I don't particularly want to answer some of these, so this'll be 100 questions...without some of the 100.
1. What is your name?
Not saying
2. Have you ever been kissed?
Kind of....Yes I suppose.
3. What is your favorite movie?
Monty Python's Life of Brian. Python >all other comedy.
4. What CD is constantly in your CD player?
*Sniff* I don't have a CD player. But a song I listen to a lot is Golddigger.
5. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Nope, and glad I don't too.
6. What is on your mousepad?
My mouse.
7. What is your favorite color pen to write with?
I don't really mind. But I'll say blue, or black, they're the colours I use most.
8. What shampoo do you use?
Too be honest, that's not somethig i keep track of.
9. What is your favorite color?
Green, or bright red.
10. How many children do you want?
2, maybe 3. Certainly not more than 3.
11. Do you collect anything?
i used to collect miniature military figures, but that was like 3 years ago. Don't collect anythnig any more.
12. What is your favorite word?
I don't know. I have a horrible habit of saying 'sorry' a lot, so I suppose that could be it.
13. What are your favorite kinds of clothes to wear?
Jeans, hooded tops, that sorta stuff.
14. What is your idea of a perfect date?
Go to the movies, hve a nice meal, have a good fun chat to each other, then.....

But not at my current age, that won't be going on for about 3 years. But still, that's my perfect date.
15. What is your favorite book?
I read an awful lot of stuff, so I'd say either the new Harry Potter book, or Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
16. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
Actors I think are good are: Johnny Depp, Sean Bean, Rowan Atkinson.
17. What is the best feeling in the world?
To be in love. ^_^
18. Do you take hot or cold showers?
In the middle.
19. If you could kiss anyone, who would it be?
This real nice girl I met a few years ago, but unfortunately haven't seen since. Or my dream girl, whoever that will be.
20. What is your favorite band or singer?
Probably Queen, or Metallica, or Snoop Dogg. I have a fairly diverse taste in music.
21. What are you listening to right now?
The sound of my computer humming and me typing.
22. Do you believe in God?
I'll decide on that when I die. If I just rot in a coffin-no. If I go to the afterlife-yes.
23. When is your birthday?
24. How tall are you?
About 5', 5'1, 5'2. Haven't checked for a while.
25. What is your favorite television show?
Hmmmm, I like a lot of TV, but i'll say Little Britain. Best comedy around at the moment. I like a lot of comedy you see, which may explain my fav. movie and 2nd of my fav. book choices.
26. Have you ever had sex?
27. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Either Spain, or Las Vegas. I'd love to og there.
28. Do you have braces?
Used to, don't anymore.
29. Do you like roller coasters?
Yep, love em.
30. What is your favorite season?
Summer. i cannot stand autumn, it's just so boring, and spring is too wet. Winter's only good points are when it snows, ad Christmas, so I stick with summeras my favourite.
31. What is your favorite time of day?
Morning, between 9 and 11. It's this time when I decide whether to get up and do stuff, or have a long lie in and be lazy. Today I chose the latter.
32. What is your favorite gemstone?
Sapphires are gemstones right? I'm not htat well up about stuff like this.
33. What is your favorite cartoon?
Simpsons or Futurama, or Family Guy. All 3 are great.
34. What is on your bedroom walls?
Wallpaper!! Oh yeah, and a couple of tacky old posters fro mwhen I was a little kid that I haven't got round to taking down.
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate, or that eally creamy vanilla you get at ice cream vans on the beach. Whippys, I think they're called.
36. If you had a time machine, where would you go?
Probably to Ancient Rome, or Tudor/Elizabethan England. Both time periods where/are my favourite topics in history.
37. What do you want to be when you're older?
I've not decided, there's a few htings I'm flicknig through:
Actor (But not really got the talent)
Scriptwriter for TV
38. What color are your eyes?
Blue, well, Bluish greyish colour.
39. Who is the person you talk to the most on the the phone?
I don't use the phone much. But probably Sam.
40. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
Red, as in red, not sandy orange like redheads.
41. Do you have any nicknames?
Used to, but not anymore, so no point saying them.
42. What does your dream girl look like?
I think I'll only know when I meet her.
43. Are you good in math?
yep. And it's Math
s, not math. Why must America change our spellings, why?
44. Do you have freckles?
A few.
45. Who are your best friends?
Sam, Ben, Tom, Chris.
46. What is your favorite kind of flower?
I don't have one, but if I had to say I'd say sunflower or rose.
47. What is your favorite store?
The Music and DVD shop in town, unfortunately it's closing soon.
48. What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
I haven't done that many daring things, but if it's the most risky thing, I did a backflip on the edge of a swimming pool once. i came close to hitting my head on the floor hard, and I was lucky to land in the pool, as I hadn't spun far enough to land on my feet. It was trying to impress someone. I did it again, but deliberately did it into the pool that time, no more risking landing on my head.
49. Is there anyone who you really hate?
Yes, but luckily, I havent' seen this person for nearly 3 years, so I can forget about them. Why did this survey have to reopen old wounds? Nah, just joknig. But I did once wish this person was dead.
