It is now NIGHT 0
Send me your Night Actions.
It is 20th Century small town America. From Italy, the Mafia have fled the armed forces of their government to set up shop in the land of dreams. Their work is quickly underway, deciding to begin infiltrating and taking over a small American town in the North-East, before they hit New York. However, the townsfolk do not take kindly to this criminal organisation, and will do everything they can to prevent them taking their town.
Unfortunately for the townsfolk, the Mafia has set their roots deep in the town, and nobody aside from their assossiates know Mafiaman from innocent Townie.
There's investigating to be done!
Munch's Master
Confirm by replying to this thread saying you have received and understood your role (which is in a Private Message). If you did not receive your role, or have misunderstood it, PM me. All roles have been sent by PM.
No posting at night.
No post editing. I mean it.
No posting after your death scene, except for one to acknowledge the death and leave a final message for the living. Do not reveal any game info after your death.
Repeat infringement of the rules will result in mod-kill.
Enjoy yourselves.
Previous thread, for more rules and information.
Moderator, please close the previous Mafia thread.