If you just don't like his style then fine, I don't have a problem with that... but you need to understand here you're actually saying that his style is bad, not that you don't like it out of sheer preference. And you can't even back that up by elaborating.
When I say 'This person is bad', it tends to mean, to me, that I'm saying: 'In my opinion, this person is bad.'
His style is bad = I don't like his style out of sheer preference.
Of course it's sheer preference. There isn't much that isn't.
Why should I even give a flying screw?
Uhh... perhaps you shouldn't. I dunno. I can still write on a public forum that Dan Brown is a bad writer.
One superior author?
J K Rowling is a superior author, and I don't think she's that great.
Other superior authors that come to mind include J R R Tolkien, Philip Pullman, Ian McEwan, George Orwell, Pat Barker, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Louise Welsh....
There are many more authors I consider better than Dan Brown. Is simply a matter of preference of style - probably, yes.
When will people learn that I'm so much less likely to actually pay any attention to their opinion when they refuse or simply don't bother to back things up/elaborate?
Oooooh, I could say the same thing. But I won't.