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07-27-2005, 10:47 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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Hot Coffee

Anybody here of this? Evidently, lawmakers like Hillary Clinton and Joementum are starting up their usual antivideo game bullshit because of a 3rd party mod called "Hot Coffee." Hot Coffee lets you play a mini game in GTA San Andreas where you dry hump a nippleless woman. Let me just say that developers should not be punished for patches and mods that enable lewdness. Nude Raider, anyone? Secondly, the damn game can only be bought by 17 year olds, they made it AO and now you have to be 18 to buy it. Big ****ing difference. Thirdly, we have a man up for the supreme court, bombings in London, Rovegate, and a ****ing WAR going on, couldn't politicians and reporters do their damn jobs for a change? Lastly, allow me to quote "Yoda"

"I thought people would be offended by the violence, blood, decapitations, promotion of gang violence, drug use and vandalism, not to mention the volley of ethnic slurs. Apparently, the only thing offensive to these people are penises and vaginas.

I often wonder what they do in the shower when they look down? Do they just start screaming? Do they pass out? How does one offend themself? Are these people constantly ashamed of the sex they are having?

R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-27-2005, 11:20 AM
Esus's Avatar
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The content was in the game. The content was unlocked by the modder, not added.
Nethertheless, I'm against any action taken against it, and once again believe that the US should adopt ratings we use over here.

GTA: SA was rated 18, and it doesn't change.
But then, our shops aren't scared of selling 18-rated products.

Surprisingly, Maddox has decided to comment on it. Unfortunately, it adds nothing to the plethora of similar articles around the net.

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07-27-2005, 11:24 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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I never said that the mod added it. Man, its crazy over here. GameStop and EBGames can't talk about it, won't sell, took down all the promotions, refuse to take them back or let you trade them in. Basically no mainstream shop sells this game anymore where I live.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-27-2005, 12:19 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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Ugh, f*cking Americans and their f*cking prudishness. Can't they just grow up?

Though i'm in support of Clintons research into what sort of effects games have on children, as it was recently shown (on one kid anytoast, from 'Child of our time') that videogames helped kids develop socially, educationally and intellectually.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-27-2005, 01:17 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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This should be moved to Non-Oddworld Gaming.

Reality check for concerned parents: The people that would actually go through the trouble to unlock this code, already have loads of porn under their bed...

However, because of all the attention it's gotten, curiosty will affect even the non-sex addicted teens.
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07-27-2005, 02:22 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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GTA sucks anyway.

And yeah right. "Hackers" just happened to "discover" this little piece of locked-away trash at the same time that GTA was set to release on the Xbox. Nah, that's not a publicity stunt at all. Garbage. Rubbish. Filth. I'm tired of hearing about it.

I hope it gets taken off the shelves.
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07-27-2005, 02:35 PM
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Statikk, you peice of shit, you got that from X-play. And what THEY say is pure propaganda half the time. Anyway, I feel Hillary Clinton has a right to be alarmed. I mean, do you really want nine year olds seeing that? But then again, it's the parents' fault in my opinion, games have ratings for a reason, and the parents should heed the warning before buying it.

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07-27-2005, 03:39 PM
Esus's Avatar
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Statikk, you peice of shit, you got that from X-play. And what THEY say is pure propaganda half the time
There's no need to proclaim someone is a piece of shit for recounting what was told of TV Program. Most people did it.
Furthermore, nearly everything ever in a forum is propaganda. Look up it's definition; there's nothing evil about it.

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07-27-2005, 06:18 PM
Dino's Avatar
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Censorship is like conformity, it's the jailer of freedom, only worse because it creates a wool-clad society who are ignorant to the reality of the world.

To be honest I think it's a form of cruelty to force people to lead sheltered lives, especially young people, because it means that they're unprepared to face the real world. Thankfully though, the majority seem to agree with me here, so I think it's safe to say that Hillary and her cohorts can keep their pieholes flapping for as long as they want, all they'll do is make themselves really unpopular, because nobody agrees with them.

