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08-18-2005, 09:28 AM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
Dark Oddworld
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Does anyone watch G4. I mostly watch XPlay and Jugment Day. Overal I like the channel but they need to stop giving RPG's bad reviwes. I also hate how its become a hightech MTV! They seem to forget ITS FOR NERDS!!!!
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08-18-2005, 03:47 PM
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*Moves to Non-Oddworld Gaming*

Attack of the Show is good, X-Play is pretty alright too. Everything else makes me want to take a shower because of the nerdnessness.
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08-18-2005, 03:50 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Yes, I agree with Dark Oddworld on the MTV thing. ****ing Xplay, they're so shut. RPG's are freakin good games. Half of them are bad, but half of all genres are bad.

I liked Cinematazu or whatever, probably cos I'm too broke to afford new games. I only get like one new mind every four months. If only I had saved up for a new sytem. Damn it!

And I too, can't stand that stupid voice and constant pop ups in Xplay. They call that comedy?

Last edited by used:); 08-18-2005 at 04:08 PM..
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08-18-2005, 04:01 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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(Keeping in OT, mainly because the discussion is about an actual television station. A station with a video game theme, yes, but a station none the less.)

I used to like Judgment Day a lot. Now I think they've gone soft, and I hardly ever find their reviews beneficial anymore. On the other hand, I find myself agreeing with X-Play's reviews 90% of the time, but they do too much lame sketch "comedy." Still, X-Play is alright.

Every now and then I might catch a minute or two of Attack of the Show, but I usually get bored. However, I made sure to catch most of the episodes that had Seanbaby in them, because he was completely mismatched standing next to that Kevin guy. The awkward chemistry was great.

"I can't tie my own shoes!"

As far as the channel goes as a whole, it sucks. Three words... WTF drift racing?! I mean, seriously. C'mon. What the hell has that got to do with ANYTHING?!
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08-18-2005, 05:00 PM
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G4 is a festering pile of crap.

I also hate how its become a hightech MTV!
And that's pretty much why. Tech TV was AWESOME. G4 is just shite. The only thing they're good for is the constant mocking they receive from online comics such as VG Cats.

G4 did take over Tech TV, right? Or did my stupid digital cable provider just decide to chisel away another little piece of my joy?
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08-18-2005, 05:23 PM
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G4 and TechTV merged, although most people seem to portray it as some sort of dramatic hostile take over, with G4 mortar strikes and tanks and surface-to-air missles and such.
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08-18-2005, 06:10 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Do any of you remember that show Eye Drops? T@Ht $h0w K!9k3d @$s! I loved watching the creative 3D works. Some of them were really good. Now, it's down the drain . Damn G4...

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08-18-2005, 07:07 PM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
Dark Oddworld
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Sucks to be me I never saw Tech Tv.
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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09-05-2005, 07:17 PM
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Do any of you remember that show Eye Drops? T@Ht $h0w K!9k3d @$s! I loved watching the creative 3D works. Some of them were really good. Now, it's down the drain . Damn G4...
Yeah.......I remember that show! You're right, the 3D works were very creative and well-designed on that show. G4 just totally sucks, in my opinion. The only show I watch on there is "Icons" because it's the only one that is interesting and not completely ridiculous like the other shows on G4. Oh, how I miss tech tv. That channel really was the best.
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09-06-2005, 05:02 PM
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I think G4 is a profit statement, I only watch Xplay, and that show has turned ointo a joke, and not the funny kind.

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09-08-2005, 06:57 PM
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It is a profit statement, really. I just can't stand how they try too hard to be another MTV-esque channel. I used to watch X-Play, but I stopped watching it because I thought it was becoming ridiculous.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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