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07-17-2005, 07:13 PM
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Harry Pothead...Er Potter And The Half Blood Prince

I bet there are tons of HP haters around here but for the people who do like the books (heaven help you if you like the movies) I've made a topic for the new book! I was at a party for the new book which went on until midnight then you could buy the book. I'm not very far on the book yet so I can't really say anything but the party I went to was very fun.

I'm a big Harry Potter fan but not one of the people that base there lives around Harry Potter and the merchandise. I hate the movies because they suck and don't follow the book. I also hate the movies because they made Harry Potter extreamly popular and people love bashing popular things thus starting Hate Harry Potter fanbases. Even though I hate the movies my fandom makes me see the movies anyway so I will be going to see the new movie coming out no matter how bad it looks.

I think Harry Potter should be popular but not as popular as it is....
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-17-2005, 07:18 PM
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I was at a party for the new book which went on until midnight then you could buy the book.
That is the geekiest thing I've ever heard. Not you going there, there being a party at all. ECKSDEE.

I hate the movies because they suck and don't follow the book.
Actually, the movies followed quite closely to the books, except foor that poltergeist guy, Jeeves or whatever. I haven't read the books in some time, but I have read them inthe premovie hype.

It sucks anyway. Wow! School of Wizardry! Makes me think of geeks with big glasses playing Dungeons and Dragons...

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07-17-2005, 07:25 PM
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Yeah totally, Harry Potter makes me cringe like I did in that photo of me...
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07-17-2005, 07:29 PM
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Hmmmm. The only thing I didn't like about the movies was how Chris Columbus made them like a Barny movie.

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07-17-2005, 07:40 PM
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[QUOTE=Super Munch]That is the geekiest thing I've ever heard. Not you going there, there being a party at all. ECKSDEE.=QUOTE]

There were at least two partys going on in near my town! And don't worry they were not as geeky as you think except for the people who dressed up as Harry Potter and ran around with a broom. From what the people said 250 to 300 people attened the party all of them bought a book and some even bought two books or there where the really geeky people who bought three or more books. If you get past the geeks it was an ok party most people wern't even geeks to start with...
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-17-2005, 07:49 PM
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Yes, those were the days. True, the geekiest of fans are the weirdos who come to the opening night of a Harry Potter movie and are all like "Oh look at me! I'm Harry Potter!"

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07-17-2005, 09:20 PM
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Actually there were tons of small-to-moderate yet extremely important details that were in the third book that they left out of the movie. What was the point of leaving out all this stuff? To shorten the movie down to its hour-and-a-half length? Maybe they were counting on everyone going to see it A) being a little kid or B) having ADD. (don't you dare hassle me about not being PC or whatever, by golly)

And how are they going to be able to do the rest of the series? The actors are now what, fifteen? Sixteen? And they've only gotten through three movies? I laugh heartily at their poor planning. Dumb schmucks.

Not any of the above stuff matters. Harry Potter, in addition to being highly overrated and fanaticised and whatnot, sucks.

Oh, and Dark Oddworld, the closing tag should be [/quote].
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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07-17-2005, 10:56 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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Harry Potter, I saw the first three movies without reading the books I liked the movies a lot as well but still never found time to actually sit down and read the books. After spending the last month finally making time, I actually read the first five books and ended up loving them.

I just finished number six tonight and it left a pretty big impact on me especially for spoilerish reasons...
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07-17-2005, 10:58 PM
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Actually there were tons of small-to-moderate yet extremely important details that were in the third book that they left out of the movie. What was the point of leaving out all this stuff? To shorten the movie down to its hour-and-a-half length? Maybe they were counting on everyone going to see it A) being a little kid or B) having ADD. (don't you dare hassle me about not being PC or whatever, by golly)

And how are they going to be able to do the rest of the series? The actors are now what, fifteen? Sixteen? And they've only gotten through three movies? I laugh heartily at their poor planning. Dumb schmucks.

Not any of the above stuff matters. Harry Potter, in addition to being highly overrated and fanaticised and whatnot, sucks.

Oh, and Dark Oddworld, the closing tag should be
Thats why I hate the movies!

The book is very depthed and detailed while the movie leaves almost all the depth and detail out.
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-17-2005, 11:41 PM
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I despide it all. There was a time when i enjoyed it. Before several things - mass selling out with films and action figures and little retards dressed as dumblearse. And the forth book. Which i thought was poor beyond belief.

I'd spoil the new book but that would be mean of me...
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07-18-2005, 12:03 AM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
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I despide it all. There was a time when i enjoyed it. Before several things - mass selling out with films and action figures and little retards dressed as dumblearse. And the forth book. Which i thought was poor beyond belief.

I'd spoil the new book but that would be mean of me...
Why didn't you like the forth book? I thought it was ok....