Freedom of speech and expression will prevail, and people will do as they please. While Hillary Clinton has every right to bitch and moan about it, she has no right to make anything happen, or to cruelly coerce citizens of the US into bringing up their children the censorship way.
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07-27-2005, 11:03 PM
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Still, who cares? So, they forgot to delete some geeky pornoshnizzle, let's all move on. WHo is the target market except pervy 13 year old boys with thick glasses and pants up to 'ere? It sixxens me.

So they don't have a problem with movies with sex scenes in them, but they have a problem with unrealistcally graphiced game sex? Fucking idiots.

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07-28-2005, 07:21 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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]To be honest I think it's a form of cruelty to force people to lead sheltered lives, especially young people, because it means that they're unprepared to face the real world.
Heh... Yes, because the kiddies don't get to see a pointless sex scene in a video game, they are now doomed and unprepared for the "real world."

With that in mind, perhaps we should remove fantasy games off the market? I mean, they don't prepare us for anything in the adult world. A child could be heartbreakingly disillusioned when she learns relationships don't exactly happen like fairy tales.

Games are for entertainment, not preparation for life, excluding indirect learning stuff, like developing social skills.

Freedom of speech and expression will prevail, and people will do as they please.
I wouldn't call it freedom of speech really... since no message is trying to be said by the unlocked scene. It's the freedom to show pixels of humpage and boobage to attract kids as described by Super Munch. But as you said, people will do as they please. *shrug*

Anyway, I agree, publicity stunt to the maxorz.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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07-28-2005, 08:31 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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Yeah, Used I stole it from X-play. I'm particularly proud though of the quote lifted from Fark and the mentioning of pertinent political happenings that X-PLAY DIDN'T TALK ABOUT AT ALL. I've already started a somewhat related topic about censorship and videogames where I said what I said here. MY OPINION, not X-Plays. You owe me an apology.
Secondly, 9 year olds shouldn't be within sixty feet of this game, much less surfing the internet unsupervised to download a bit of code allowing a sex mini-game in a Mature game. It must be the videogame industry and Rockstar's fault for clearly labeling the game Mature and Adult Only. If only videogames had some sort of mandatory supervisory board where videogames are rated clearly for content and appropriateness for age groups so ignorant parents don't inadvertently expose their kids to adult materials. Kind of like the one that has been in place since the days of my beloved Sega Genesis.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-28-2005, 07:27 PM
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Heh... Yes, because the kiddies don't get to see a pointless sex scene in a video game, they are now doomed and unprepared for the "real world."

With that in mind, perhaps we should remove fantasy games off the market? I mean, they don't prepare us for anything in the adult world. A child could be heartbreakingly disillusioned when she learns relationships don't exactly happen like fairy tales.

Games are for entertainment, not preparation for life, excluding indirect learning stuff, like developing social skills.

I wouldn't call it freedom of speech really... since no message is trying to be said by the unlocked scene. It's the freedom to show pixels of humpage and boobage to attract kids as described by Super Munch. But as you said, people will do as they please. *shrug*

Anyway, I agree, publicity stunt to the maxorz.
You've twisted what I said and put words in my mouth. You fail.

I'm not saying that it's some kind of vital message that kids can't do without, I'm saying that it's a crime to wrap kids up in cotton wool just so that they can be anal about something as tasteless but generally absolutely harmless/insiginficant as a random dry-hump scene, and even launch a stupid campaign against it.

Why get your pants in a knot over something that's entirely fictional, harmless, insignificant, and can easily be taken with a pinch of salt? Why breed into our kids a trait like that? It's stupid. But largely I'm talking about censorship in general, not just in games. Words like fuck and shit... while we should all be aware that they're offensive and hurtful words, I don't think we should be sheltered from them as though they emanate harmful radiation. The more you shelter someone from something and give them the impression that it's bad, the more shocking it will be for them when they come across it. But the real world is far worse than just a few curse words.

