Ill join one of my side characters from my soon to come fan fic Skeeb's Oddessy.
Name: Slaslic
Race: Glukkon
age: 20
Appearance: Glukkon freak with 15 Glukkon arms made possible by the Keepers.
personality: Slaslic is stubern, arrogant, and sometimes rude. But those are his good points.
Backstory: Slaslic is a victem of the ever increaseing powers of the Keepers. Slaslic in the past never used to have 15 arms. Infact he was a well respected glukkon in his day. Some say his dream was to succeed Glockstar status and become a god. But all things failed as his oil company Slasco went completely under do to constant employee
deaths and loses. Slasco was shut down by Lady Margret and Slaslic was punished. Lady Margret knew about a new form of entertainment called a freak circus held once a year by greedy corporet leeches from the Oddworld arctic called Keepers. Lady Margret took it upon her self and sent poor Slaslic to the Freak dome to be turned into a freak of nature. The Keepers took him in and wanted Slaslic to be an acrobat in the show. They attached 15 glukkon arms to him and made him the laughing stock of Oddworld.
Now thanks to his strange friends he escaped with the help of Bass a freak mudokin with slig legs and a strange inhabitant not from Mudos named Skeeb. Now Slaslic wonders Oddworld in search of his lost fortune. Until one day he found refuge in the ruins of Soul Storm Brewery. His hopes run high when he comes to a place called Odd Killers Refinery in search of a job. Spite of his unusial appearance with 15 glukkon arms sewed on by the greedy Keepers Slaslic dares not tell about his horrific expierance with those Keepers. Unless someone dares to ask him, he tries to hide his armes in a large black suit that makes him look rather bulky and large.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers;
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!