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11-22-2005, 10:22 AM
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Oddworld games...The good...The bad....And the odd

Here is a topic at where you post the good,the bad,and the odd about all 4 games.


The good:
First game
great storyline
You get hooked
Beutiful environments

The bad:
Not for the casual gamer
The puzzles may seem to confusing
Who wants to play as a skinny blue dude? (No offense but that is what I am hearing about this game as bad).

The odd:
Slugs with legs!!1 WTF!?


The good:
More music and a good selection too.
More possesing options
Hilarious cutscenes
More mud variety
Still has that good challenge
More creatures!

The bad:
Difficult but not as difficult as the first one.
Still not for a casual gamer.
You may get confused over the gamespeak.
Killing that one mud that stops you from getting 300 mud saves
Quicksaving just before you die.

The odd:
Getting killed by worms?


The good:
new hero
nice environments
Still funny
New slig gamespeak

The bad:

Graphics are a little crummy
Too cartoony
Seems like it's ment for a younger audience at some points

The odd:
little rabid furballs with teeth. Ahh the possibilities


The good:
1st to 3rd person view.
Great weapon variety
Badass main character
A whole new oddworld

The bad:
What!? NO abe or munch?
BOunty system doesen't last to long.
Short game
It just ain't odd

The odd:
Well the grubs are naked lizard men who can't speak a straight sentence.
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11-22-2005, 10:27 AM
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You basicly posted everything exept for that a good thing in Exoddus is that Abe now has to control thier emotions! Yeah!
(I really agree about how you said "WHAT! NO ABE OR MUNCH!" beacuse it really just isnt ODD without them)

Last edited by Cullen Heath; 11-22-2005 at 10:32 AM..
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11-22-2005, 10:29 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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^...Oops. Well there must be something I missed.
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11-28-2005, 07:28 PM
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odd chick
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Hehe, this seems like fun. Let me try it:

Abe's Oddysee

The Good:

Great environments, just as said before.
Characters with originality
The main character is believable, so you see him as a person in perilous situations instead of just a character.
It's challenging in many areas.
The game is a totally different experience for me and for others.

The Bad:

It could be considered too difficult by some gamers.
Some gamers might think it's too wierd for their own liking. (even though it's not, in my opinion.)
Some gamers may be turned off by the fact that this is a thinking man's game instead of a blow-everything-up-out-of-site game (aka First Person Shooter. )
No Quiksave (this did annoy some people. I saw them talk about it on other forums. )

The Odd:

Mudokons.....being made into FOOD....by GLUKKONS?!! Ok, then. :S

Abe's Exoddus

The Good:

It has the same type of gameplay, but it is "tweaked up" a bit (ex: with the controlling of emotions and possessing Glukkons, paramites, and scrabs.)
Even more original environments that AO, in my opinion.
The humor has been greatly improved in this one. I even laughed at some of the cut-scenes when I first played it!
Abe was already likeable in the first game, but he seemed even more so in this one, for some reason.
Can't forget the Quiksave!!!
Introduction of Alf!! Who could forget him?

The Bad

It's still not what some gamers would be into.
Still could be considered too difficult for some gamers.
Some people might be turned off by the potty humor found in the game.

The Ugly

Possessing your own FARTS?!!

Munch's Oddysee

The Good

A new main character that tugs at your heart strings when telling his sad tale.
The return of Abe!!!
Fun gameplay-I seriously had the most fun with this one.
3D environments
The humor is kept intact so that it still feels like an Oddworld game.

The Bad

Is a bit more repetitive than the others.
The environments can get a bit stale in this one.
Is too cartoony compared to the past two games.
The music can get annoying at times as it repeats itself at times.
It was meant to be more than it ended up being, so it was a bit of a let-down for some people. (ex: The move from the PS2 to the X-box)

The Ugly

Vykkers are creepy, creepy individuals with too many arms!

Stranger's Wrath

The Good

Another believable main character that people can relate to. (ex: Feeling like an outcast.)
Could attract more casual gamers because of its first person shooter/third person action gameplay.
Beautiful environments.
Not as repetitive as Munch.
Hilarious script-writing!

The Bad

Even though it wasn't as repetitive as Munch, it could get a bit repetitive at times.
No Abe OR Munch.....I could cry!
Was a bit on the short side

The Ugly

Just a few words....... D. Caste Raider.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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11-30-2005, 02:23 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Yay for Oddchick! I knew I missed some stuff!
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11-30-2005, 02:42 PM
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I thought Stranger's Wrath WAS odd. New characters made it more odd ter me. Sure, I've only played two of the Oddworld games, a lil' of Abe's Oddysee, yet, Stranger was the most oddest that I've seen.
The Stranger's girl

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11-30-2005, 05:47 PM
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Abe's Oddysee

-Compelling storyline
-A breath of fresh air from the mainstream shit
-Really great designs

-Couldn't understand a ****ing thing the Gluks said, nor the Sligs
-Abe seemed too alien when he spoke. I like him better as "just one of the guys"

Not sure what this area is for

Abe's Exoddus


-Digging deeper into the history and culture of the Mudokons, as well as getting deeper into the Magog society
-Glukkons actually SPOKE IN LEDGABLE SENTENCES, as well as having new accents (as did Sligs)
-Abe seems more "down to Oddworld" as opposed to having the droll personality of an alien. One-a da boiz.
-Great new locations


-Posessing farts, while fun, doesn't make any sense.
-Fleeches are a PAIN IN THE ASS. Nice work, Vykkers Labs...
-Pretty much couldn't do jack shit with a posessed scrab.