50. Do you and your parents fight a lot?
Does about 2-3 of times a week count as a lot?
51. What is your favorite candy?
Can chocolate count? American definitions of words which mean something else in English is confusing. If chocolate can't count then I'll say sherbet or marzipan.
52. What is your favorite kind of music?
rap or Heavy Metal. As I said before, I like quite a bit of music.
53. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
Theatre as in Cinema right? This american word usage confuses me. But hte last film I saw was wallace and Gromit, or Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I think it was HP, but I can't remember, as both were still on when I saw them at my cinema.
54. Are you getting sick of these questions yet?
Yes. Wh ycan't yu write them the English way, the USA changes too man yof our words. (Not saying I dislike America, it's a great country, and I'd love to go there sometime, but the differences in word meanings is confusing.)
55. Have you ever been to the ocean?
No, I don't think.
56. Do you have any part of your body pierced?
57. What is your favorite restaurant?
This great Chinese restaurant we go to now and then, unfortunately, it's quite a way away from where I live, so we can normally only visit when heading up that way for whatever reason.
58. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
i don't go by the brand, I go by the appearance ofthe clothes.
59. What is your favorite magazine?
I haven't got a magazine for a while, but I don't mind videogames magazines, or Max Power.
60. Who do you like talking to the most on the internet?
Most of the people here, or over at WebQuad. But I've been inactive there for like 4 months.
61. What school do you go to?
Not saing. JKeep away you damn paedophiles! *brandishes pointy stick*
62. Do you have any pets?
Two cats. One is 18 and lively, the other 7, nearly 8, fat, and goes missing a lot. But he always turns up.
63. Which is better, pie or cake?
Are you trying to imply something by this? If not, then I'll say Cake, unless it's meat/potato pie,which is nice.
64. Are you a good french kisser?
Probably (read: Hopefully)
66. What is your favorite color to wear?
Blue, or deep red.
67. What is your favorite animal?
Cats, or lizards, iguanas being my favourite lizard, and tigers being my favourite cat. Seems Havoc and I are of similar minds on this, due to the cat thing.
68. What is your favorite alcholic drink?
Beer, or rum. red wine's nice too. I cannot stand white wine.
69. What sports do you like?
Rugby, football (soccer), bit of Motoracing (prefrably Formula 1)
70. What is your favorite outfit?
Outfit? I don't really have any outfit. But I like to wear jeans with a chain, this cool shirt I got in spain, and my baige hooded top the most.
71. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
72. What is your favorite card game?
Poker, specifically Texas Holdem. Allthough I do like Blackjack as well.
73. Do you swear?
All the *censored* time.

74. Have you ever had surgery?
No, fortunately.
75. What is your favorite beverage?
Coke, or Fosters' Beer.
76. Do you want to get married?
yes, but I don't want to rush into it.
77. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Way too many to pick a specific one.
78. What is your zodiac sign?
Hmmm..I think it's Taurus, the bull.
79. Where do you think is the most boring place in the world?
My house at 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday. Teh Boringest place evah. EVAH. 1!!11!11......1.
80. Have you ever smoked?
No, i don't want to either. I'm a straight-edge oriented guy, who doesn't want lung cancer, so no weed and no cigars for me.
81. What do you look for in a guy?
Erm, I'm a guy, so I can't answer this. Stupid waste of a question...
82. What song do you wish the radio would play more often?
Queen's It's a Kind of Magic, or any Metallica song.
83. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Jesus, if he existed.
85. Do you like writing letters?
No, I HATE letters. HATE THEM.
86. Who do people say you look like?
A human. Well, what did you expect, a crocodile??
87. What is your favorite month of the year?
August. Sunny, warm ,and the time when you can bugger off abroad for a few weeks.
88. What kinds of clothes do you like guys/girls to wear?
Erm, this means as in what attracts me right? Well, I like a girl to wear anything that doesn't make them look like a chav, slut or nerd.
89. How many words per minute can you type?
i've nevr done one o those tests, but I'd imagine around about 25-30.
90. What is one thing you would change about the way you act?
Be less embarassing to myself, and be more relaxed at social occassions and around girls I like.
91. What is one thing you would change about your looks?
My hair. I want long hair, but it doesn't grow, it just grows thick rather than long.
92. What is your favorite perfume?
I'm a bloke, I don't use perfume. I'd probably just say any Lynx Aftershave though.
93. What is the worst feeling in the world?
A person you think is a friend turning out to be an ass. Or being rejected by a girl, or not knowing whether you'll be rejected by a girl or not, because you haven't asked her out. Those feelings all suck.
94. Do you have allergies?
Not that I know of.
95. What are some of your bad habits?
Embarrassing myself in company, saying sorry all the time when it's unnecessary, keeping too quiet at times rather than speaking up. I do all of that.
96. What is one of your pet peeves?
People who stereotype you because of what you like/ are like. You know, ignorant b@st@rds.
97. Do you have a website?
98. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive, I'm too young.
99. Where were you born?
In a hospital in England.
100. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hell yes.
Phew, that's that done. I always wanted ot do this when I first saw it, and now I have.