You seem to've missed the problem, and have made precisely the same point that I did, as a counter-point to my original post.
I subscribe to the emo culture, but I'm not a scene kid, which basically means, I don't HAVE to wear tight t-shirts and other such perfect stereotype emo attire constantly in order to maintain the image of a scene kid. I find myself wearing whatever I want, and I like emo because it defies normality and society, by making it acceptable to wear things that are not normally deemed acceptable. In general, I didn't like being told what to wear and what not to wear...I make those choices on my own, although they are admittedly inspired by my taste for emo.
The other person I was shopping with on that particular occasion seemed to be detirmined to imitate either Trinny or Susannah, so they were giving me their opinion on everything I picked up, which was annoying to the point that the comment about my tshirt was the straw that broke the camels back... we all know and love our emo clothes, but we don't talk about it all the time, so I had no idea why there was such a big fuss made about what I chose to wear. It was like they were deliberately playing up. That whole day was really weird, everyone was acting very strange, like they got out of bed too early or something.
As for your appearance, you look like a prep to me, and a tad bit conceited. But that's just my opinion... which doesn't affect you.