I think Ambi has already been there. Did you not notice the IRREVOCABLY STRONG BOND between Searex and herself?
There is no real "set" defenition for virginity, I don't think. It pretty much is just classified as vaginal penetration, be it tongue, penis, or otherwise.
I would love to add to this debate, so I'm going to disagree with Kimon, and then give Leto some penis penetration to demonstrate the invalidity of Kimon's point, and my agreeing with his point (we can discuss this lengthy shit later, I dunno about you but all yap and no slap makes jack a dull lay am I wrong?).
*gets jiggy with it*
Right, now as you can see ladies and germans, we are both feeling -much- less virgin... in fact the only "virgin" I felt during all of that was the olive oil... but we won't go into that, as I think it has something to do with Super Munch not getting much action lately. o_0
But hey ho, such is life. Anyway, strolling back to the topic, picking it up, dusting it off, and trying not to touch any of the stains, I believe that virginity is definately a matter of what goes in, rather than how much of what amounts to "fooling around" goes on. A tongue, a wang, who cares? It goes in there and it's a form of sex, and it takes sex to break virginity, so yeah, that's my opinion on it, if you've had sex of some kind then you're not a virgin.
I'm high, so please disregard anything if it doesn't make sense.