My favorite book is book five. I thought it was more intresting because a lot more things happened in this one. To bad the movie is going to ruin it...

My most disliked book is the secont book. I did like it but it just didn't seem as though much happend in this booklike the others.
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-18-2005, 05:08 AM
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I didn't like the fifth book very much. It seemed so tacky with the whole good against evil concept. The same concept was in all the books, but here, it was just annoying. The ending was also bad, it revealed a lot of the questions, but it just kept rambling on about little things we didn't care about.

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07-18-2005, 08:33 AM
Majic's Avatar
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Heaven forbid, I actually like the books. The movies are questionable at best. While the storyline may be a stretch for some of you folks out there, Rowling does a good job with it. Consider it a guilty pleasure.

Then there's always the fact it enrages Christian fundamentalists. How can you not love that?
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07-18-2005, 08:39 AM
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Rap music enrages Christian fundamentalists, yet I seem to avoid it like the plague...
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07-18-2005, 10:16 AM
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No wonder Rowling got so damn rich. Like half of her profits were earned because of those Christian extremists who kept buying and burning the books.

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07-18-2005, 10:23 AM
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now, what's weird is this girl was on the news when starwars III came out and they were talking about the camping outside the theatre, and she said that she could see them doing that for Harry Potter but not Star Wars

What a freak

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07-18-2005, 10:26 AM
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I like things like HP & SW, but the fanatics really freak me out sometimes.

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07-18-2005, 10:57 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Then there's always the fact it enrages Christian fundamentalists. How can you not love that?
I feel compelled to mention that in the video department of the store I work in, we absolutely can NOT play any Harry Potter movies... ever... for that exact reason.

Not that I ever complained of course. XD
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07-18-2005, 01:31 PM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
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No wonder Rowling got so damn rich. Like half of her profits were earned because of those Christian extremists who kept buying and burning the books.

*Growls* Christian's really piss me off sometimes! Why can't they act normal for once and stay out of other things that they don't need to get involed in!

OMG I'm going to hell just because I read a innocent fantasy book!!! *Runs off to go burn Harry Potter books*
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-18-2005, 01:36 PM
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Assuming you want spoilers, I really liked the book.
The end was the best of any book, if only because of the sheer shock of Dumbledore dying. It was much more stark than Sirius' death, as Sirius was in a fight and you expect some people to die.
With Dumbledore, it was already established that no one but Draco was to kill him, and that Draco couldn't do it. And then Snape walked out, you expected him to help Dumbledore, and not suddenly Avada Kedavra him. Especially as Dumbledore was disarmed and already weak from the green potion.


Last edited by Hobo; 07-19-2005 at 02:00 AM.. : OH NOES
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07-18-2005, 01:42 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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I went to the grocery store for the release of the book. I was not there to buy it, but to watch as crowds of people swarmed in to purchase it at 12:01 A.M. (I snuck out of the hpouse and walked a mile to the store at 11:00).

I should have been at the bookstore, though; a couple people got trampled to death there.

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07-18-2005, 01:44 PM
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07-18-2005, 01:54 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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...I am going to be filthy rich when I invent a caps lock that has spring-loaded nails in it...

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07-18-2005, 01:56 PM
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Well. Some people actually want to read the book unspoilt. Myself included. I enjoy the books and films (to an extent) but I'm not a crazy uberfan.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-18-2005, 01:59 PM
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I wasn't being sarcastic, I just capsed it and had no grammar.

Last edited by Esus; 07-18-2005 at 02:06 PM..
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07-18-2005, 02:07 PM
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...I am going to be filthy rich when I invent a caps lock that has spring-loaded nails in it...

I'm only on chapter fiveof HBP right now. Mostly because I never have time to read without getting bothered by someone.

Why I'm I posting here and not reading?
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-18-2005, 05:47 PM
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...I am going to be filthy rich when I invent a caps lock that has spring-loaded nails in it...
and I shall be even richer when I find a way to stab people over the internet

hilarity (spoilers, I guess)

Last edited by CheeseOfGlory; 07-18-2005 at 06:49 PM..
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07-18-2005, 06:11 PM
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I read the first two books when I was younger; they were great for a child's imagination. The third movie was enjoyable, though the two before it didn't interest me much. Those people who believe it's evil should be killed by a firing squad. It amazes me that there are parents who actually prevent their children from becoming interested in reading. If your ten-year-old actually wants to read an 800+ page book, let them.
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07-18-2005, 06:16 PM
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Those kinds of Christians believe that fighting is wrong and all of that, but they're gonna start a ****ing holy war for Bhudda's sake!

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07-18-2005, 07:58 PM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
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I wonder what would happen if J.K. Rowling died for some strange reason before she finishes the 7th book. I doubt that would happen but still what if it did....
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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