The real world is war, blood, guts, crime, illness, death, killing, hate, propaganda, and ignorance... that's why we have people in organisations like PETA who have a problem with the production of meat. They don't understand the reality of the world because they've been sheltered from it. When they're exposed to it they're immediately horrified. What good is this doing? Creating people who are horrified by something as natural as eating meat? Creating people who are shocked and disgusted by curse words? Creating people who go on public tirades when they see some stupidity in a computer game?
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07-28-2005, 09:14 PM
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GTA sucks anyway.

And yeah right. "Hackers" just happened to "discover" this little piece of locked-away trash at the same time that GTA was set to release on the Xbox. Nah, that's not a publicity stunt at all. Garbage. Rubbish. Filth. I'm tired of hearing about it.

I hope it gets taken off the shelves.
Yeah, because you don't enjoy it, no one else should.

Wonderful way of thinking.

Apparantly it has been taken off the shelves here for now as well, Good thing I got mine about a week after it came out on Xbox.

Answer me this people who know about the mod, is it just for PC? Because I've heard it's a mod, and I don't see how you could get it on a console...
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07-29-2005, 03:47 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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'that's why we have people in organisations like PETA who have a problem with the production of meat. They don't understand the reality of the world because they've been sheltered from it.'

I assume the same goes for all Veggies then? And, out of intrigue, how do you know the people who participate in PETA?

Like i said before, GTA is poop. Coupled with Rockstars need to shock and their constant pushing the barrier for no particular reason it gets tedious. I, personally, could live with a game that doesn't try and push the barriers everytime it makes a new game, in fact, most of the games i have don't even have any gore in or anything as extreme as what Rockstars games do.

The only reason they're famous and successful is down to the amount of ridiculousness they put in their horrid little games.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-29-2005, 05:16 AM
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Answer me this people who know about the mod, is it just for PC? Because I've heard it's a mod, and I don't see how you could get it on a console...
A chipped console and a nice internet connection might bring up some answers i guess...
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07-29-2005, 07:42 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Yeah, because you don't enjoy it, no one else should.

Wonderful way of thinking.
Allow me to answer that with another quote...
Like i said before, GTA is poop. Coupled with Rockstars need to shock and their constant pushing the barrier for no particular reason it gets tedious. I, personally, could live with a game that doesn't try and push the barriers everytime it makes a new game...

In other words, maybe I was a bit harsh, and if you like GTA, then no offense was intended, but I'm simply tired of hearing about that damn game. I find it to be an extremely repetitive, ugly, and overall boring experience. Plus, like Jacob said, the shock value. Dear god, give me a break.

So if you enjoy it, that's cool because your opinion is just as valid as mine, but I wouldn't give it a second thought if they yanked that incredibly overrated pile off the shelves.
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07-29-2005, 10:06 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
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Still, isn't it strange how a franchise that has let you chainsaw civilians for 4 years doesn't get any serious heat. All the stores used to gladly sell it, because it sells so quickly. Drug dealing, cursing, racism, and over-the-top violence have been the hallmarks of this vile series, but until digital titties entered the fray tv channels blasted the commercials non-stop. Glorification of crack-dealing and gang-banging isn't that bad, but a patch allowing dry-humping shakes the very moral fabric of America's youth. Why does dry-humping offend people so much more than a blood-drenched game named after a felony?
I'll second the opinions of Dino and Jacob. The games blow. The only people who seem to like it, and I mean really like it, are 14 year old nose miners. Haven't we seen all of this like 10 years ago?
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

Last edited by Statikk HDM; 07-29-2005 at 10:09 AM..
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07-29-2005, 10:25 AM
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I'll second the opinions of Dino and Jacob. The games blow. The only people who seem to like it, and I mean really like it, are 14 year old nose miners.
Yeah, damn those little bastards. With their hats with the funny lights on, and their pick axes, and their little birds.
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07-29-2005, 10:39 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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'Yeah, damn those little bastards. With their hats with the funny lights on, and their pick axes, and their little birds.'


