This is going to be my next site, I can start to work a lot on it from now (I've passed my exams with 81%!). I'm not totally sure about the name yet.
It will contain most of the things you expect to find in the archives and perhaps even more. There are tons of things I want to include in it and all propositions are welcome.
In fact I've decided to let those who want help do some sections.
But I'm not quite sure how it will work out.
Anyway, my main problem is that I'm not that good for making desings (look at TOGG, I made it simple because I couldn't do much better), and I don't want another TOGG like desing.
So I was wondering if someone around here could make a nice, oddworld based, and archives taste desing in easy Html (so I can modify it if I have to)
Of cource he will have his name in big in the team list and my eternal gratitude