Munch's Oddysee

-Many wonderful new species (thank Farzad for that!)
-An interesting new character, Munch.
-Team gameplay

THE BAD (make some popcorn for this one)

-WAY too much of the cutesy shit
-Had no way of knowing how much damage your opponent was taking
-Posessed characters were REALLY weak, esp. the Sligs.
-The 3D took away from the surreality of the first two games.
-We were promised to see Abe's mom. WE DID NOT GET TO SEE ABE'S MOM.
-We were also promised a look into Molluck's trial. Again, that was a no-show.
-Meeps. OH, GOD these things pissed me off in so many ways. It's a SHEEP. It doesn't matter what you do to it's anatomy, it's a ****ing cartoony sheep.
-The one-leg trend. Munch was original. The Ratz I can stand. BUT NOT EVERYTHING IN THE GAME NEEDS TO BE UNIPODAL.
-Using a "z" as a plural for the "Ratz."
-Abe looked more like a stoner than the Abe we knew and loved.
-They cut a lot of awesome stuff from the game.
-It was too damn repetitive.
-Munch himself was way too slow.
-Abe stole most of the action
-That damn BOING noise that Munch made as he hopped.
-Fuzzle anatomy is just confusing.

Stranger's Wrath

-Exploring a new region of Mudos
-I was really psyched over the Odd-western concept.
-The amount of things people say in the game
-Using Fuzzles as ammunition. HELL ****ING YES.
-The ending (I'm not gonna lie, I was in tears.)
-Stranger himself
-The music
-The "jail-rape" joke Duke made.
-The very presence of Oktigi.
-Doc. He reminds me of a really pale undertaker, with that hat of his.


-I played other games like this, and it almost seems like they don't quite understand what they're doing with this type of game (which, they probably didn't). No extra stuff, no "unlockables" menu or unlockables of any kind... pretty much cut-and-dry.
-The game claims that the Outlaws are all one species, when they are clearly not. I seem to recall Kai (Sligslinger) telling me that the Outlaws did have species names at one time, but they never made it into the game.
-The Ammo looked like fat little armless Disney characters
-Chippunks serve NO NATURAL PURPOSE other than luring people to them and dying.
-Stranger's "HOO-AH!" was about as bad as Munch's hopping noise. Okay, yes. We know you're trying to show us how manly you are, Strange. Stop rubbing our noses in it.
-The design for a steef was basically a chimera. I don't find Chimera designs fun at all, and I only use them as a last resort.
-The repetitivity of the voices. Clakkers sounded the same, Wolvarks sounded the same, Outlaws sounded... you get the picture. Jo' Mama was basically a normal outlaw's voice, sped up and hightened a bit.
-The Clakkerz just piss me off. Period. AND STOP USING "Z" AS A MOTHER****ING PLURAL!

Last edited by Dipstikk; 12-01-2005 at 09:23 AM..
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11-30-2005, 08:21 PM
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odd chick
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Yeah, I forgot about some of that stuff. I suppose that Munch had a lot of flaws compared to the others.
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12-01-2005, 05:04 AM
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[q]-The design for a steef was basically a chimera. I don't find Chimera designs fun at all, and I only use them as a last resort.[/q]
Chimeras the head and forelegs of a lion, the rest of the body as a large goat (and a goat's head behind the lion's), and a snake as a tail, with a snakes head.
I believe the snake head breathed fire - certainly one of the heads did.

Stranger is a deer-gorilla-stag, though he doesn't have a deer back end per se; Stranger's back end is very small and not particiularly similar to any of our species.

Similarities between steef and chimerae:
-both are essentially a mixture of 3 creatures, though the steef was is more 'natural'.
-both have four legs, though steef are known to run on six.

In conclusion, I think you was talking about some other design for a chimera, and was not referring the real chimera from Greek mythology, making this reply largely void.
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12-01-2005, 05:15 AM
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I liked that idea for the design of Stranger, a mixture of very intelligent creatures that seems to pay off!

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12-01-2005, 05:38 AM
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I think the design was much closer to centaur than a chimera. If you had to make a comparison, I mean.

My bowels hurt.

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12-01-2005, 09:20 AM
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[q]-The design for a steef was basically a chimera. I don't find Chimera designs fun at all, and I only use them as a last resort.[/q]
Chimeras the head and forelegs of a lion, the rest of the body as a large goat (and a goat's head behind the lion's), and a snake as a tail, with a snakes head.
I believe the snake head breathed fire - certainly one of the heads did.

Stranger is a deer-gorilla-stag, though he doesn't have a deer back end per se; Stranger's back end is very small and not particiularly similar to any of our species.

Similarities between steef and chimerae:
-both are essentially a mixture of 3 creatures, though the steef was is more 'natural'.
-both have four legs, though steef are known to run on six.

In conclusion, I think you was talking about some other design for a chimera, and was not referring the real chimera from Greek mythology, making this reply largely void.
People, please! I'm talking about the fact that it's a combination of 3 animals, not the thing from Greek mythos.

Fine, I'll change it. Sheesh.

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