Apparently a Grandmother bought the game for her 8 year old (methinks) Grandson, but now that the game has...*Gasp*...TITILATING bits in, she's sueing Rockstar for $5,000,000 because it's shocked her that much.

Sadly, the likelyhood of Rockstar caving in, is quite likely. No-one seems to put up a fight these days. I'd love to be a part of Rockstar, solely so i can make the games better, but also so i can turn around to these c*ntjumpers and say -

"What's that? You bought our 18 rated game for who? John, you say? And how old is he? Eight? John's eight is he? Is that the same type of 'eight' that's ten years younger than eighten? As in...it's illegal for him to buy the game? As in...YOU'RE in the wrong for buying it for him? Yes, i thought so, now go f*ck yourself"

Seriously, Rockstar should counter-sue that little witch. If i ever have children i will never allow them to play a game that's been rated way out of their age range (i.e - If they're 13 and they want a 15, i'd allow that, since i'd expect them to be mature enough, same with if they're 16 wanting an 18 etc). But no way would i buy my little Lucius-Jacob a game that's 18 when they're 8. It's disgusting. Oh, and i'd also not allow them to eat at McD's until they're old enough to be a member of a gym.

Society today is vile.

EDIT - He's 14, not 8...close enough, i s'pose.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-29-2005 at 12:41 PM..
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07-29-2005, 07:42 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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You've twisted what I said and put words in my mouth. You fail.

I'm not saying that it's some kind of vital message that kids can't do without, I'm saying that it's a crime to wrap kids up in cotton wool just so that they can be anal about something as tasteless but generally absolutely harmless/insiginficant as a random dry-hump scene, and even launch a stupid campaign against it.

Why get your pants in a knot over something that's entirely fictional, harmless, insignificant, and can easily be taken with a pinch of salt? Why breed into our kids a trait like that? It's stupid. But largely I'm talking about censorship in general, not just in games. Words like fuck and shit... while we should all be aware that they're offensive and hurtful words, I don't think we should be sheltered from them as though they emanate harmful radiation. The more you shelter someone from something and give them the impression that it's bad, the more shocking it will be for them when they come across it. But the real world is far worse than just a few curse words.

The real world is war, blood, guts, crime, illness, death, killing, hate, propaganda, and ignorance... that's why we have people in organisations like PETA who have a problem with the production of meat. They don't understand the reality of the world because they've been sheltered from it. When they're exposed to it they're immediately horrified. What good is this doing? Creating people who are horrified by something as natural as eating meat? Creating people who are shocked and disgusted by curse words? Creating people who go on public tirades when they see some stupidity in a computer game?
Me head hurty. Long day... but I shall reply to the general point of your post. Yes, the real world does have some terrible traits, but you have to remember, it is filled with people that want to be sheltered too (not saying I'm one), and as much as they need to accept some harsh realities, perhaps others need to accept the reality of these people's existence. The "tough shit" attitude towards them can be applied to you too.

There's always going to be war, crime, naughty scenes, etc., and in turn, there's always going to be people who dislike some of those, acting upon their beliefs. Then, of course, others are going to be annoyed by these people wanting wishing to be sheltered and whatnot. Everyone has to learn to deal with these people and not make such a big deal about their making a big deal about something like the subject of this thread. Horrible cycle, isn't it? But that's how the world works these days.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

Last edited by AquaticAmbi; 07-29-2005 at 07:45 PM..
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07-29-2005, 11:34 PM
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People want to be sheltered?


You just made that up. Since when did you know anyone who WANTS to be sheltered from the real world?

Yes it should be considered a bad thing to do bad things... but why should we be shocked by what goes on in the world anyway? That's what old people are like for heaven's sake, suing games companies for disproportionate amounts of money because of a game they bought for their grandchildren and such. Do you want the next generation to be as stupid as that?
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07-30-2005, 02:51 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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We should have laws against that kind of stupidity, that old woman should be bitched slapped with a Fish, Mini-adventure style.

