Actually there were tons of small-to-moderate yet extremely important details that were in the third book that they left out of the movie. What was the point of leaving out all this stuff? To shorten the movie down to its hour-and-a-half length? Maybe they were counting on everyone going to see it A) being a little kid or B) having ADD. (don't you dare hassle me about not being PC or whatever, by golly)
And how are they going to be able to do the rest of the series? The actors are now what, fifteen? Sixteen? And they've only gotten through three movies? I laugh heartily at their poor planning.

Dumb schmucks.
Not any of the above stuff matters. Harry Potter, in addition to being highly overrated and fanaticised and whatnot, sucks.
Oh, and Dark Oddworld, the closing tag should be [/quote].