hmmm... I'm afraid I have to agree with majority in the sense that I personally dislike the direction it appears Fangus was heading.
I wouldn't say they are "not odd" or that they would "ruin oddworld" or anything, but I definitely feel that Oddworld's strongest elements have been fading in the past couple games.
I've loved all the previous titles (just to assure you I'm not a hater or anything) but the main attraction I had to Oddworld (and the main element keeping me interested) was the contrast of "cute" unique and artistic character designs with the dark, demented and sometimes extremely twisted social environments and stories.
Lorne always blames Munch's failure on Microsoft or the machine's capabilities or his team's capabilities within the given circumstance but, in my opinion, it's the writing that lacks the most. With Stranger as well; things like Clakkers, Grubs, and the Wild West aren't really very unique or odd. Great games, but there's a certain element lacking that we found with Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus. Certainly, it helps that the world was new and fresh with us, but it was the INHABITANTS, writing, and gameplay of Oddworld that were far more distinct, unique, and innovative. Munch lost the gameplay factor with its systematic monotony and Stranger lost the inhabitant factor. Both of them had weak writing in my opinion and that's going to carry on to the rumoured movies if it's not remedied.
Lorne mentioned wanting Oddworld to feel more 'real' but I think he's heading in the wrong direction. Instead of making characters who are more 'real' like Chickens, Grubs, and Human/Jaguars and Sheep, I think he needs to direct his company into the realism of the dark and twisted stories that Abe's jorneys first introduced to us to. Hell, he should push that envelope.
I think ODDWORLD needs to get their writing back in shape if they're going to succeed where they have great potential to do so. ODDWORLD's goals are admirable but they may be making it harder on themselves than it needs to be and pointing fingers and the industry instead of their own (sometimes) poorly executed good ideas.
Great drawings on Silvio's part, though.
Edit: hahaha That wasn't a very "Quick Reply," was it?