I can see Amber's point, and to a certain extent i agree. Actually, no, i do agree with it, totally. Not everyone can be the same. Get over it. Your view, Dino, of bitching about the meeker individuals in the world could be likened to the far Rights view of bitching about the Liberals in the world. People bitch about them doing that, and so now i'm bitching at you doing this.

People have differing views and opinions, they may not all be your taste, get over it. Until i come into power, everybody is going to have to learn to just deal with crap like this.

Yes, i think starting protests over videogames and trying to ban certain types of films is idiotic, but hopefully it will never develop to the extent it has in America over here. The American's (i'm generalising and being racist here, but get over it) lack common sense, and in the place where that should be, they store a Bible and a Crucifix. They are vile, horrid people who i'm quite happy with having their own country as far away from us as possible.

The best thing is, God agrees with me, hence why they have so many natural disasters (Hurricanes, Earthquakes etc) and we have so few. Though, sadly, God's starting to dislike us just as much. Hopefully i can rectify that.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-30-2005, 07:04 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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Of course, some people want to be sheltered. Why would they make such a fuss over this game if they didn't (other than the possibility of just wanting moneys)? They dislike those aspects of reality/society/whatever, thus some pretend it's just not there, attempt to make their kids believe such things should be avoid it, and some go as far as to attack a game with material they dislike. The people in this particular topic would be the last, but I find their thinking to be a bit strange... No problems with the violence but go crazy over the sexual material.

Well, whatever. My point is such people exist. You have to take their existence with, you know, a pinch of salt.

You continue complaining about the wool-clad, and these people will continue complaining about the scantly clad. Whee!
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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07-30-2005, 07:24 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
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5 million for dry humping? This is what I mean, the western world has gone insane. Why didn't the grandma ask herself "Geee, should I purchase a 50 dollar video game, clearly labeled for those over 17 named after a FELONY for a minor?" I wonder if she was as offended by the missions where you peddle illegal drugs and commit gore-soaked capital offenses as she was by blurry digital nipple.
Nice last line, Ambi. I'll be clapping when I'm done typing.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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07-30-2005, 09:59 AM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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The only reason they're famous and successful is down to the amount of ridiculousness they put in their horrid little games.
Actually, it's because they are the most open-ended games ever made.
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07-30-2005, 08:30 PM
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Well, whatever. My point is such people exist. You have to take their existence with, you know, a pinch of salt.
What, so you're suggesting I lose sleep over it?

Really I couldn't give a crap if these people want the whole world to be G-Rated, I'm just stating my opinions.
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07-30-2005, 08:31 PM
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Actually, it's because they are the most open-ended games ever made.
No they aren't.

MMORPGs like eve online are more open ended than freaking GTA.
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07-30-2005, 08:43 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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AquaticAmbi  (10)

What, so you're suggesting I lose sleep over it?
Mmnope, I don't see where I stated that.

Really I couldn't give a crap if these people want the whole world to be G-Rated, I'm just stating my opinions.
Isn't that the point of this thread (and basically all threads)--to state one's opinions? That's what we're all doing here. But I understand what you mean, I think; I've been presenting my arguments in the "I don't give a crap, but here's what I think..." style too.

Anyway, as far as the story about the granny sueing the company, I'd say the company should counter-sue too. Ratings are there for a reason, and they're clearly marked. She was ignorant and irresponsible; the company is not at fault.

EDIT: By the way, Maddox calls it an actual sex scene and mentions nipples, unless I imagined it, so is it dry-humping or sex? Just trying to clarify... it's not exactly something I'm dying to know.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

Last edited by AquaticAmbi; 07-30-2005 at 08:47 PM..
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07-30-2005, 09:10 PM
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Statikk HDM
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Rep Power: 25
Statikk HDM  (40)

You see jubblies, but no cooter or penetration. Pretty soft core. AS I've said before, if you're giving minors unblocked access to the Internet "Hot Coffee" and even in the running when it comes to obscene, illegal, or dangerous. Shit, it ain't even in the top 50.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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