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11-15-2005, 04:39 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Dead Oh....My....God

Hello everyone. I have some very disturbing news for all cristians and athiest alike. The temple in Israel is going to be rebuilt soon. Now I bet any hardcore christian should have their jaw open by now. To explain: God had a plan for the world. The end of his plan would first insist on something called the rapture. a.k.a. the apocalypse. There will be signs first before the thing actually happens. One of the FINAL ones are rebuilding the temple in israel. We cristians don't have to worry about it since...Well we'll be taken away before hell reaches surface for the next 7 years or so. Now don't think i'm crazy please! I am warning you all noncristians that it's not to late. Because hell is drawing near and you do NOT want to be left behind. Trust me. So this is just a message to everyone. That the world as we know it may go in chaos soon. Thank you.
11-15-2005, 05:08 PM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
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I'm sorry... i'll stop now...


Seriously, the rapture and all that... That's bullcrap. How is something as simple as rebuilding something a sign of the apocalypse?

"Did you hear Dan's house got destroyed?"
"Yeah, he's planning to get it rebuild next month.
"What?! Rebuild it?! Jesus Christ!! It's the Rapture!!!!!"
"Jack... are you OK?"

Last edited by Godlesswanderer; 11-15-2005 at 05:13 PM..
11-15-2005, 05:12 PM
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What abot the other stagfes? Have they occured yet? The ones before this rebuilding.

What Godless said.

11-15-2005, 05:15 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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I don't mind your X-Core Christianity. Really, I don't. But if you're going to post this, don't do it to help those "poor non-believers". That pisses me off.

...Actually, the fact that you actually believe Hell will pop up in a few days pisses me off.

Hey, if it doesn't happen, what's your excuse? I want to know, just in the small case that it doesn't occur.

11-15-2005, 05:19 PM
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Hey, if it doesn't happen, what's your excuse? I want to know, just in the small case that it doesn't occur.
Hehe, I can't wait to see the answer to this .

11-15-2005, 05:21 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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metroixer  (-71)

Whoah,whoah,whoah I ain't gonna force ya to become a religious man. I'm just letting out some news here that could be important for other people on these forums. That and I know people here don't want to be bothered about this kind of stuff but I know that other people in these forums are religious. So i'm giving them a heads up about this and you guys since this can be pretty big stuff and you can think about it for a while. Believe me I will not force you to be religious. Thank you.
11-15-2005, 05:23 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
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You said the Lord's name in vain, asshole!
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11-15-2005, 05:23 PM
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Speaking as the token forum Jew and someone who has lived for a significant amount of time in Jerusalem, WTF are you talking about? The Muslims are quite happy where they are on the Temple Mount. The Israelis have no chance of pushing them out or destroying the Dome of the Rock (not without a world war and major sanctions from the UN and western nations at least). The only vague pointer towards the possible rebuilding of the temple is a couple of fruitcakes who want to smuggle in a bomb and blow up the Dome. There is a group that is getting ready for the eventual Messianic rebuilding of the temple by assembling all the equipment needed for the service but they fall short of actually telling the government to repossess the site.

So, give us proof that the temple is about to be rebuilt or keep the crazies to yourself in the future.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

11-15-2005, 05:26 PM
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I never said it would break loose in a few days. If the rapture doesen't happen well...>.>; You own me.
11-15-2005, 05:28 PM
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It doesn't make sense anyway. Why would the Jewish temple be a significant sign in Christianity. If it were miraculously rebuilt, wouldn't that be a sign to everyone that we were right all along?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

11-15-2005, 05:38 PM
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Man I am glad I am christian. When the rapture comes i am gonna laugh at you guys burnig in hell.!!!!!!!
11-15-2005, 05:56 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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What if you're wrong? What if buddhist/hindu Karma has the upper hand and you become a suffering hungry ghost or a soul in Hell out of your pious ways?

11-15-2005, 06:13 PM
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I am warning you all noncristians that it's not to late.
What is this, a recruitment drive? Hell no. I don't push my non-beliefs on Christians, so don't push your beliefs on us.

Where the hell is Reverend ParamiteAbe? He should have masturbated all over this thread by now.

Oh wait. That's a sin.

11-15-2005, 06:16 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Of all of the possible signs of the Apocalypse that have occurred in the past few years, you choose this one?


Sorry, but *closed*

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